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Posts posted by inu-kijo

  1. Just posed this on my facebook page:
    "Am on a food mission today, want to know what the best meal you ever had was, or an absolutely must die for recipe to make. Would love to get very unique recipes, such as If you live in another country, a recipe that perhaps you cannot find anywhere else! If you do not want to leave long responses on my status, pleeeease feel free to PM me!!!"

    Wanted to repost it here. Have been attempting to keep up with a food blog, and am try to try one new recipe every week...... get outside my culinary box, if you will. Wanted to pass this along to here as well. would love to hear the best thing I ever ate stories, and/or love to have any recipe that you are willing to share!!! : D

  2. Man, how greedy do you have to be to have a full b-fast.... like a laid out spread at the hotel AND ask for breakfast bags to go...... some people.

    yeah let me get like 5 of those bags.

  3. Laughing hmmmm..... can't think of any at the moment.....

    One guy came down to check on his room payment status, and I told him his room was pay with Visa with so and so number..... said it wasnt his card and was very confused about it, so paid for his room, and his buddy's

    Buddy came down later and he told the story, and apparently buddy snuck down here in the middle of the night to try and pay for both rooms, but got caught. lol.

    can't think of anything interesting........

    But time to go!

    See you guys later!

  4. Pain is pain, I would never say anyone else's pain is less than mine.
    I would not want to be in ANY pain!!! : P

    Apparently there are a lot of rules for this..... gonna read up on it and try to submit one or 2 tomorrow....I can get you guys to help support me perhaps. hehehehehe.

  5. Laughing

    Yes, I am very happy about it. I am hoping that it will make me feel much better. specially on days like this where my knuckles are so swollen, they are bruised underneath the skin. ouch!

    checking out threadless.com...... thinking about entering some tee-shirt designs there......

  6. Morning guys.

    Yes, my apartment has been approved! WHOOT!!! Still need to stop by the complex and check out the place and whatnot.... someone told me that some of the apartments have horrible green carpet..... if so, I can pay 50 dollars to get the whole place recarpeted.
    Wil be moving out the last week of this month, that way I have time to pack and what not. Tanya is helping me move the big stuff with a trailer of hers, and I am soooooo grateful!!!!
    It is on the second floor, but its a single level apartment..... so I wont have to worry about going up and down stairs constantly. Just moving in, and groceries are going to be fun. : D

    Also found out yesterday that I have been approved as a new patient to see the specialist! YAY!!! Have an appointment on Monday, so it seems things are looking up for me.

  7. I have something similar to that but its really old and a hassle to use and clean.
    wanna get a slap chop..... and a garlic press for that matter.
    think I spend more time mincing garlic than any thing else lately!!! hehehe

  8. the settings were for people who have signed up for the blog site or whatever, but I just changed it so anyone can post now. sorry for that trouble.

    the page set up is temporary til I find some set up that I like better. But I am having fun cooking, and I guess it makes me have things to do if you know what I mean..... keeping busy. as if 2 jobs isnt quite enough.

    thanks for the tip. I'll keep it in mind, although I do not like using jalapenos too much.

  9. your weekend sounds similar to mine.

    people at my house house as well. got no sleep Saturday night. woke up 45 minutes late to work, once I got to work, i was too sick to stay, and ended up going home a few hours later.
    Still feeling pretty crummy so far, but get to go home soon and rest, so that is a good thing.

    Friday I had a very good day though.... so i guess my weekend was only so so?? Laughing

    Started an art and food blog as well.

  10. Yup!!! Cause it is time for me to pack up and head out for now!!!

    Will be cooking an awesome meal later that I have never cooked before, will ahve to share later.

    Good bye to all!!!

  11. I am off today.... which is good enough for me!!! hard to get any days off with my schedule. : P

    If nothing else, the news today promises for a great weekend!!

    How have you been?? very busy I guess?

  12. yes that is waht i thought too....... can't wait to get into the new place!!!! i am beyond myself, honestly.
    Hoping to hear from the Dr and make my day complete!!! : D

    Yes, i like my little monster, was in such a good mood, had to draw!!! and what better than with a monster eating cupcakes??? : D

  13. Hi Bee! been missing oyu a bit this week, my morning chat buddy been gone.!!!

    BG have a great time on your trip!!

    Mindy, I am glad that you are feeling much better!

    Nancy, glad you have AC again, mine is acting up again, but as of now, since I am about to move, could care less. : D

    Tanya.... i know, I wish I had more time to focus on goals that I actually want to achieve..... its a bad excuse, but when you are working so much, sometimes hard to keep up.

  14. back from b-fast. sorry got sidetracked yesterday.... looking at a site with adorable things!!!!

    Trying to start a project..... something that will give me goals and stuff to do things more constructive.... been wasting all the free time that I have on nothing at all... need to fx that.

  15. Just got back from bfast as well..... actually made boiled eggs too! But jsut because it was quick and i did not feel like actually "cooking" anything.

    They FINALLY found my records..... so that is a BIIIIIIIIG plus. Now I jsut have to wait and see if I get approved.
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