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Posts posted by promisedchild

  1. dream i was at walmart and as i was leaving someone told this girl to shutdown the register because they were closing and i heard " a year to the date' then as i was walking toward the door, it was really bright outside and i was going on my boat and i had 6 donuts and 1/2 gallon of milk in my hand. please interpret for me

  2. i am going thru a legal battle and i had this dream: i got a letter in the mail and it was from the guys attorney and i said "oh lord what now" so i opened up the letter and there were six boxes of hay in boxes and when i picked them up they crumbled in my hand, the six boxes of hay had represented the six thousand dollars that he wants. what does this mean

  3. dreamed my pastor had a prayer cloth on his head and he was walking with his wife down the aisle arm in arm in another church but the setting of this church was a dark setting and he said he was going to make someone a sheriff over the offerrings in this dream

  4. im new to the forum and just want to say that god deals with me alot in dreams and visions and with your help in understanding them i know i will reach lost souls and bring them to christ jesus. numbers 12:6

  5. i was in my bedroom and there was an ultra sound machine and i was pregnant but i saw 2 circles and they represented days and then i heard the number 14. the 2 circles look like an egg splitting into two.my doc was in my room tryn to get a urine specimen from my under garments and somethg about my menses had stopped 2 months ago. this was on may 10, 2009 can someone help me with this

  6. dreamed that god said "your latter rain shall be greater than your former rain" and i began dancing and jumping up and down. A lady in all white pointed her finger and said it to me in the dream and i saw a bowl of grapes on a table. can someone help me with this one. thanx and god bless
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