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Posts posted by promisedchild

  1. okay forum this one is a tuffy and i need my brothers and sisters in the lord to help me understand the meaning of this dream.......

    i was at a childhood home and in the dining room when my mom came into the room and my grandma (deceased now) was there too when all of a sudden the dining room table collapsed but there were white plates with no food on them that didnt break as it collapsed to the floor. they were about maybe hundreds of plates that were lined up in 3 rolls on the table. i told my mom the number of the plates was 183 and she said no there are 3,15 &15 ? what do plates represent biblically? i went back to sleep and i was telling someone else about the plate dream again in a dream!

  2. praise the lord forum i had this dream on december 6, 2009

    i was in a well lite bedroom and i heard study genesis 18 on my days off from work. i am going to shout this year because me and my husband have been waiting on a word from the lord concerning children for 4 years now.

  3. i had a dream on last nite that me, a friend, and a stranger were outside in the sunshine sitting at a table on a street corner and i had a plate of a rice meal in front of me and we were talking about her situation with her sons father and the unkown male next to us was taking his fork and took a forkful of my rice dinner and was saying that a journeyman gets paid 30-50 an hour. the rice was the main focus of the dream. what does rice mean and where is it in the bible that talks about it. thanks for any insight, much love and blessings

  4. dreamed about an angel of god was flying in the air coming towards me in all white. (it reminded me of gabriel and michael the archangels that came an d gave daniel a word). this angel was flying thru the atmosphere thru darkness to get to me to give me a word. i then saw things blotted out in black in a book, it felt like good and evil were warefaring against each other. but the angel was on the way with a deliverance, a word from god!

  5. need help with this dream forum.......i have a co-worker that has an abusive husband and i had a dream about her that being said this is the dream........we were sitting down on a couch and the husband said to her i know you were over a mans house and she replied no i wasnt, i interrupted and said lisa i am hungry and she went to get me an apple but the apple was getting brown spots and didnt taste good so i told her nevermind after i took a little bite of it, then all of a sudden she had juice from the apple in her hands, passed it to my hands and it was seeping thru mine and i gave it to another person which was a man so he could discard of it but he passed it back to my hands so i would get up and pour it out of my hands. then lisa stood in front of a hutch and there was a ceramic angel sitting on it. the curious thing about this dream was the passing of the juice from the apple from hand to hand and the person that gave it to me to get rid of it was in all bright light. we passed it 3 times on the third time i disposed of it when it came back to me? scratching chin

  6. what does eating cake represent biblically....my husband in my dream last nite was feeding me cake and he put cucumber sauce in it but not enough butter?

  7. had a dream last night that my mom and i was standing over my couch looking at these pictures there was my graduation picture (IRL) from college and my best friend graduation picture but she hasnt graduated from college. when i looked at her picture i saw a recorder on the back of the frame so i pressed it. i then saw her speaking at a graduation ceremony and she crumbled up a piece of paper and tossed it and said "god knows i dont have any money", but then she said speaking to the graduation class "GOD IS STIRRING UP YOUR SITUATION" . the thing about this dream is my picture and her picture were the focus of the pictures that were on the couch. and i dont know what couch represents. also my friend had on regular jeans in the pic and so did her graduation class i was wondering in the dream where her graduation robe was, but her class wasnt wearing robes either they wore jeans. i thought about dressing out of the ordinary.

  8. what do ice chips represent in dreams? i dreamed me and my friend were on a boat and we were putting all of these ice chips in buckets and were separating the water from the ice cubes.

  9. my pastors wife had this dream. she was on a bridge and it was narrow she was carrying a cross like dragging it with all of her issues on it a sister in the church was on the other side of this bridge and was telling her "you got to make it to the other side" she kept saying i cant and things off of the cross kept falling off of her and then eventually she began to fall off the bridge and then she became suspended in air 2ft from hitting the ground and she heard the voice of god say "i wont let you fall" and she began rising up again in mid air back to the bridge. any thoughts forum will be appreciated god bless flower
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