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Everything posted by smut

  1. i sent you a f/r i want to send you a Thanksgiving Sign i just acc. you
  2. Tromo3 for the girl pilgrims and girl wampanoag clothes and the cute pink wooden chest chay for the starry night lamp sugarpops for the toffee apple
  3. I can send you a Cute Pink Chest, friend request sent. and accept :wub: I'll send the Wampanang Girl set and girl pilgrim set ohhhh what i relay realy happy now thank you so much i will try to get in to smut but every time i try the mayor came on my computer but i still try and try to came in site and hope i will be in as soon
  4. I can send you a Cute Pink Chest, friend request sent. and accept :wub:
  5. add me with a note stating Amelia White Chair wish please realy i just sent a F/r to you :wub:
  6. i can grant u the toffee apple =) f/r sent! wow i just accept you f/r hun :dancing:
  7. check smut's door!! ohhhh i will do this at the first to morrow because i need to go out now and first get home as late so im back again tommorrow and i will look in site here at the first and also insite smut and already thanks hun im realy happy already now and cant wait to to morrow
  8. yes but when i use the front some one i thing it was mayor there writh it in a post longer down the thread there says the front name is casual but i dont thing casual is the same like the front there was on the old banner and i dont thing it is the front on the banner there was show now. so im realy confuse the front i have on my try is namet casual so i hope it is the right
  9. thanks fore the intims joe99 add rep fore the kindly things
  10. Add me with a message for the Country Stoneware Pot and Plate and 2 x Whole Pumpkin Pie! thanks hun i just add you
  11. ofcourse i do that when some in site the forum here is frindly with me :cold:
  12. lion plushie sent so much hun add rep fore you :friends:
  13. im littel confuse mr. mayor writh the winner first will be annuncecet at 6 pm tonight but other member writh congrats im realy realy confuse abouth this
  14. weeee i will post my wishes now and look back later because i need to go out now Large Penguin Plushie Small Penguin Plushie dawnbrans Penguin T-shirt Penguin Balloon Penguin Poster romantic view window traditionel brick fireplace fishing: gloves, hat and vest pro atlectic clothes snowman ice throne santa throne Pumpkin Pie Lea75 Toffee Apple sugarpops greeting card runner up 1,2, 3 and winner holly mistletoe any x-mas wallpaper and floor any christmas tre decor red and Blue Bauble starry night lamp chay classic white fireplace princess mansion stair case Eternal_Irony chestnut plushie 2 x Amelia White Chair and 1 x bench and 1 x writing disk MaMaShiShi fore the bench Cute Pink Wooden Chest Tromo3 Cute Maid clothes Tromo3 2 x Mont Blanc Cake tweet40 2 x Roast Turkey Pet Parade Balloon Fall Candle Set Thanksgiving Sign marianna_petsociety Country Stoneware Pot and Plate joe99 Cornucopia Decor Ducky Parade Balloon 2 x Whole Pumpkin Pie joe99 Thanksgiving Card tweet40 Wampanoag girl clothes and wig Tromo3 girl pilgrims clothes Tromo3 any off the beauty decor intims Luminous Miniature Lighthouse Underwater Palace Wallpaper nettybowman this week mystery intims lion plushie berna_gal any seed both treee, flower and vegetable hope some one can grant this wishes
  15. hi hun im okay still a littel sick but im bette now than before this week and to you form denmark :gift2:
  16. happy birthday steve :gift2:
  17. ohhh yes i think you maby right lea it will be a great thing to find som new intims there again
  18. okay here is some try from me https://2img.net/h/oi50.tinypic.com/72dama.jpg https://2img.net/h/oi48.tinypic.com/14wnkj.jpg https://2img.net/h/oi45.tinypic.com/2hpofb5.jpg https://2img.net/h/oi50.tinypic.com/2hpinio.jpg https://2img.net/h/oi45.tinypic.com/2rpr2c9.jpg
  19. wow it is realy realy cute
  20. smut


    you don't only have to do it a page at a time ...you can do as many pages within a thread as you want to but every time i try this and the link is red i only got the last one i clikct on to answare
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