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Everything posted by XS1100

  1. Not really owned a 2 stroke had a kettle in the 70s still got my fantic thats about.
  2. dick you got any ELOY from around 77?there quite weird
  3. That really is a major piss off and we are all pissed as.
  4. Only Northern mods drink beer chad the real well hard southern ones drink scotch well the real weird ones do !
  5. Thats just what we are on about else where. nice.
  6. cool come to the on the banned thread bring a bottle and 2 women
  7. I will be kipping in mine the rate we are going !
  8. Yer like that red un blimey They did Heron Suzuki kits to for the GT550s and 750. Dick The KH stock pipes sounded nice. the GT550 Suzuki sounded most outstanding with a 3/1 on piper...........killed top end but the sound was a bonus!
  9. Well its Friday night had a well busy week time to get wrecked! nowt new there then! So as the night draws in and the scotch bottle needs time to recover this threads is for all the wreck heads tonight and the topic is ?????? you decide owt or nowt.But keep it clean Or Dave will Hows yer wrist clutch a bit heavey on the B KING is it HAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
  10. Them KH's had the most distinctive exhaust note out,Can you rememeber the Ian Dyson body kits?You could dress the KH up to like Mick Grants TT bike That was a few years ago Chad was not even Hatched then!!!!!
  11. Lol more than very well one grain and its goosed! can you remove the sight glass from the case?I might have one
  12. Nice load of witch craft there Dick nasty smelly things
  13. ouch I busted my ankle never did owt about that well hard!
  14. Dob up Loughborough walk in across the road from the fire station Dave its well quick they will put you in the picture.Ive been a few times being weird............
  15. Outstanding Dick looks like we can swill a few jars down later great news
  16. What the crank look like will it need grinding? I have a XS750 crank with rods and bearings some where and top end. Dunno if the stroke was the same as the 750?
  17. Dunno what to make of this making cash from the dead? Look at some of the bids here? What are your thoughts on this or is me being weird dunno. personally I would not buy or bid on jack shit here. http://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/i.html?_trkparms=65%253A12%257C66%253A2%257C39%253A1%257C72%253A5699&rt=nc&_nkw=marco+simoncelli&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14.l1581&_pgn=2
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