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Everything posted by Stue11

  1. Theres a shop on site mate but dont worry im sure mrsstue11 will cook ya a bacon sarni or two
  2. Shes stunning Alan a bloody bargain on the leathers too
  3. Sorted now hot pipes wire wool and a wet rag and lots of elbow grease.And has every one heard the quote accidents do happen. Well done mate, glad you got her sorted!
  4. Right back to the main topic please
  5. Hes just like dave eyes on the boobs I wanderd why Dave always stares at you i havnt got a pair of them , must of been my balls
  6. Pike he never cleaned his naked one hence why he bought a faired one
  7. Maybe we could use the tagline "Have you slapped the forum today?"Right back on topic great picture though.
  8. Thats it then we better call this forum Stues forum we cant upset Ian can we mate ps dont tell our Dave Hes just like dave eyes on the boobs I wanderd why Dave always stares at you
  9. Youll be kept busy mate keep us posted on progress
  10. Ive bought a few neglected bikes where the stainless dowpipes are black.The wet n dry brought them up lovely Thanks mate much appreciated
  11. Thats it then we better call this forum Stues forum we cant upset Ian can we mate ps dont tell our Dave
  12. Pike37 who is a mate of mine and fellow member as just rang me to tell me that whilst drying down the bike with a rag he managed to touch the downpipes with a damp rag and it stuck to the pipe...after removing the rag from the downpipe hes left a big 5-6 inch stain on the pipe... hes tried everything to try and remove it and it wont shift, so if anyones got an idea what to do please tell, thanks in advance Stue11...ps they are bloody new downpipes too hes not a happy man at the mo
  13. Stue11


    more pics please
  14. Having H M F is something to go on folk would ask what it meant, then we explain and get folk talking about the forum
  15. Very Very sorry for your loss mate i feel for ya, and yea your exactly right in saying what you said, i never wait for 2mw if i can do it today then i will R.I.P. Scratcher all me thoughts and prayers got out to his nearest and dearest and to your good self.
  16. If ive gotta get me Rizla wet i think everyone one else should like we said it would be great to meet up again
  17. Its entirley up to each individual to design what they think would look good ie, colour shape size etc etc do what you thinks best DJ Noz
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