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Everything posted by BOOSH

  1. well thats one way to look at it, thats after you have shouted at itunes for being so shit lol
  2. yeah good idea babes what sort of price does he charge, cant wait to see ya pic of yours sounds good
  3. that doesnt sound bad price its if i can be arsed to get everything off then to take them in if i knew of anywhere in leicester that does it, what am i talking about i will get hubby to, ok its weather i can be arsed to moan and moan and moan again till he does it lol thats what i ment to say
  4. cool who you using? so this summer we are both gonna be shining , im having a few colours put into it i shall stick a pic up once i get it back, but he is doing my tank, belly pan,head unit and tail unit for around 350, just have a feeling he is the right man for the job and doesnt mess people about, he listens to what you want alot dont and never have i had a test card done so to me thats a good start
  5. im sending my bike in tomorrow to be done yipeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee he did me a test card it looked great i could have jumped on him and kissed him but thought i better not hahahaahahaha
  6. oh thats just pants lol talking of pants im guessing the answer to the next question noz is 5 and a half inch lol
  7. yeah i wouldnt mind knowing how much it would cost? have been thinking about it myself
  8. are you sure you have a middle name
  9. hi, just wanted to say thanks for helping had a look at the one you said dave and couldnt find it so must have gone but thanks as for dandan oh yes matey went down there and boy my jaw nearly dropped with how good a quote he gave cheers you have put a smile back on my face
  10. its funny how animals pick up on things, thats how my mums dog was in the second house i lived in he only did it the once was laying on my bed and i was sleeping when he got up and growl but his eyes followed something around the room till it went out the door and he was ok then the first time they do that it shits u up abit lol cool tho i use to have a bad dream every night in my old house about something trying to kill me in the dream i would be just ready to jump out the window but then i would wake up never knowing what the ending was, when i moved out never had the dream again i was there for 13 years and most the times i would sleep on my mates floor about 10 houses down the road from me cuz i hated walking up the stairs in the middle of the night, cuz it felt like something was watching you, my mum heard her name called in the house when she was the only one there and my sister heard someone say devil to her which was funny cuz she was outside and thought it was my step dad mucking about so she thought she had locked him out to find when she walked into us to tell me and my mum he was sitting watching tv with us, never seen her turn to white in my life till that moment hehe
  11. like you said tho you get use to it in the end, i dont mind in the day its at night i do like it so much, maybe things are kicking off again cuz we all are talking about it, you never know i have always liked this sort of stuff, maybe cuz what all whats happened to me, and love to see the vids if you do find away round it
  12. i know what you mean with things that happen to you, i have lived in three houses and all of them have been haunted, as a kid i would see a dog with red eyes and told my mum that we lived on a dogs graveyard she looked into it and told me that my bedromm was over one, the second house, i saw a figure and it called my name and run off into one of the bedrooms, i was young and thought it was someone playing hide and seek to find no-one there and would hear footsteps in the night, my mum would tell me i woke up in the night saying i had saw a man walk out of my wardrobe with bright lights around him, but i could never remember, it was only when my boyfriend stayed over when i was about 18 and sat up in bed and just said did you see that man, which made him feel like he didnt want to sleep there again hahahahaha, and the house im in now, it was fine till the kids came along i had toys going off in the night, things would fly off the bathroom cupboards when you would be in the bath, i filmed lights dancing around my bedroom and i have even heard a mans voice which really did shit me up when i got up in the night and it was pitch black and it was right next to my ear, i had a toy i got my first baby years ago it was a clown and had like a ball under it bit like your pc mouse and it would do three different laughs everytime you rolled it, but in the night it would do the same laugh over and over again, we thought we would put it on its side one night to see if it would still go off, and it did, it got to me so i chucked it away, after about 5 years later i moved something in the loft and it made the same laughing nose and me and hubby just looked at each other and said but we chucked it away years ago, it would make the hairs on ya neck stand up, so i made sure it wouldnt come back again i tell ya lol,
  13. ok cheers i will check it out and see what they say thanks for that
  14. i like most bikes never had a bandit tho always thought i will get one somewhere along the line but im happy with my honda bros just wish they had done more than a 400 and a 650 but never mind
  15. hey a tramp stamp is a female with a small shit tattoo, lets get it right lads hahahahaha
  16. i got a new speedo, ipod and head phones and a nice smart jacket, then i got myself a nice sexy brake disc lol,
  17. hi, thanks for that do you know if they do standard spray up or artwork too cheers for that
  18. me too cuz i havent a clue after that, well i didnt have a clue till you told me lol
  19. well it all sounds good to me beats having your family and in laws moan at you cuz you cant be arsed to spend xmas with them lol, why do family do that moan for you to come round and join in with the rest of the family and all look moody in the same room cuz you all dont get on and the only time you crack a smile is when ya getting ya coat on to go home lol
  20. ooooooooooooo i will have to take a look and see, i know where you mean cuz i always said one day i will pull up at the hand car wash on my bike and sit there and wait for them to wash us both just to see what their faces would be like lol thanks matey
  21. hi all, I mate let me down last month on getting my bike re-sprayed up and some cool artwork done, so im after someone to do it local-ish to me that isnt gonna cost an arm and a leg, does anyone know of a place or of a person i can get this done with cuz she needs some colour back in her cheeks thanks
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