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Posts posted by musicalstars2001

  1. There was a clip of a dream before the airport dream:

    We were watching something. I was sitting down with others and we were in a line. I was squeezed between this guy "T" (in IRL, is a close friend, known him for years) and a friend "G" (who IRL, is a friend from college). Now, at some point after I sit down, he puts his right arm around my shoulder. That's it. (I might add IRL, this friend and the guy friend have dated in the past) I'm not sure if I felt awkard or not....

    Airport dream:

    We were waiting to get our luggage. There were a bunch of people from who I knew in college. It was sooo odd. The same guy and girl from the above dream were there also. At one point I went over to the guy and kinda play punched him and then gave him a hug. Then he lifted me up in a hug, he seemed grateful.

    As the luggage finally came, "T" was standing to my right. I'm telling him what my suitcase looks like. I finally see it and then the luggage machine stops. then it shifts quickly. (during this shift, the luggage isn't there anymore.) we're standing in group and we're singing (still in the airport), and my friend "L" from college is on my left and has her right arm around me. (IRL, we are more acquaintances now.) I'm thinking in the dream that that was weird. As we're singing, I and a girl singing next to me are singing the loudest. My friend "L" nudges me to quiet down. I'm thinking, I'm not the only one singing loud.

    After this part, I'm with my guy friend "T" and we're outside the airport (right outside it) As we're hanging out, he's in front of me and I notice he has both of his ears pierced. (IRL, he doesn't have any piercings) The earing on the left ear is placed higher on the lobe than the right ear. Then I mention to him, I say something like: wow you got you're ears pierced. But I don't know what he responds. After that we head back inside the airport. But he has a security card that was needed to get back in. We went through 2 doors. EOD

    Lots of detail in this one. Any thoughts are appreciated!

  2. That's great! I'm glad God was able to bring confirmation to you!

    Oh and please let the girl know there is hope in being fully relieved of depression, and I don't mean with medicine. I am living proof of having gone through depression and God bringing me out of it, without me even knowing it, just through reading His Word.

  3. Hey,
    I definitely agree with lola about the voice possibly being from the enemy. (I experienced the exact same thing while in college).

    In the 5th dream:

    When I read red pitcher, I immediately thought wine. Then I thought of miracles because wine was a miracle (water to wine).
    When you were trying to find where it belonged to: I thought, is there someone you know that needs a miracle from God and you would be the one to pray for that person?
    When you received the text msg: I believe that was God communicating to you. I'm wondering if that txt mey tell you who that miracle is for, since you got it as you were walking to that dept.?

    Just some thoughts.

  4. So, I had 2 dreams, weird dreams. Not sure they both go together or not. As of now, I only remember bits and pieces of it.


    There were a few of us together in a house. It was night time. I felt as though we were all preparing ourselves for something. The weird thing is, there was a part where we were discussing what to watch. I kept hearing over and over: "are you afraid of the dark?" (IRL, it used to actually be a tv show.)
    then it switched from me watching the front of the house from a distance, as if someone was watching us.

    (i'm not sure if this is apart of the above dream or not.) there was a snippet where I saw myself in a room where several of my friends from college were all sitting on this large bed that was just the right size for all of them, and they were watching tv. I could see 2 of them as clear as day. The only thing I remember is that we said hi, and that's it. The rest was kind of awkward.

    bus ride:

    We were on a school bus. it was parked and getting ready to go. I was in the front seat on the right side closest to the door. There were a few girls that came by, but they didn't come in. I never heard what they said nor what I said in return. But in my spirit I knew it was offensive and not nice. After my repsonse, I hear behind me someone says, wow you're tough. and that was it.

    These are such strange dreams. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  5. This was so weird that I almost wanted to discard it. But then, I've learned in the past that weird dreams sometimes have more meaning than normal ones.

    This is pretty much a short dream:

    I was watching myself in this dream. I was in an elevator. In front of me was a guy friend and another person to the right of him and there was someone to the left of him, but I couldn't tell who it was.

    I'm not sure if we were going up or down in the elevator.

    The only part of the conversation I got to hear was, me asking the guy, "do you have hairy arm pits?" It was in a joking tone. The person on the right of him, their reaction was a combination of: wow I can't believe she asked that, and a friendly ha ha.

    That's all I saw and heard. Any suggestions would be great. I'm hoping maybe it was just one of those meaningless dreams....

  6. Just a thought...

    As I was reading the part in the 1st paragraph about you having to do a task that you didn't sign up for... this scripture immediately popped into my head.

    John 4:37
    And herein is that saying true, One soweth and another reapeth. I sent you to reap that whereon ye bestowed no labour: other men laboured and ye are entered into their labours.

    Just a thought, as your dream displays the opposite. But maybe you will be starting something for someone else to come in later?

  7. Wow...you are right on...

    Actually yes...we have been friends now for almost 10 years. I've had several people come and tell me that we'd be a great match because we have so many things in common. but for some reason I opposed it.

    God has recently just opened me up to the idea.

    As for the cartoon, I don't remember having any feelings while watching it.... Could that be symbolic?
    My friend found out that he has considered me before but at that time he didn't have any peace about it. could that be what the cartoon represents? But then I wonder, why couldn't I find that channel again?

  8. I was in a house with this guy I know, IRL. The house in the dream was a 2 story house (almost like a town house). IRL, the guy has a 1 floor house.

    We were sitting on the couch and just talking. Then we went upstairs. I went up and then he followed a few min after. He was having to get ready, cause we were going somewhere. While I was waiting, I sat on a couch. In front of the couch was a keyboard (instead of the typical coffee table). I was playing the song, before the throne of God above.) There was also a tv in front of me and I remember the cartoon sylvester and tweety was on. Somehow I got the channel changed, pressed the wrong button? (not sure what happened). Then I remember trying to find that channel again and couldn't find it....

    That's all that happened. I'm wondering if this might be a prophetic dream?

    In real life, there is a possibility for a dating relationship with the guy that was in my dream.....

    I actually just wrote him an email expressing my feelings towards him. I'm wondering if me going upstairs in the dream, was showing just that. That I'm ready first? Him getting ready, that's him thinking about it or possibily preparing himself for a relationship?

    Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

  9. This dream is a tad strange to me but I remember everything!
    This was in 2 parts.

    1st part:

    I was at a friend's wedding. This was a person whom I knew my 1st year of college (so it has been quite awhile.) I even remember thinking, in the dream, why was I here...
    I remember after the ceremony, we were in the reception room. It was just her, a couple of other people, and I. I saw to my right, a larger than normal sized key lime pie. (I just knew in the dream, that's what it was.)

    Then I remember looking out the window and seeing snow. I thought, that's so odd, it can't be snowing now. (it was during the summer season). I remember being frantic and telling them that I had to leave before the snow got worse.

    The dream shifts to the 2nd part:

    I am now at a jeep looking car. It's kind of old looking. I remember having to close the trunk and thinking, how could it have been open? I remember also, only having seen a few things in the trunk, which I thought was odd. (in the dream I know I'm traveling somewhere, so I'm thinking that I should have brought more stuff than that.)

    As I take off driving, I pull off to the side cause I have to find the phone number of the apartment complex in GA. (in real life, I previously lived in GA for 5 months or so.) I also remember not knowing how to get there from where I was......

    That's pretty much it. I hope it makes sense to someone and that someone will be able to give me some kind of suggestions to go off of.

    The one thing that freaked me out a little, was the part where it was snowing during the warm season we were in the middle of.
    I felt cold this morning when I woke up, checked the weather channel and we were below 70 degrees, which is odd for this time of the season.

    Also, the last part with the traveling.... I'm wondering if it has to do with a job change I've been praying about...that would take me to another city (not GA). or if it has to do with a relationship change with a friend that could end up being a dating relationship?

  10. so these are 2 separate dreams.

    the 1st: i was doing, what looked like work, (tossing something back and forth), and a little girl was next to me on my left. i'm not sure if she was my daughter or not. she looked almost 2 years old. i saw myself saying something to her and then all of a sudden, kind of like a movie effect, i saw a wolf some ways behind me. the me outside the dream saw it, not the me in the dream. the me on the outside was scared and was wondering if we could out run it or have time to run away.

    the 2nd: this one happened a few days after the above. i'm getting out of the left side of the vehicle, on the passenger side, and it was my car. as i was getting out, a black dog had his mouth around my right foot. the me watching the dream, cut his head with a sword. after i cut his head, i saw my foot. my foot and everything was still in tact. although the dog's mouth was still around it....

    any ideas?

  11. so these are 2 separate dreams.

    the 1st: i was doing, what looked like work, (tossing something back and forth), and a little girl was next to me on my left. i'm not sure if she was my daughter or not. she looked almost 2 years old. i saw myself saying something to her and then all of a sudden, kind of like a movie effect, i saw a wolf some ways behind me. the me outside the dream saw it, not the me in the dream. the me on the outside was scared and was wondering if we could out run it or have time to run away.

    the 2nd: this one happened a few days after the above. i'm getting out of the left side of the vehicle, on the passenger side, and it was my car. as i was getting out, a black dog had his mouth around my right foot. the me watching the dream, cut his head with a sword. after i cut his head, i saw my foot. my foot and everything was still in tact. although the dog's mouth was still around it....

    any ideas?

  12. so these are 2 separate dreams.

    the 1st: i was doing, what looked like work, (tossing something back and forth), and a little girl was next to me on my left. i'm not sure if she was my daughter or not. she looked almost 2 years old. i saw myself saying something to her and then all of a sudden, kind of like a movie effect, i saw a wolf some ways behind me. the me outside the dream saw it, not the me in the dream. the me on the outside was scared and was wondering if we could out run it or have time to run away.

    the 2nd: this one happened a few days after the above. i'm getting out of the left side of the vehicle, on the passenger side, and it was my car. as i was getting out, a black dog had his mouth around my right foot. the me watching the dream, cut his head with a sword. after i cut his head, i saw my foot. my foot and everything was still in tact. although the dog's mouth was still around it....

  13. In this part, we were in a classroom type setting, but not as formal. I remember the teacher was getting on to me at one point because I wasn't doing what I used to do(music) Then there was this guy that was in the classroom and he talked to me a couple of times. Then I remember walking around the room. I saw someone from my past, said hello, and expected her to want to talk cause it had been so long since we'd seen each other, but that was it. Then a little later this same guy came and found me, I remember specifically his name was Justin. I remember in the dream making sure to find out his name. (He was talking on the phone and I heard him say, this is Justin). When he came to talk to me, I remember realizing that I was clothed from the waist down but not from the waist up. (prior to this I was walking around like this but didn't realize it) He gave me an invitation to a dinner party he was having and there was a specific word I remembered seeing on there. It was the Russian word for plate. (I only know this because I'm actually studying this in real life) What's even weirder is that I remembered I was trying to cover myself, by shielding myself with a paper plate. He kind of looked at me funny as if he was wondering why I was trying to do that. That was that.

    Oh somewhere in the middle of the above section, I remember constantly thinking that I needed to go see this really old guy/cause he wasn't well. I was trying to figure out how to get to him to share Jesus with him because he was really famous. (I know Michael Buble isn't old in real life, but he is who was in my dream.)

    This is the next section of the dream, and it was in the same type of room:
    So, I was in a room filled with people (I could see me..) I remember there was a small group of musicians in front of me, and there was one person playing the same instrument that I played. I apparently had my instrument there, and from where I was sitting, I started playing the same note she was. It was only one note that she was playing and she only used 1 part of the instrument when I had the whole thing with me. I remember in the dream feeling bad for doing it but it happened so automatically.
    Then after a few minutes of them playing, people behind me and around me brought out their instruments and started playing along with that small group. I didn't know what to think, what was going on.

    Any help is greatly appreciated!

  14. In this part, we were in a classroom type setting, but not as formal. I remember the teacher was getting on to me at one point because I wasn't doing what I used to do(music) Then there was this guy that was in the classroom and he talked to me a couple of times. Then I remember walking around the room. I saw someone from my past, said hello, and expected her to want to talk cause it had been so long since we'd seen each other, but that was it. Then a little later this same guy came and found me, I remember specifically his name was Justin. I remember in the dream making sure to find out his name. (He was talking on the phone and I heard him say, this is Justin). When he came to talk to me, I remember realizing that I was clothed from the waist down but not from the waist up. (prior to this I was walking around like this but didn't realize it) He gave me an invitation to a dinner party he was having and there was a specific word I remembered seeing on there. It was the Russian word for plate. (I only know this because I'm actually studying this in real life) What's even weirder is that I remembered I was trying to cover myself, by shielding myself with a paper plate. He kind of looked at me funny as if he was wondering why I was trying to do that. That was that.

    Oh somewhere in the middle of the above section, I remember constantly thinking that I needed to go see this really old guy/cause he wasn't well. I was trying to figure out how to get to him to share Jesus with him because he was really famous. (I know Michael Buble isn't old in real life, but he is who was in my dream.)

    This is the next section of the dream, and it was in the same type of room:
    So, I was in a room filled with people (I could see me..) I remember there was a small group of musicians in front of me, and there was one person playing the same instrument that I played. I apparently had my instrument there, and from where I was sitting, I started playing the same note she was. It was only one note that she was playing and she only used 1 part of the instrument when I had the whole thing with me. I remember in the dream feeling bad for doing it but it happened so automatically.
    Then after a few minutes of them playing, people behind me and around me brought out their instruments and started playing along with that small group. I didn't know what to think, what was going on.
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