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Posts posted by silverwren

  1. Designer: Whalebite
    Original Creator:
    Requires: MM
    Public Domain: Yes
    Language: English
    Bugs: No breeding
    Description: A variety of tropical fish from across the Indian and Pacific Ocean
    Yellow Tang
    Hawaiian sergeant major
    wedge-tail triggerfish
    Pyramid butterflyfish
    Bird Wrasse
    Teardrop Butterflyfish
    Banggai cardinalfish
    Naso Tang
    Midas Blenny
    Guinea fowl puffer
    Convict tang
    Scissortail sergeant

    zzz-Indo-Pacific Reef Fish.z2f

  2. Designer:  Whalebite
    Original Creator:
    Requires:  MM, AD Biomes
    Public Domain:  Yes
    Language:  English
    Bugs: Fish don't breed
    Description:  Lake Victoria's cichlid fauna was decimated by introduced Nile Perch, although some went extinct, and others be came very endangered, a few have begun to make a comeback.
    Zebra Obliquidens
    Pundamillia nyererei
    Matumbi Hunter

    zzz-Lake Victoria Cichlids.z2f

  3. Designer:  Whalebite
    Original Creator:
    Requires:  MM, AD Biomes
    Public Domain:  Yes
    Language:  English
    Bugs: Fish don't breed
    Description:  The deserts of North America seem unlikely places for fish, but in a few isolated springs, tiny fish have lived isolated for thousands of years, their tiny ranges make them susceptible to extinction and their future is uncertain.
    Tequila Splitfin
    Devil's hole Pupfish
    Screenshot: spacer.png

    zzz-Very Rare Desert fish.z2f

  4. Designer:  Whalebite and Tamara Henson
    Original Creator: Zerosvalmont for model. Skin by Tamara
    Requires:  Aves, AD Biomes, AA
    Public Domain: Yes
    Language:  English
    Bugs: No name in Menu, but named ingame  (SLGray fixed the no name issue.)
    Description:  A small Owl from Tasmania and New Zealand


    zzzz-whalbit-Ninox novaeseelandiae.z2f

  5. Designer: Whalebite
    Original Creator:
    Requires: MM, Wild New World Goliath Bird Eater
    Public Domain: Yes
    Language: English
    Bugs: None

    @whalebite wrote:
    So yes, after seeing Moana I just had to have one, and since they are a hard to find, and rather terrible pet, I turned to ZT2. Since none currently were in game. I made one

    Screenshot: spacer.png

    zzzz-II-Birgus latro.z2f

  6. Designer: Whalebite
    Original Creator:
    Requires: MM
    Public Domain: Yes
    Language: English
    Bugs: No Breeding
    Description: A pack with some fish found in the Caribbean and Atlantic
    French Angelfish
    Blue Angelfish
    Cuban hogfish
    Yellowtail snapper
    Queen triggerfish
    Screenshot: spacer.png

    zzz-Caribbean Reef Fish.z2f

  7. Designer: Whalebite
    Original Creator:
    Requires: MM, EA, WWD New Blood
    Public Domain: Yes
    Language: English
    Bugs: None
    Description: Description: Anomalocaridids where an early group marine inverts. They were among the first very large animals, with some being apex predators, while others large docile filter feeders.
    Aegirocassis benmoulai

    Anomalocaris canadensis



  8. Designer:  Whalebite
    Original Creator: Hendrix and Zerosvalmont for Model and Skin
    Requires:  Crocodylia, WWD New Blood, AD Biomes
    Public Domain:  Yes
    Language:  English
    Bugs: None
    Description:  Before crocodiles became amphibious their niche was inhabited by Phytosaurs. These reptile ruled the rivers of the Triassic
    Machaeroprosopus mccauleyi (listed under the junior Synonyms Pseudopalatus ingame)


    Mystriosuchus planirostris



  9. Designer:  Whalebite
    Original Creator: Hendrix for Dwarf Naupaka, Koa and Birds, Bohemian Rhapsody for Ohia, Tamara Henson and Samuel for Textures, Artiflex for rocks and map
    Requires:  AA, European Expeditions, AD Biomes, Duck Pack
    Public Domain:  Yes
    Language:  English
    Bugs: Too many Silverswords can crash a game
    Description:  Remakes of some of the II Hawaiian stuff, along with a few new birds, and a couple new plants
    Volcanic Rocks
    Hawaiian Crow
    Dwarf Naupaka
    Maui Parrotbill
    Hawaiian Silversword
    Bonus: Feral Kauai Chicken
    Screenshot: spacer.pngspacer.pngspacer.pngspacer.png
    Download Links:

    I'iwi and Volcanic Rocks -

    zzzz - _I_iwi (Drepanis coccinea).z2f

    Dry Forest -

    zzzz- Hawaiian Dry Forest Mini Pack.z2f

    Rainforest -

    zzzz- Hawaiian Tropical Rainforest Mini Pack.z2f

    Montane Forest -

    zzzz- Hawaiian Montane Mini Pack.z2f

    Feral Chicken -

    zzz-Feral Kauai Chicken.z2f

  10. Designer:  Ulquiorra
    Original Creator: HENDRIX
    Requires:  ES, AA, MM, EA, Artiodactyla
    Public Domain:  Yes
    Language:  English
    Bugs: None
    Description:  An Angus cattle for your zoos, it has adult, juvenile and young stages.
    Screenshot: aberde10.jpg


  11. Designer:  Silverwren

    Original Creator: ZTABC for the AVES pack and HENDRIX for the base mesh as well as help with coding.

    Requires:  AA, possibly AVES. For the full range of items for animal use I suggest having all official expansions, Wildes China, Wild Bird Seeds Food (Ulquiorra), Parrot Nest (Tamara Henson)

    Public Domain:  Yes for the macaw, no for the conservation icon. I do require you to ask for permission if you wish to use my conservation icon.

    Language:  English

    Bugs: Sometimes when young grow into adults the animal becomes super-sized but usually it shrinks down to normal size within a few seconds. Every now and then an animal may need to be picked up and moved because it can get caught walking in a loop around objects or is unable to correct course and keeps trying to walk straight into an object. While not a bug exactly, guests will say the parrot looks odd when it uses the Orchid tree. If you find any other bugs, please contact me!

    Description:  A new bird for your zoo! This parrot is a mascot for the forum in-game. As the macaw is extremely curious and friendly, it does not attack guests and guests do not run from it. You may even see a macaw choosing to go interact with a guest! It comes with a new conservation status and icon which can also be found in my pastel bunny download. This will allow you to easily find the macaw by choosing the Fictional status in the menu.
    Note: All of the Z's are required in the name in order for the conservation icon to show up.

    Screenshot: user-m10.jpg

    Hashtags: #Macaw #bird #mascot #Silverwren #parrot #fictional

    zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzUser-Made Creations Macaw 2017.z2f

    • Like 2

  12. Designer: Ulquiorra
    Original Creator: Whalebite, HENDRIX & Zerosvalmont
    Requires: ES, AA, AD Biomes, WNW (Goliath Birdeater), AVES (optional)
    Public Domain: Yes
    Language: English
    Bugs: May walk in straight lines and need moving manually, but this is infrequent.
    Description: A pack containing three giant cockroach species and a tiny log shelter. If you have aves, the burrowing cockroach can use the Kiwi burrow.
    Screenshot: spacer.png


  13. Designer: Ulquiorra
    Original Creator: Zerosvalmont and AD
    Requires: ES, AA, Ulquiorra's marmoset pack (feeder log)
    Public Domain: Yes
    Language: English
    Bugs: None
    Description: a small pack containing two Tamarins and another marmoset.
    Screenshot: spacer.png


  14. Designer:  Ulquiorra
    Original Creator: AD, HENDRIX (African spurred tortoise remake)
    Requires:  ES, AA, MM, EA, RR Biomes and possibly REPTILIA.
    Public Domain:  Yes (ask HENDRIX first)
    Language:  English
    Bugs: None
    Description:  A pack containing two small tortoise species and a food for them. Contents: Eastern Hermann's Tortoise, Russian Tortoise, Dandelions food.
    Screenshot: spacer.png


  15. Designer:  Whalebite
    Original Creator: Zerosvalmont for Nautilus and Sea Dragon, Jellyfish by AD and Hendrix, Dikki and Wii fishing resort for seahorse
    Requires:  MM
    Public Domain: Yes, probably should ask AD to use jellyfish
    Language:  English
    Bugs: None known, nothing breeds though
    Description:  A pack full of animals you need for most aquariums. Contents:
    Common Cuttlefish
    Chambered Nautilus
    Yellow Seahorse
    Weedy Seadragon
    Whitebar Surgeonfish
    Silver Moonyfish
    Pacific foureyed fish
    Sea Goldie
    Pacific Sea Nettle

    Moon Jellyfish



    zzz-Aquarium Essentials.z2f

  16. Designer:  Ulquiorra
    Original Creator: HENDRIX and Bill
    Requires:  EA, WWD, Bill's Acrocanthosaurus
    Public Domain:  Yes
    Language:  English
    Bugs: none
    Description:  Cryolophosaurus, an early Antarctic theropod dinosaurs with a crest on it's head.
    Screenshot: spacer.png


  17. Designer:  Ulquiorra
    Original Creator: ABC Team
    Requires:  ES, AA, MM, EA, Aves, Wild China
    Public Domain:  Yes
    Language:  English
    Bugs: None
    Description:  A common wood pigeon, a common sight in much of Europe can now fly around your zoo's.
    Screenshot: spacer.png


  18. Designer:  Thom
    Original Creator: Thom
    Requires:  AA, EA, ES, MM
    Public Domain: Yes
    Language:  English, Dutch
    Bugs: There might be some bugs I missed while testing. There are some known bugs which are easy to fix or prevent, so please read the following notes!
    -Please watch the video here so you can see how to place the elevator.

    -This elevator only goes up to height 3. But you can place this elevator on an elevated path to get higher.

    -If you interrupt a guest while he is using the elevator, it may get bugged. You'll notice guests won't use the elevator anymore. To fix this you have to go to the elevator in first person mode. You'll see a message 'Press spacebar to reset elevator'. Press spacebar and the message disappears. Guests can now use the elevator again.

    -You can also use this elevator in first-person mode:
    When the elevator is free to use you'll see a message 'Press spacebar to use elevator'. Make sure you're inside the elevator then press spacebar. You'll see another message: 'Press spacebar to go up'. Now press spacebar twice and wait a couple of seconds.
    The elevator will go up and you'll see a message 'Press spacebar to exit elevator'. Press spacebar when you're just above the elevated path. If you wait too long you can't exit anymore and you've to press G to exit first-person mode.
    Unfortunately this function doesn't always work perfectly, so bugs might occur... If for some reason you can't use thee first-person function anymore you have to click on the elevator. You'll see a bunch of icons (sell button, move button etc.). Click on the icon with the guest on it, you'll go into first-person mode automatically. Don't do anything, just press G to exit first-person mode. The elevator first-person function has now been reset and you can use it again. Going down works the same as going up, but to go down with the elevator in first-person mode you have to place an extra (invisible) object. Place it on the elevated path inside the elevator.

    -The panel included in this download uses the default elevator texture, which doesn't match with any of the available building sets. To make it match with the building set you're using, simply replace the texture 'PanelTexture.dds' in entities\objects\scenery\LiftPanel with the texture of the preferred building set. Sorry for the extra work, but I didn't want to include panels for every building set in this file. Send me a PM if you have trouble with this.

    -This file replaces guest.xml. If you have a hack affecting this xml the elevator probably won't work properly if you place it on an elevated path!

    -You can also read this information in the zoopedia's
    Description:  Content: Includes 1 elevator + 1 object for the 'going down' function in first-person mode + 1 panel. All can be found in the scenery panel.
    Screenshot: spacer.png


  19. Designer: Ulquiorra
    Original Creator: ZTABC Team for model
    Requires: ES, EA, AA, MM, and ABC AMPHIBIA
    Public Domain: Yes
    Language: English
    Description: The Golden Mantella, a small, critically endangered frog endemic to Madagascar. The pet trade is part of the cause of its decline.
    Screenshot: spacer.pngspacer.pngspacer.png


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