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Everything posted by BooBear

  1. LOL Frannie -sorry to keep you waiting :bartend: Boo - please do that - OMG - maybe we could even arrange to meet Boogie (in person??) 8) That's what I'm planning! A & T can look after G while me and you and Boogs get together!!! What a cunning plan !! We can go to Gun Wharf and leave A G& T (now that looks funny written like that) to go up the Spinnaker tower and then us 3 can go for coffee (Wine? ). I take it you and Nicky have not actually met in R/L ? No, we haven't met. Spoken a few times on the phone but not met yet. Looking forward to being able to arrange that. I am sure that there is lots the boys can find to do while we have a little drink and a chat.
  2. LOL Frannie -sorry to keep you waiting :bartend: Boo - please do that - OMG - maybe we could even arrange to meet Boogie (in person??) 8) That's what I'm planning! A & T can look after G while me and you and Boogs get together!!!
  3. We'll see what we can muster up Frannie! I am a bit camera shy!
  4. Hi Frannie! Don't worry! I didn;t think you were trying to push me out! Anyway, the sun os over the yardarm somewhere in the world so the bar can open any time you like! All sounds pretty fab hon. Hope the new project goes well for you. Going to look forward to seeing the dining room when we get down to see you. I am going to grab my diary in a minute and I will send you an FB message with dates etc so we can sort it out. Looking forward to catching up with you.
  5. I've been working so far. I'm off on Thursday and Friday which I'm wuite looking forward to. G is having a friend to play on Thursday (heaven help me!) and then we're meeting another friend on Friday either for the zoo or the museum depending on the weather. Might squeeze in seeing ome other friends on Thursday late afternoon for tea. How about you? What's happening with you?
  6. What a nice surprise ........on vacation from work ? (Half term ?) or just home early ? G on half term, T off today and taken him to his ball skills class. Me, home from work and with 20 minutes to myself!
  7. Well, sorry ladies but I am going to have to go. It's gone midnight and I need to sleep. Lovely to chat and thank you Tanya for my siggy and avie. Will see if I can get them to work, although the siggy has re-appeared for me again. Take care. See you soon.
  8. Fortunately not! Heehee! Me twin! I struggle here too! Takes me ages to sort out what I want to do. This could be us!
  9. Oooooh! Yay! I love it. Boogs - just to make it even better, I actually drove to my sisters with it all in the car cos I couldn't be bothered moving it!
  10. They have a step in the bathroom for the sink to wash hands and brush their teeth. my daughters were never a problem but have done some crazy things recently, my son on the other hand was climbing before he could walk! The little dare devil, they do not see the danger or get that feeling that we get like shooting pains that rush to your fingertips with fright ontop of your heart in your mouth. To stop harley escaping the house we put a small bolt on the front door high up but to stop him opening the door. a few weeks back he found out he could climb up the passage walls to the ceiling and undo the lock. Tanya all my grey hairs were coverd up today when my SIL came round and covered them up The frights my son gives me i'm suprised my hair has not fallen out Sounds like it would be a good idea to keep H & G apart! That's just going to be asking for trouble getting the two of them togther! Think we'd look a bit like this at the end of the day. I think H wins though - G hasn't tried to climb the walls yet!
  11. All sounds very familiar! I ended up putting my washing in the boot of the car yesterday before the visitors came! it sounds like you missed the first performance ........ I think you might be right there! And this was my face as I tried to explain to the 4 year old who knows everything why it might not be a good idea!
  12. My little one is the same! Our sofa's are at right angles to each other so the arms are relatively close together but not close enough to be touching. I caught him the other day standing on the arm of one sofa and leaping (without the aid of a safety net, but with the prospect of missing the sofa and hurtling over the back of it into the window!) onto the other one! When he saw me he just got up, grinned and said "Look what I can do Mummy!" Aaaaaarrrggghhhh! Not quite on a par with the cupboard Boogs but he gave me a scare.
  13. I know! That's why I said I would have to nag! Our Christmas tree has only just gone back in the loft. I am sitting in our spare room which until yesterday was full of junk and an absoloute tip. So bad in fact that I couldn't get into the cupboard to put anything away and the desk was blocking the chest of drawers! There was barely enough room to walk in. IT's amazing what people coming to view your house will make you do. I would love one if it's not too much trouble.
  14. Hmmm! Now it has disappeared again. How very odd. I will have to tinker with it tomorrow when I am a bit more alert! Boogs - what a nightmare! Can the OH not help out with that? Sounds like a job I would have to nag to get him to do - I'm not very good with things like that. Glad they are all OK though. Tanya - you are very clever! I did take a few photo's of Boo as I wanted to give you a few options.
  15. Is it there? I can see it here, wonder why you can't??
  16. My dearest boo new siggy I think its ease of trading for larger priced Items ie sending 24 4999 takes ages now put that into 999's it would take hours, so im sure thats why. Ive missed most of the winter olympics Heart goes out the the Luge Slider who died family, did hear about that on the news Boogs! Are you OK lovely? Nothing exciting here - just hanging out for a bit before bed. Should go soon though as I am getting tired! Is it back? It looked like it went but then re-appeared!
  17. Hello!! Had to come in just to show off my new siggy! Is it working?? Tanya - you are fab!
  18. Sorry! Have to go - OH has just come home. See you all soon. Thanks Tanya.
  19. Sorry Tanya! Was just dressing Boo up in winter woolies and taking photos! Will publish them shortly and tag you. I love the team GB logo. The siggy is brill!
  20. I would like just general Olympic colours please but if you can squeeze the Union Jack in somewhere that would be good. Doesnt have to be big though. Will dress BooBear and take some photo's of her and tag you in them if that helps. I just did. tweet! I have no idea what this says! For some reason on Firefox this comes out as a square box with 4 random characters inside each one! Whatever it says there are 7 boxes.
  21. Pleasure hon! Like I say - I havn't been around much and I have missed giving gifts. Olympic one would be good hon. Anything you like really - just let me know if you need a picture of BooBear doing/wearing something particular.
  22. No problem Tanya! Enjoy. I would love a siggy if you have time. I am completely useless at anything like that! Thank you.
  23. Heehee! Been reading your posts and you might as well be talking a foreign language! I have no idea how you create your lovely siggies anfd graphics, but you are both very talented. Tanya, you might want to check your door.
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