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Posts posted by promisedchild

  1. this dream was interesting. I dreamed last that i went to one of those like pharmacy stores and went down into the basement and bishop noel jones was there talking and was on television sort of like doing a bible study with these people that i didnt know. but my first lady had him there and didnt tell me she set the event up. so i waited until he went into another room and spoke to him there and said i had questions on my anointing and i was explaining some things to him and so he wrote down like taking notes on a baptism form paper the words i love you and i couldnt remember the rest of the notes. so the first lady came and got him and said jealously that he was her best friend and put him back in the room with the other people waiting for him. he saw me sitting in a chair and tossed me his cell phone and in the text message was like cracking a code and it said to move the arrows up and down to read the message in the phone. so i grabbed a white envelope that was the first ladys and in it was some papers of hers and a can of pop and 2 hospital gowns and i took one out and it had a date of july 3 when she was having him back to speak and she said but i dont really know if hes coming because its the holiday weekend as if she really didnt want to invite me to it like making excuses . there was also a public transit bus blocking her car in the dream and a lady was leaving to get on the bus as we stood outside looking at the date when he was suppose to come back.

  2. me and some sisters from the church were on bicycles and we were all in the street behind cars we all stopped at the light and took off when it became green. well i look over to my side and i saw a sister say hi to me but i knew she was in church but not mine. we all took off and then we came to a hotel room and i heard the name of a city cleveland ohio, and we each went into a room on the bikes well when we got settled in, we all came out on the bikes again and i was trying to be first but i let people pass me by and i couldnt jump in the line because it was always someone coming up faster so i had to wait.

  3. my friend had a dream we were walking thru a pumpkin patch and i had a baby stroller and she had a toddler stroller and i was saying i wanted a small pumpkin and she kept trying to get me to get a big one and i told her i didnt want the baby to get seeds everywhere. now i dont have kids as you guys already know but my friend is pregnant and is due in january. what does pumpkin patch mean? she also said i had on a long pretty PURPLE sweater and she wanted to borrow it and i told her no and she said you let me borrow clothes before and i said i know but you can't borrow this sweater.

  4. dreamed my pastors wife gave me a $50 gift certificate it was wrapped in a sunday newspaper and other news paper as well. well the gift certificate was suppose to be a graduation gift. in the dream i felt bad because i didnt give her one for graduating from college. she also gave us 3 clear glass bowls the kind you put in a china cabinet. my husband and i looked at a picture and it was a christmas tree and on the sides of the tree were little pine trees one on each side and my husband said we should use the money to buy farrows meaning the 2 pine trees that were in the picture. need help with this dream because farrows mean birthing a litter of pigs but the dream didnt refer to farrows in that manner it was used as pine trees for christmas.

  5. dreamed i was looking in my trunk of my car and i had so much mail that i had to shred. my co worker was with me and she was telling me that another coworker was acting strange towards her and was showing up unannounced in her home and she thought that was weird. then the one that was showing up, he was helping someone make a boat i saw all the boards and he had white glue on his hands. he touched me thru the window of my car. but why would my car be filled with old mail and other junk in my trunk? help flower

  6. dreamed i was looking out my bedroom window and there was a man sitting in the middle of my lawn doing some paperwork, my dog was waiting at the door to be let in so it had to be someone i knew and my dog knew. he asked if i wanted him to let him in and i said yes. well when he let him in i felt a spirit of rape and fear come into the dream all of a sudden i had a gun and he ran upstairs where i was and i started firing the gun and i was saying bet you didn't know my husband was here did you and i told max(dog) to go get my husband because i knew the front door was open and i knew he was home. so i ran downstairs and things turned into my husband being shot in the back and i was shot too. and i yelled for help from a neighbor across the street and max was jumping in and out of this red small old car while i was still laying in the street by the car and he stayed next to me because he knew i was hurt. the only strange thing is that my neighbor has someone that does actually visits them in an old red minivan from time to time. i wander if something is about to happen to them maybe? i need help with this one.

  7. please pray saints of the most high god for my husband, my extended family and our finances that god will do just as he said he would do and that the anointing he has placed over my life not only bless my family but to people that i encounter on a daily basis. a special prayer for my friend who is pregnant and the father who no longer comes around due to drug issues, i pray that god will break the curse of addiction off of his life and that he will be there for her and their baby to come. god bless you all

  8. i dreamed that we were in this room that was on a second level and my husband and i was like at a dance for couples. i turned and saw him sitting behind this glass from the chest down the glass covered him. i went to see what was wrong and he was unresponsive i told his brother to call 911 then i called and couldnt get a signal so i ran downstairs to the outside and i told the lady he was unconscious and i was a nurse so i went back upstairs and they had him on the floor shaving his face and i began to read the nkjv bible to him and everytime i read to him he would sqeeze my hand to let me know he heard me. then we went downstairs to wait for the ambulance with my husband.

  9. i dreamed of this guy say on t.v. god asked peter how many bags can you gather in the 11th yr of this upcoming 11th season. the firstlings of the crops of harvest season.a lady was pregnant and she was chinese and her husband brought her a chinese restaurant and every year because of his high status she got to pick first from the harvest. chinsese people were having like a gathering in front of the restaurant like a parade. and when i took a look at the floor /carpeted i heard someone say semen crops. need help with this dream

  10. dreamed i was at my husband church and he went to sit in the front pew to do sound check with the other brothers in the church, i was going to sit with him but he had to be up there with them so i went to go sit down somewhere else. so i sat in a pew, and all of a sudden the section i sat in began to fly thru the room.now the reason why it flew is because a brother in the church said instead of moving the pews manually it would be better if they moved them by flying them in sections. i was strapped in like the kind of bars you would see at an amusement park and when i thought we were going to land on the other side of the church i had to go a second time because people were running late trying to get their seat before service started. i looked on the other side of the church and i saw where the other pews that were in sections had landed but i was waiting for my section to land. please help interpret this dream

  11. dreamed i was riding in the passenger seat of my former pastors wife car and it was a huge car i told her i was a seer and she said negatively "we are all seers" and i said well god called me a prophetess by dreams in the year 2000 and she didn' t respond to that. she dropped me off at my car in a parking lot and didn't even wait for me to get in my car and she took off.

  12. I saw i was in this obgyn office and i saw a pregnancy test that was positive and the nurse/doctor went into to confirm it. I fell to my knees and i saw i called my husband at work and his boss told him he could not have a cell phone on the floor, my husband told him it was important and so the boss told everyone to take a five minute break. my hubby came back and said "im going to be a dad" and i saw i called my mom and i said 'Hi grandma" and i look at the pregnancy test and it had numbers that read like this 12/13 and i woke up. this vision was on 11/22/2008

  13. i dreamed i was at walmart buying six donuts and 1/2 gallon of milk and i was standing in line to purchase, then an coworker of mine was a cashier and she started bagging up stuff and her supervisor said "shut down the register maidlow" (thats her last name) and then i heard someone say "a year to the date". as i was walking out i saw it was shiny outside and a boat was waiting for me and i heard another cashier say "she's going on her boat".
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