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Posts posted by musicalstars2001

  1. I was sitting on a bench and a man, dressed in a tuxedo/cape and mask came and sat next to me. we started talking and at some point i tried to see his eyes, to see who he was. As I pulled off his mask, it re-appeared but smaller every time. It took me 8 times before I saw his eyelids, but not his eyes. There was still a covering over his eyes. Before anything more was able to happen, he got up to walk away. I caught up with him, and I remember him holding his head down as if to be ashamed of himself, while he said something along the lines of: "i'm not good enough for you to see."

    I remember telling him that if he's the one God has for me then he is everything that God has designed for me and that he lacks nothing. And that was it...

    Could it possibly be a preview of my future husband?...

  2. Dancing with a guy, and I open his mouth wide, kind of like how Garfield’s mouth gets. In my right hand I have a plate of veggies made up of mainly broccoli and a few pieces of carrots. At 1st I almost put the plate and food in his mouth then decide to put the food in only. He chews it for awhile then swallows it all and says, tasty. Then we continue to dance.
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