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Everything posted by nani_s

  1. sure hun, i have the red phone box for 6x999, and the princess mansion staircase for 10x999.
  2. yes hun, i still have 1 red heart wallpaper left. if you want it, please send first, thanks.
  3. i have rainbow poo, how much do you want to offer?
  4. i will check my chest first, and i will let you know.
  5. i have already add you...sorry i just open the mail ok, moulin rouge for 6x999. please send first. thanks. 6x999 received. item sent. adding rep for you. thanks for the trading
  6. sure, please send first, and leave the note of your order hun. thanks.
  7. i have already add you...sorry i just open the mail ok, moulin rouge for 6x999. please send first. thanks.
  8. I don't have 4999 I can pay all this item for 18*999? ok? sure hun, just f/r with the note. thanks.
  9. i have these items: Red Heart Wallpaper 1x4999 OMG Painting 3x999 Holiday Candle 1x4999 Gold Star Wallpaper 1x4999
  10. 6x999 received, 2 teapots sent...thanks for the trading.
  11. yes hun...1x4999 = 6x999 but 6x999 it is not 1x4999.
  12. bunch of roses are sold out hun. i have 2 broklyn window, and 2 big ben for sale. Ok I want 2 broklyn window, and 2 big ben how much for all?? that will be 10x999 hun. i will send your order after receiving the payment. thanks.
  13. bunch of roses are sold out hun. i have 2 broklyn window, and 2 big ben for sale.
  14. payment received.......all items sent...thanks hun for the trading adding rep for you.
  15. Dear Kasijab...... Do you know whether the playfish has released the new ornaments on the mystery eggs ornaments??? thanks.
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