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Everything posted by XS1100

  1. MMMMMMM Shes a bosh bird the Dysons missing to
  2. HOOOO yer I have some 10 year old thinners down the shed what yer recon
  3. I looked in the shed nope and still no sign,
  4. Bet its more tasty then the half bottle of Wild Stag I have here
  5. I use that for washing me paint brushes 2k yer beast!!!!!
  6. check out the price tasty http://www.lincolnwhiskyshop.co.uk/product_info.php?cPath=36&products_id=1767&osCsid=7g0637r16etepfidaaj47mnkf4 And you get a case for every 2000 posts coooooool
  7. XS1100


    I got me backpatch. still prospecting
  8. No mate, the bike's at my mothers I,ve no room left here although I have a plan of action :)I thought it would be nice to have a bike planted in Mid Wales then I can always go for a blag if I go in the Motor.Plus when I do go I get to fiddle with the project sooner than do the garden
  9. XS1100


    Whats the next rank up from being a Prospect? Dick
  10. Or in some case's HAPPY NEW YEAR http://wicca.com/celtic/akasha/samhainlore.htm
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