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Everything posted by nani_s

  1. wow, that is too much smorkle....i think i will skip that. thank you for offering hun.
  2. sure hun.......let me know the price if you do have them
  3. nani_s

    Close please =)

    glow, do you have sparkling pear juice, champagne glass and white saucer??? i need 6 of each. if you do, please let me know the price. thanks.
  4. Hi there, i am looking for : 6 Flute Glasses please...
  5. payment received. red scale sent. thanks for the smooth trading. adding rep for you
  6. the other is oriental tea cup, i sell 1 set, 1 teapot and 2 tea cups, i made from clay, brown color. you should check that out in www.kogaweb.net, cause i dont know how to put the picture in the thread....sorry.... i sell 1 set for 1x4999
  7. 6 cherry syrup n 6 peach syrup received. thanks for the gift and the great trading.
  8. hun, do you by any chance have sparkling pear juice, cherry syrup, peach syrup, champagne glass and white sauces??? I need 6 of each item. If you do, just let me know the price. thanks hun.
  9. thanks hun, all items received. adding rep for you
  10. 1x999 + 1xGMB hun x ok, i will send the payment tomorrow morning. thanks.
  11. i dont sell santa set. the santa throne is sold out.
  12. sure. please send first, i will send the items tomorrow morning. thanks.
  13. how much is herring with rye bread? i want 5 please..... thanks.
  14. hi hun, i want the golden marching dress and 2 police mounted doll. how much are those??? thanks.
  15. dear yellowsquishy, payment received. item sent to you. thanks for the trading.
  16. can i have the Blueberry Velvet Cake please. thanks.
  17. can i have 5 chilled lime juice for 4x999 please?
  18. sure, for how long??? please pm me when you are ready. it is 2x4999. thanks.
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