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Everything posted by XS1100

  1. Ok what car did Jack Regan drive around in A bronze coloured Ford Granada Mk1 or was it a Ford Consol? OR am I sad lol Any one remember zed cars now they were well hard!
  2. There pics on here some where of the old beast it wont die
  3. Hey Tea trolly handling its the way to go!XS1100E
  4. Knocking or tapping? how many miles it done? 600cc or 1200cc
  5. That takes the fun out of it though
  6. Yes I like watching the production races,I worked for the Laverder dealer years ago they raced a Jota Roger Winterburn rode and was very successful.GREAT DAZE
  7. I watch Ron and is brother (RIP) Race sidecar outfit at Croft about a million years ago one christmas it was freezing Ron and is brother just had a beat up old tranny van......great Before Ron went solo
  8. At Mallory Park for about 3quid!I was there
  9. Check this out proper road racing when you can see the race sod the health and safety Watch out for the Kawasaki pulling out the bends as a job keeping the front end down.
  10. Top Production rider in is day great action pic.
  11. I had a CZ125 for years has a winter hack and work bike but to be fair it lasted for 3 years at least before it expired.It was nasty but it did the job. worst car was a Simca good on juice but bloody horrid to drive.
  12. Royal Enfield 750 constalation and my nasty little Suzuki GT185 sold not long after this picture for XL125
  13. My first car after passing my test was a Mk1 3000GT V6 capri great for drifting
  14. You got the GT bit right I dunno about the 3rd one the tank band looks vincent may be a comet
  15. 1977 We had to put up with bikes that did not handle or stop very well, the disc brakes had more lag on them when wet it was scary.tires that where shiyt in fact you ask the dealer to replace the tires when buying a new bike cus the Yokohama & Bridgestons ones where slippy when wet and really all round crap. You lads don't no yer born If I could have had 1200 Bandit in 1977 hoooooooo yer beast would have been bloody great. in stead of the Yamaha XS1100 pulling in at 600llb and that's before you fill the 5 gallon petrol tank and try pulling that on its center stand loaded up with camping gear.Great fun though
  16. Bet no one knows what the bikes in the picture are?
  17. XS1100

    my bikes

    Well nice mate I like the DT250MX wheelie all day long!
  18. A mate of mine found this today its been stood for 19 years I think its in good nick.Yamaha xs1 650 twin Found in a coal shed in California
  19. Is that for proper casy jones type coal?
  20. We pay £8.00 for 20KGs of supertherm.
  21. How much is coal up north for 20kgs?
  22. Any one else burning Fossil fuels to keep warm?or are you all posh and have gas central heating
  23. There better lids than the one I have though
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