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Everything posted by XS1100

  1. I would be reluctant to scrape the carbon from the piston crowns.but would may fit new rings and glaze bust the bores.
  2. Nice but I have back ache just looking silly old sod in I
  3. Done it a few times its a right good crack! Ive the rally badges some where. enjoy loads of great folk there
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K6AeYuB9dIc&feature=player_embedded#!
  5. I was going to say eat shit and die,being a bandit owner of many years but I don't give a shit so .............
  6. wreck head dazes I went to the gig and then flew to Canada Calgary the next morning wrecked
  7. Dr & the Medics seen um live good gig
  8. Thats it now crack on.you never know!Love Peace and Bananas.....
  9. naa had a word for Marko today though at the convent, major piss off that a sad loss worse than when me dad snuffed it..
  10. Mushys yes to bloody cold for ice cream although after a skin full of ale it was quite warm!
  11. Yes I would bugger off for weeks at a time and some times pull in to bike rallys over one weekend just to get the rally badge.great daze
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