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Everything posted by smut

  1. smut

    New posts bug

    ohhh me to i just think in the first it maby was because there was going some time since and so the post not longer was new i also try this on the paly fish forum so i al time look on the box where there stay when the last post was postet
  2. smut


    i realy hope i will get i bette before so i can join you all
  3. my dream must be free cc but also more ways to earn coins and lower prizez and a santa doll :d but also umbrella
  4. Please Mr Balls Up can I have ball number 22?
  5. here is my thanksgiving room hope you like it
  6. he/she got it with some Wooden Slat Blind, door, Green Window Canopy and mirrow to the windows
  7. oh i dont think so when i log in to fb last night one off my friend have publiset it and when i lock in to my ps today hidini was i my first room
  8. yes i have got it it is so cute the new doll i love it
  9. what few days i thing there is more than a week to the 27 november. that is a long time
  10. here is my autum room with the light on and the light swith off
  11. i got mine at 1am in the winther and 2 am in the summer
  12. smut

    Stickers :(

    it schould work again
  13. congrats ohhh i thing i was werry close to the winner my nr. was 4 lol
  14. smut

    More Maintenance

    i thing maby also there is a problem with the mb intims form halloween because today i just got one off them in a gmb and i thing the initms was removed last week but it seen out the intims still are in tne gmb then i got one today
  15. just say when there are some thing there must be change on my pet
  16. what it is the last chance to post a picture in here?
  17. hoe is the lucky winner last week? i cant see it
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