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Posts posted by promisedchild

  1. dreamed i was outside this house and i looked up between these two houses and one roof was a little lower than the other and the houses were real close together and as i looked down i saw that the house i was standing in front of its door lock was of a golden brass color laying in the grass i looked down the street and i saw a man with a dog and a fat cow as he was leading the cow out of his truck. it was very sunny outside. but what got my attention was the levels of the two roofs.

  2. my husband and i were looking at this apartment when we walked in it was all freshly painted white and a lil gray. the floors were slippery and i was holding my childs hand (dont have one in real life yet) me and my child slipped on the floor but my husband didnt fall but my child turned into my lil puppy and he began eating on some bread on the floor. everything was white and shiny. the inside of the apartment was soooo bright and this paint of white was so shiny with just a touch of gray in different areas not many though. but why did i fall from the slippery floor and not my husband? i quickly got up though

  3. dreamed about my backyard and there was a flood uddle in the middle of the yard and it was raining real hard and there was just one bird flying over the flood puddle in a circle ? ??????? need some help forum with this one brothers and sisters in christ

  4. i was in this car and there wasnt enough room for ppl to get in so i began throwing out garbage bags of things in this room. when i went into this room there were alot of garbage bags in there. i came back to the car and it made a lil bit more room but not much. so the car turned into a dinner table but there were not enough chairs maybe about seven and church ppl kept coming wanting to eat but werent enough chairs so i was thinking about giving up my chair so they can sit down anyway myself and other ppl kept trying to make room for all of these ppl to eat at this dinner table when all of a sudden my bishop(deceased IRL) appeared out of nowhere with some other bishops and said "WHO HAS BEEN HERE SINCE THE BEGINNING"? COME AND STAND UP HERE " so we all went and stood in a line next to him and the other bishops and we started clapping as he announced he was giving us a bed couch for a reward for working so hard trying to make room for ppl. i sat on the couch and another brother in the lord did too. and i said to him we are going to relax after we eat dinner and we were soooo comfortable sitting on that beautiful couch. any ideas anyone??????

  5. dreamed i was preparing for my wedding and my dress was in a long bag....someone went to another location to get the 4 bridesmaid dresses and the wedding was to begin at 4 pm.....a lady was about to leave to go get them and there was a train caboose on the track by itself moving medium speed...i was in the bathroom preparing for the wedding and i went to another area in the house and i bumped my left foot and saw a closed umbrella on the ground as i was passing by... and my boss was attending the wedding ceremony and he had on a tuxedo...oh my ex mom in law was helping me prepare for this event.

  6. dreamed me and my husband were at this house i use to live at growing up and there were ppl there....i asked him to bring the ironing board and i took the iron and we both went upstairs to my old bedroom and just left it there our dog was tryn to get out and my husband took his foot to back our dog up keep him in so he couldnt get out and mess with the ppl iguess and closed the door.

  7. dreamed i was at work and i had this suitcase trying to get rid of it because it had maggots in it. i was walking and a coworker came up the walkway in her car and offered me a ride as i got inside there was alot of fast food items in her car and she was talking on the phone as i was trying to tell her a spoken word from god in prayer but she told me to wait a minute while she answered her phone..i then began to squarm cuz when i looked down i had on pajama pants and in my mind the maggots got into my pants somehow and i woke up.

  8. dreamed of this wedding....i was looking out of this window and the window was opened i was standing there along with my pastors wife and my elders wife and other ppl and we were on my street that i grew up on we were watching this wedding but the bride had on a black wedding dress and was getting on a carriage and the wedding party all had black on except for the bridesmaid they had on white (which the bride shouldve had on) i was sitting there listening to the crowd and they were cheering because of the wedding party and i stuck my head out of the window a lil further and the wedding party was getting into a gold limo filing in two by two.. i was then trying to get my elders wife attention to tell her that my house that i grew up on was three doors down but she wasnt paying me any attention.so many ppl in this window looking at this wedding oh! and the scene of the dream was midnite type setting.

  9. i dreamed that i had these diamond earrings and this lady didnt want to return them to me because she had borrowed them from me and when her daughter came to where i was at i asked her where her mom was and the mom got mad because she had to give them back to me and i remember telling her i needed them for church on sunday and i got them back. what stood out was she didnt want to give them back to me.
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