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Everything posted by inu-kijo

  1. somehow that doesnt surprise me... Men live with thier moms until they can find a GF to take care of them and be their new mom!! who says he cant still be a puppy???
  2. yes poor puppy. : C sounds kind of immature the roommate..... not that all guys arent.
  3. I can understand that feeling. : / I would tell him its not his fricking business and to butt out!!
  4. cause..... I get bored..... : D Put a poll on my facebook.... gonna see how that goes. Well apartment will take a bit still I think.... just got a fax to my job yesterday, so that will be faxed back out today.... and then I guess I will have to see from there. : D Stupid Dr office is driving me mad. waiting on my medical records. clinic says they were mailed out on the 12th and the new place says they have yet to receive them..... was on hold for an hour yesterday with no help at all..... then they always say that they will call me back and never do...... mean while I have been hurting more and ore lately.... I just wanna get some help!!! How are you??? better I hope!!
  5. I am fine Lazar. Hiya Bee http://s3.amazonaws.com/twitpic/photos/full/106552541.jpg?AWSAccessKeyId=0ZRYP5X5F6FSMBCCSE82&Expires=1280225449&Signature=xH6LAP5lTA18MWahL85DNprDv0Q%3D Sort of wanna do it to my cat.......
  6. jsut back from b-fast seems I missed some people.
  7. Seems like we are all leaving you at the same time Bee, sorry!!!!
  8. dont worry BG, still procrastinating on my own pictures, and other stuff as well. : D Getting close to that time for me as well.... apparently have to run next door and fix a mistake the idiot Indian guy made and can't figure out how to fix. How annoying!!! Then off to get some sleep, and then hope for some good news later on today.
  9. Yeah, tired of my current place and the landlord has something against me or something and is making my life miserable..... Im no eve home that much for all that drama!!! : O The new apartments are pretty similar. (apartments are apartments....) it is a single level, so 86 the stairs, which is nice for me. The kitchen is bigger,a nd comes witha dishwasher (another plus) and a big pantry. The rooms look a little smaller, and the set up is a little weird (the washer and dryer room is pretty much in the living room. But overall its a nicer place, so I am hoping that everything goes good with my application.
  10. Morning Bee, and BG! My weekends was also uneventful, hoping for good news this week tho. first from getting in to see a specialist I have been calling for a few weeks now, and secondly to get approved on new apartment.
  11. back from b-fast. Morning Gill, good to see you had a lovely weekend.
  12. Not really sure to be honest. somewhere bigger...... with better hopes. same old drag, where I am tired of being tired, and tired of being broke. would like to have a decent life..... nothing extravagant... just normal. yes, I know, blah blah blah. hahahaha well, i hope that you have a great weekend, and good luck with your computer!!!! xoxoxoxox
  13. right now... a different place. but had wanted to move to a different town. stuck here for a little longer.
  14. yes, am actually hoping to move pretty soon.... puts a bit of a damper in my plans though because it means I am stuck here for another year...... Was hoping to move away from this place to be honest.
  15. little girl just ran out of the lobby bathroom and goes: " DADDY, I MADE A PEE PEE!!!!!!!!"
  16. Thats what i usually do. : D Have an appointment at an apartment place, hoping that goes well.... other than that, am happy to sit around and rest up all day. : D
  17. believe me, I am in that same boat, and if any thing were ever to happen to mine, could cost a fortune to fix it cause it is a mac!!! Think I paid more for this computer than I did for my car..... how sad?? I have 4-5 things sort of planned so a few should at least fall through,..... think I overbooked my weekend though... some people will have to be put on hold.
  18. have some tentative plans, nothing major or exciting, but have the whole day off and that is more than enough to make me happy. I take it the laptop has not been fixed yet?? I hope that oyu are able to fix it~~~ Dropped mine yesterday by accident, and it made a funny noise when I opened it.... but seems to be ok... my heart literally stopped.
  19. So how are you today Bee?? I am sitting here quite thrilled its Friday.
  20. Yes Have A very happy b-day Gill!!!!!
  21. hate to leave, but its that WONDERFUl time for me!!!! would love to excahnge a few favourite recipes with you, and perhaps we could try each other's dishes. No fish head stew please. : D
  22. yeah me too. : D i LOVE cooking you put tomato sauce with beans?? We jsut cook down the beans here with seasoning and let it create its own broth, if you have a leftover meat bone (like a ham hock or what not) you throw the bone in there and let it cook in there for the flavour. Sometimes meat pieces are added too. serve it on rice or cornbread. But I only like eating that stuff in teh winter.... not much for a sumer food.
  23. Oh and sweet tea, another Southern staple!!!
  24. yes most cooking in the states involves getting in the car and driving up the road to eat. : D But southern cooking is different from other regions in the states as well. Food is a unique experience wherever you go. I remember going to Philly and being surprised at all the differences..... and being appalled at the fact that cheeze wiz is an appropriate topping for a philly cheesesteak!!! o___o But food is fun, and its a way to share a bit of culture with anyone, cause ost of the time, our most favourite recipes are those that are passed down from like our grandmothers and what not.
  25. don't think that I have ever had it with corn in it, but like I said, there are like a million different cornbread recipes, (just as with anything else) I will ahve to go look and see if I can find the pics. : D EDIT: yes that is a bit more thicker than what I am used to, but I am sure it tastes very similar. making me want a pot of beans and cornbread........... mmmm
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