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Everything posted by XS1100

  1. Mel should do her CBT and use the Bandit or that Brit thing you have ! go for it Mel
  2. Looks great,watch the pikeys don't see it nice bit of alloy that, was it called the gull arm or am I having a weird spell?
  3. Thats good news for a shop with out passing trade.excellent !!!!!!! you would only go there if you new where it was.one of the last remaining old bike dealers in town and there were loads at one time,I have a job thinking of one now. we would spend Saturday afternoons touring the bike dealers around town in the 70s Greys,pettys, Norman Hunter,Ray wilsons,Chris Sharp, Ken Ives,Clive Castledines,Russals,Redcar,Chris Vincent,Supream motors,Trinty motorcycles, to name but a few then there where the breakers.good olde days.
  4. Good clips In the oldern days on my Kettle DID chains streched like crazy and Renolds would snap like a stick, the trick was to turn the engine idle to zero rpm so that when you shut off and the engine speed dropped to around 1200rpm it would not juddder or buckaroo as we called it then.I'll get me coat......
  5. I would sleep on that one Stu, I would never go or recomend there again I have been there a few times and pass quite a few times a month, I will ride or drive by I next time he's not weird but an idiot. thats no doubt going down the pan!
  6. Clue: he went out with the lead singer Kelly from girlschool who in fact played as there support on the Bomber tour not long after she committed harry carrie dead meat!
  7. Dead men tell no tales ,10/4m8
  8. Miss Blake had a fair poundage.
  9. Great pic is that Stacia in the background?I went out with her in the 70s !
  10. Did he have breakfast at that cafe on Portabello road Hall of the mountain grill in 1970?
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