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Everything posted by XS1100

  1. Un bloody beleavable I binned a good motor for one of them a wile back (2 months) it had done more miles in the back of my van going to auto jumbles and bike shows no one wanted it binned it! I know it was a good me old man gave it me.sods law init
  2. I launched myself from mountains and from the highest trees DUDE
  3. I'd say that was some kind of retaining plunger.
  4. XS1100

    double post

    blacksmith all 2 of um wot the ffffff
  5. Top tip ish 7.00 Master Of Disguise WOLVERHAMPTON thurs 3 nov
  6. 10.9 Minutes of Goodness?,weirdness? or Rubbish? you decide.
  7. Hence a full shed! although I did Buy back my old XJ550 which had a piper exhaust sounded great and looked like the one on the xjr Any way what a disapointment it was Horrid 2nd time round good luck with your quest
  8. Well done Chad, got to be a case of Vimto on it's way.
  9. mixed with a dob of nitromore not bad
  10. came back pumpkin in one hand dead bat in the other said she had a right good blag.
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