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Posts posted by Mike_63

  1. Paintwork done by our very own Madwilly (thanks Pete pint ) thumbs Just got these pics from the guy that has done the livery, so hopefully it looks as good in the flesh.

    Pick it up in the morning, over to Mallory, fit the front discs that arrived in the post today, fit the stomp grips and wet tyres, change the sprockets over and dump a new map into the power commander, freeze overnight kipping in the back of a van then racing on Sunday in the snow Laughingthumbs

    Happy days.

  2. @Stue11 wrote:
    Yea i seen this on your fb page Shocked and like i said on there least you were ok machines engines and fairings can be replaced thumbsthumbs

    Cheers guys.. Apologies for not replying facebook Stu,, just been that hectic.

    With my first race on march 10th, im in a panic to get the bike repaired and ready. Decals are going on Thursday so the bike has to be race ready by Weds morning..... I guess my weekend will involve hobbling around the garage with my poorly ankle while delegating Tea making duties to Macie_uk

  3. Some of you have seen this on Twitter / FB, but for those that haven't.....

    Well the weekend before last I took the new bike out for a ride to see what it was like as I only rode it around the block when I bought it, so I booked on to a cheap track day at Cadwell Park.

    Was only about 5 or 6 degrees, but it stayed dry and sunny all day thumbs which was handy as I was on a bike I didn't know, on a track I'd never seen and on tyres I hadn't used before Shocked

    Lovely track, if a bit narrow, dead greasy in the morning because it gets no use over winter and I'd say that 95% of people there were actually racers getting some early doors practice in.

    Tip-toeing around Barn corner. Note the cement dust in the distance where someone's engine let go in a big way.

    Lines getting better.

    Now that Mountain bit, you just can't understand how steep it is from TV. It's hard enough to walk up and there is a double crest as well, but I just about got the hang of it, getting quick enough to actively try and keep the bike down.

    So the bike was fine, but still feeling dead rusty and wobbly after 5 months off a bike, I woke up on the Sunday at 5am and decided that as the van was still loaded, I'd go and do Mallory.

    Start was delayed an hour or so due to ice on the track, but again it stayed dry and got a couple of sessions in to loosen up before lunch, but it was very busy with the day being full and having over a dozen on the reserve list.

    Bit of an issue after lunch, when I highsided between Edwina's and the Esses Sad

    The rear tyre just let go with no warning at all and that was that.

    On the plus side, I'm just bruised and not broken, I had my 'spare' fairings on and I know that I won't be using that particular make of tyre again, unless they are new.

    Also on the plus side I was only doing around 65-70, and as the previous right hander was the 130MPH exit of Gerrard's, it would have been a lot messier if it had gone then bigeyes

    Fast forward to now, bike at least runs again after sorting out the damaged loom (which was handy really as we found a few other 'less than good' bits of wiring bodgery) and a lot of bits have now been fixed.

    On the downside, I can't order any more stuff that I need (like a rad, expansion bottle, discs) until pay day on Friday, so then I have to hope the bits get here in time for the first round on the 10th mailbox

    I'll have to live with the crunched tank though as they fetch at least £300 second hand.

    Sorry for not posting much, I've been a bit busy Embarassed

  4. Todays lesson was that there is indeed "more than one black"

    Dropped a few bits off to Madwilly this afternoon that he has sorted out getting painted for me.

    Me being used to parkers wonderful selection of cheap aerosols and my knowledge of paint being on a par with macie_uk's knowledge of staying on a bike(on the inlap of a trackday:) ), i said "just chuck some black on them".

    It wasnt until Pete went through which black i wanted that i realised why i wasnt a proffesional.

    Upon pulling a bundle of no less than 40 samples of black, which all looked identical to me, he showed me which one of the identical looking blacks he would use.

    With me completely overwhelmed with the knowledge of Pete, he then went on talking about putting "pearl" into it. At this point i was completely lost and was then showed some immense looking colours with pearls in, apparently, putting 100ml of pearls per litre gives a nice effect without overriding the original black.

    A quick tour of his work and i was just in awe of the whole lot. I am now really looking forward to seeing just how good it will look.

    A major thanks to Madwilly for the help he has/is giving me with this. I really cant thank h im enough.

    p.s apologies for the crap filling and repairs Pete. Il stick to talking pens and stationary thumbs

  5. @Macie_UK wrote:
    Well, in a break with tradition I've got loads, but all the usual stuff:

    1. Lose 25Kg - through dieting rather than amputation!
    2. Get fitter - nice and ambiguous that, note the lack of definitive goal posts Laughing
    3. Get hold of a cheapo track bike and do a few 'slow and wobbly' days
    4. Get away for a half decent jaunt on the bike somewhere
    5. Finish all the little odd jobs around the house - you know, like having floors and walls Laughing
    6. Play more golf
    7. Have a decent 'relaxing' holiday
    8. Stop letting things that don't affect me wind me up fighting
    9. Return to gainful employment
    10.Actually plan [1] a big (well, for me) bike trip for 2014

    Lots of other stuff that I'd like to do, but they all fall in the 'unlikely' category. Will be interesting to check back next year to see what we actually got done thumbs

    [1] Apparently that's what grown-ups do, rather than just decide on a whim that I'm going somewhere next week [2]
    [2] Which has nearly always worked out OK [3]. Mostly. But could always have been better.
    [3] If Mike mentions being a small child and having to kip outside on some pallets round the back of a truck stop near the Portuguese border one cold May, just tell him that it was an 'adventure'. Laughing

    Adventure?? Bloody adventure?!?!

    How about the bit about gettting out of the country, going through Spain, Portugal, Gibraltar, France, Turning around at the Andorra border, and contemplating a trip to Morocco?
    All of which would have been fine if my passport wasnt 12 months out of date!

  6. il be doing The Roadstock Championship with EMRA this year, mainly at Mallory Park with rounds at Darley Moor (Derbyshire) and a round at Cadwell. if i can get enough sponsorship together id like to run in ThundersportGb and do a few rounds with them as the series is televised on Motors Tv.

    Once i confirm the dates that il be racing, they will be put on my website.

    Be great if anyone pops down during the season, i can offer plenty of tea too Smile

  7. Having sold my r6 that i managed a double win at Mallory in the EMRA roadstock championship, this came up for a mega price at absolutely the wrong time.

    Having thought long and hard about not being able to buy any christmas prezzies( about 5 seconds), i scraped up enough money to purchase this 2008 Yamaha R6 for next season.

    Cannot wait to get this on track now.

    needs a few bits doing to it ready for next season. but ive already started flattening the panels down and doing small repairs to the fairings..

  8. Hi guys,

    My Racing website has been down for a few weeks but it is back with new content and images. It is used mainly for blogging and updating people on the goings on in my racing season and so far this year ive had some positive comments about it... if you get a minute, please jump on and take a look and see what you think... i shall be updating it as regularly as i can despite it being the off season.


  9. Bad news: I finally admitted defeat and accepted that my poorly ZX6R had no chance of being able to move under its own power in time for the weekend Sad

    Good news: I appear to have another race bike party

    An offer too good to refuse and an instant loan from the bank has led to a trip to the south coast this morning in a borrowed van, and an 04 plate R6 is now on the drive thumbs

    It's done a zillion miles, but runs OK and has all it's gears. Already got track fairings on, even though they are only half-painted in a awful purple colour but it'll do me for now. Just ordered some decent front pads and a new front sprocket and some race numbers and that will have to do, cuz I'm off to work in a few mins.

    Will post a pic tomoz party

  10. Next Sunday will see the final round of the 2012 EMRA championships at Mallory Park and it promises to produce some eventful races, with no less than 15 class titles still undecided. twist

    Preview here: MikeMace.co.uk

    All in all it’s going to be an exciting end to a close run season and with a days entertainment costing less than stuffing your face in Pizza Hut, you could do a lot worse than come over to Mallory Park to watch it all unfold.

    I still have no working bike No but even if I don't make it on to the grid, I'll definately be going over to watch. thumbs

  11. @Davehutch wrote:
    @Macie_UK wrote:
    TheBiker46 wrote:
    welcome to the forum thumbs

    Note to Chad** He does a better knee down than you m8 judging by the photo foflfofl

    Yebbut he also does arms, legs, back and ass down often as well....
    lol! @ macie

    unfortunately he has a very valid point. cheers for the welcome guys, il try and get on here often and not be too much of a stranger.
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