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Everything posted by XS1100

  1. 180 thats a good ride out Stu,looked a day to far better than today kin freezing here.
  2. XS1100


    Credit that looks well tasty. North East to my missis talks funny to lol Monkey Hangers MCC http://www.lpmcc.net/rallies/rally_monkeyh.htm
  3. Great pics Stu looks like a great days riding time for cuppa tea now init! How many mile you cover?.
  4. Really great pics glad thanks for sharing them
  5. Wow! you get some nice birds visiting! we get next doors cat shiting in ours!
  6. XS1100


    Great pics from down under cheers
  7. i had to mow the lawn to keep him away from them why do the sheep eat round them ?
  8. http://www.elanvalley.org.uk/ Get you straw basket and off you go pick away.
  9. http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/city.html?n=237 whats yours?
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