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Everything posted by XS1100

  1. I did over 65,000 mile on this bike hence the fairing. This is the Ben Nevis Campsite at Fort William ready for the Scottish six day trial.
  2. Has any one had a new red V5 yet.It seems the DVLA have nothing to do so are replacing all the blue V5s with new red ones before the end of 2012. Good to know they are spending our money well.
  3. I think Suzuki did a belt drive GS425 or some thing like that was that a shed? also the Yamaha XS250?
  4. 500T had a cam chain the length of the bike and had a habit of snapping,Having said that my mate had one to and he loved it to.
  5. Yes yellow or Orange Bloody horrid a bit like the kwak Z400 Twin!Or the CB500T
  6. This bike started out as a Honda CJ360T, And found its way in to my shed in large bits in a box minus a few bits . After a few dark nights in the shed one winter it was wheeled out looking like this.It ran and served its purpose well. Note the knobbly tires,Brit exhaust,and Vincent black shadow series C seat,Deep valance mud gaurds, Sold the lot for £200 quid.Kaa ching!
  7. That would work to There was no reason to do my clutch or carb mod hence the thread Must be around tea time Monday where you are.
  8. Called "Church of Uneccessary Modifications"
  9. Keep posting May be Av gas next then!
  10. [quote="XS1100"] Pretty good. I found I could balance a glass of beer on my oxygen mask, while I was flying it in a slow roll. Well I did spill a bit on the first try. Air turbulence, actually
  11. Nice project, Why not bin the Turbo go to air shifter and Nos is?
  12. Not sure yet I find you loose the feel with um,see how we go.
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