holly - 1x4999
wreath - 1x4999
red and blue bauble - 4x999 (selling @ 2x999/ea)
all my selling foods have standard price of 3x999/ea so for all the total is 15x999
i need 15, is it possible? but add more items...
hiya hun! 5x999 means to say 5 items of any 999 items...(999 items mostly stuffs we get from gold mystery box, an item which we sell back costs 999 coins...) any more questions pls feel free to ask,,,
5x999 dear
ok, i will send you the payment tomorrow morning. how much is for the parmigiano???
as mentioned earlier, all foods have standard price of 3x999/each , so parmigiano is 3x999...
standard price for all foods is 3x999, so 9x999 for parmigiano, 9x999 for bolinhos, 9x999 for new potatoes and 10x999 for starry night lamp. total of : 37x999 or i can make it 7 x4999...
hi welcome!! my standards price for all the clothes is 5x999 and so with the maroon beret , age disguise is 10x999...
once u agree with my price u have to send me f/r (friend request) by clicking my facebook link, u'll have to wait for me to accept, once i accepted f/r then we can do the trading..
still the same hun! if ur having problems in doing it u can leave a message in the thread provided below (just click on the link)
It is a rule of PSFC that all members must have a valid facebook link, kindly check your's as it is not working properly.. click on the link below to help u on how to fix ur facebook link: