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Everything posted by XS1100

  1. http://www.thebmfshow.co.uk/the-shows/bmf-peterborough/ticket-information/
  2. nice little Russian Bantom minsky
  3. Quite a long clip but some great pics here check it out.
  4. Great picture whats the vintage bike there on ? check this out junk
  5. That's well Note like a good shaft!
  6. The Grim Reaper came for me last night, and I beat him off with a Vacuum cleaner. Talk about Dyson with death!
  7. Don't mess with these,left hand down a bit mate clicky
  8. I wounder how heavy the clutch was to pull in to,I get the jist with gear change bit like having a air shifter,I would like a gander at one of these,they made a few but how many Ive no idea?
  9. This made me laugh especially as there must be a big difference in ages between the star outfit and the others. excellent
  10. Yep well done Tony any idea how the gear change would work? H pattern though the gates with yer foot hoooo I don't think so. not sure how he got drive to the rear wheel as he used the FIAT g/box 127 900cc push rod ohv engine engine
  11. Check out this beasty clicky
  12. what bike and engine is this then?
  13. Happy Birthday Dick Gaz Anne Tom & Church Mouse
  14. Remember the days you when you never slept and partied all weekend!And went work on Monday wrecked!just to earn some more cash to start all over again the following Friday great days take me back to 1979 RED
  15. [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=xdj67XknFrM#t=5 [/youtube]
  16. Have a great day Stu regards @Gaz xx
  17. Thanks for the concern lads I will be around just may be not as oftern. all is cool n groovy, ride safe @Gaz xx
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