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Everything posted by Stue11

  1. I understand Mark ive been in the same boat but as long as we all stay as members then we can always pop on and catch up
  2. Motorcycle racers dont even get a mention
  3. Thanks guys and gals very nice touch im not going anywere fact i will always be a member and will always try and get me posts onboard, ive met some great folk and made good friends on here all because of uncle Dave and im certainlly not gonna leave
  4. Congrats Chad youve also done a lot for this forum im glad youve stepped up good on ya im sticking around though you havent got rid of me that easy
  5. Since we lost Marco still miss his antics on track
  6. Dorna dont care for rider safety the whole weekend from friday night onwards should have been cancelled imo and many others They tested the track with a superbike have a word will you ....they should have had loads of testing way before they arrived...considering they laid the new track december 2012:oops:
  7. Beat me to it Chris had a txt message from his uncle this morning telling me just that...hes only been passed for tom practise and hopefully his second examination later tom night they will pass him fit to ride all weekend
  8. Our Scott Redding has bust is left wrist and his dream off becoming world champ is more a less over.....his op this avo went well and he will hopefully be back for november 10th Valencia:( feel so gutted for him
  9. Nice one Chad glad you had a good day out and cracking vid
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