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Everything posted by streetfighter

  1. streetfighter


    welcome ken this is a top forum
  2. streetfighter

    tidying up

    Taken mine of coz woz stolen
  3. I agree someone will throw there toys out the pram I hope nobody gets upset
  4. you had -1 last time i looked haha! thats more interesting than 0. matt has -1 wonder who caused that i ave minus now
  5. good on ya see they will go in the end, hope he enjoys his new ride and so do you
  6. are they patterdales my mates got a light brown one They are very much like them, my mate has one too. No they are schnoodles. (schnauser, poodle cross) very nice i like them
  7. are they patterdales my mates got a light brown one
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