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Posts posted by musicalstars2001

  1. In this part, we were in a classroom type setting, but not as formal. I remember the teacher was getting on to me at one point because I wasn't doing what I used to do(music) Then there was this guy that was in the classroom and he talked to me a couple of times. Then I remember walking around the room. I saw someone from my past, said hello, and expected her to want to talk cause it had been so long since we'd seen each other, but that was it. Then a little later this same guy came and found me, I remember specifically his name was Justin. I remember in the dream making sure to find out his name. (He was talking on the phone and I heard him say, this is Justin). When he came to talk to me, I remember realizing that I was clothed from the waist down but not from the waist up. (prior to this I was walking around like this but didn't realize it) He gave me an invitation to a dinner party he was having and there was a specific word I remembered seeing on there. It was the Russian word for plate. (I only know this because I'm actually studying this in real life) What's even weirder is that I remembered I was trying to cover myself, by shielding myself with a paper plate. He kind of looked at me funny as if he was wondering why I was trying to do that. That was that.

    Oh somewhere in the middle of the above section, I remember constantly thinking that I needed to go see this really old guy/cause he wasn't well. I was trying to figure out how to get to him to share Jesus with him because he was really famous. (I know Michael Buble isn't old in real life, but he is who was in my dream.)

    This is the next section of the dream, and it was in the same type of room:
    So, I was in a room filled with people (I could see me..) I remember there was a small group of musicians in front of me, and there was one person playing the same instrument that I played. I apparently had my instrument there, and from where I was sitting, I started playing the same note she was. It was only one note that she was playing and she only used 1 part of the instrument when I had the whole thing with me. I remember in the dream feeling bad for doing it but it happened so automatically.
    Then after a few minutes of them playing, people behind me and around me brought out their instruments and started playing along with that small group. I didn't know what to think, what was going on.

  2. this was kind of an odd dream and kind of hard to describe with the details. (I hope this makes sense to read)

    In this part, we were in a classroom type setting, but not as formal. I remember the teacher was getting on to me at one point because I wasn't doing what I used to do(music) Then there was this guy that was in the classroom and he talked to me a couple of times. Then I remember walking around the room. I saw someone from my past, said hello, and expected her to want to talk cause it had been so long since we'd seen each other, but that was it. Then a little later this same guy came and found me, I remember specifically his name was Justin. I remember in the dream making sure to find out his name. (He was talking on the phone and I heard him say, this is Justin). When he came to talk to me, I remember realizing that I was clothed from the waist down but not from the waist up. (prior to this I was walking around like this but didn't realize it) He gave me an invitation to a dinner party he was having and there was a specific word I remembered seeing on there. It was the Russian word for plate. (I only know this because I'm actually studying this in real life) What's even weirder is that I remembered I was trying to cover myself, by shielding myself with a paper plate. He kind of looked at me funny as if he was wondering why I was trying to do that. That was that.

    Oh somewhere in the middle of the above section, I remember constantly thinking that I needed to go see this really old guy/cause he wasn't well. I was trying to figure out how to get to him to share Jesus with him because he was really famous. (I know Michael Buble isn't old in real life, but he is who was in my dream.)

    This is the next section of the dream, and it was in the same type of room:
    So, I was in a room filled with people (I could see me..) I remember there was a small group of musicians in front of me, and there was one person playing the same instrument that I played. I apparently had my instrument there, and from where I was sitting, I started playing the same note she was. It was only one note that she was playing and she only used 1 part of the instrument when I had the whole thing with me. I remember in the dream feeling bad for doing it but it happened so automatically.
    Then after a few minutes of them playing, people behind me and around me brought out their instruments and started playing along with that small group. I didn't know what to think, what was going on.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!! wow

  3. that could be an option too. There is something that has been going on concerning this one previous co-worker at my old job. I've tried talking to my previous boss and her previous boss. It's pretty crucial that she not be working in that kind of environment, because she isn't healthy for the clients nor the other staff.
    My friend last night gave me a scripture concerning this situation.
    1 Cor. 4:5

  4. Sweet! That's awesome! I hope this isn't too forward, but since you mentioned helping to support some ministries, definitely keep in prayer about supporting Ambassadors to the Nations. Their main country they work in is Nicaragua but also help in Mexico.
    There is a lot of fruit in their ministry! They also have a website if you'd like.
    Just thought I'd share. happy dance

  5. here's a thought. the first thing that came to mind was Joseph and his coat of many colors. Does that possibly ring a bell with anything?

    Birds sometimes also mean the holy spirit. Another thought is, could the contraption that the bird was in, be you holding back your gifts that God has placed in you?

    You're friend could be representing Jesus....

    Just some thoughts. HOpe this helps.

  6. this was a crazy dream.

    I'm in an airplane (I'm watching this as it happen), and I'm with 2 other people. All I could see were the people sitting with me. I don't know if there were other people on the plane or not. I happen to look to my left and see a tornado appear. I tell the people I'm with look! a tornado! By the time they turn to look it disappeared already.

    ??? I'm wondering if it has to do with my past job?

  7. this is kinda short and the memory of this is a bit sketchy.

    I was in a room, basically helping to watch a few kids. There was one kid in particular that I was spending the most time with. He was about 2 years old it looked like and I was holding him and he gave me a great big hug. He never tried to pull away or anything. At one point, I thought I should start to look for his mom. (This baby, was a friend's baby I know in real life.) So I'm carrying the baby and trying to find his mom, which is nowhere in sight. I remember too at one point trying to find this particular room that had a certain something in it that would help me to identify that this was the room i was looking for.

    I hope this makes sense to someone. Anyone's help is greatly appreciated.

  8. I saw a wide waterfall, divided by a brick ledge. At first the ledge stretched out and upward, then back to normal. The right side of the waterfall stretched out and then went back to normal. Then a small waterfall appeared in the upper right side. Then many more small waterfalls appeared here and there.

    I know water represents the Holy Spirit. I'm thinking the small ones popping up here and there, may be an outpouring of the Holy Spirit in different areas of my life?

    Just wondering what some of the thoughts you all might have? Thanks! Scratch Chin

  9. A couple weeks ago I posted a dream that came in 3 segments. The 3rd segment of my dream actually manifested. The dream is below.

    Segment 3: I'm in a room with a couple other people and I remember feeling a little scared because there was a person or 2 that told us to stay in the room and that we couldn't leave. As I'm walking around, the door opens and a bunch of people walk in. I notice a friend, (I just met him 2 months ago. His name is Justin.) in the crowd right away. The only other person I can partly see is a girl that he's talking to, as he's walking in. But, I don't know what the relationship there is. I try to hide from him and I get a little nervous and I'm hoping that he doesn't see me. I can't see who anyone else is. Then everyone is standing, and starts to stretch their right arm out, back and forth, some slow and some fast. I asked someone why they were doing that, and one said, for stretching. So I join, still not really understanding. As I do, there is someone behind me, who I can't see the face, and his left arm is around my waist. I do notice that a couple rows behind me is Justin.

    The meaning:

    The scripture where Jesus tells the disciples to stay in that city because He wants them to receive the Holy Spirit, is the basis for this dream.
    The 2 people that told us to stay in the room, those were angels telling us to stay in the room. (I say this because I had the opportunity to go home a day earlier and would've missed out on this.) The other person was actually my roommate in real life. (this gathering was being hosted at our house).
    All the people that came in, I know that some of them were our friends that came to our house, and I'm sure some in the dream represented angels as well.
    There was a point in our meeting when all of us were standing, and were in a semi-cirlce shape, and the minister spoke over all of us that we were all going to move up higher in our relationship/walk with God. (the stretching in the dream)
    My friend Justin, did not come to the meeting because he lives on the other side of the states. This small part in the dream, where God showed me that he was 2 rows behind me, this was God showing me where things stood with me and Justin. In previous dreams he was farther away, but now God has been showing me that things are getting closer. (he is a possibility that God has brought into my life as a future husband.) happy dance

    If you're wondering, I did receive 2 important things, one of which did have something to do with my friendship with Justin.

    I hope this makes some sense to those of you who are practicing in this gift of interpretation. God is amazing, in everything, and I am very thankful that He speaks to us through dreams. (a picture is worth 1,000 words) wink

  10. I have not taken the accuracy test

    Hi chatia: :)

    Just a friendly note here. It breaks my heart when I see/read how people are praying to God that He or anything He has given us will never leave us. Jesus will never leave us, for anything. THat's a promise written in the Word! The same goes for everything He has given us: I.E.: wisdom, gifts, etc.
    I pray that God enlighten's you on that.

    Now, IF the owl does represent wisdom, and the owl being dead; it could represent you receiving false wisdom from someone. Definitely pray about what God is trying to tell you through that dream. We can only give suggestions, but God is the one who gives the answers.

  11. ditte: thanks for your suggestions. none of them really bare witness with my spirit though.

    like i said in my previous post, the dream where I'm in the room and we're stretching has actually manifested itself already. the stretching isn't a nazi arm stretch, our else I would've mentioned that. it was stretching as if stretching before you excersice. Not only did God want me to stay that night to receive something, they spoke over all of us in the room that we were all going to move to a higher level in our walk with God, hence the stretching.

    Even though most of this is figured out, sometimes I still like to get other people's interpretation, because sometimes there is something that I missed.

    I also found out recently that the guy in the dream where I was in the room, actually represents a possible future husband, and someone who I actually know in real life :)

    Thanks for your suggestions though.

  12. Thanks so much. I'm still praying/trying to figure out what it means aas well. I've been asking God for other dreams to bring more clarity and meaning to this one and others that I've received.

    My thoughts were:

    A hotel is a place of rest/peace. The fact that I had a hotel key, means that I stayed at that hotel. I'm thinking God is telling me that there is peace/access in going to Russia at some point.... Or maybe that He has given me access to the nations? I do have a heart for the nations. Possibly Russia not only represents itself but other nations..

  13. well, actually the 3rd one actually has manifested. We had a get together a couple of nights ago, with a few guest ministers from out of town and that segment was God telling me to stay. You know the scripture where Jesus tells the disciples to stay in that city to receive. He wanted me to stay for that to receive something. (which I did :)

    the 2nd segment:
    My friend thinks that the towl represents a spiritual covering. The things that are outside with me, are possibly gifts that I've been given, I just don't have any place to put it (i.e. can't find my car)
    The man on the ledge, she thinks that someone is going to try and find me/point me out because I'm going to be very open/vulnerable to people and some people are not going to receive it well.

    I'm still trying to figure out what the kid, and the 2 adults represent. My friend is concerned because no one is eating. She feels as though it represents something fake....

    The 1st segment: I just feel it may relate to my new job. Preparing to go into battle. It's a pretty tough job, but can be rewarding. I'm taking care of people who have disabilities.

  14. Grace, hi! Just a friendly clearing up on what you were talking about. The prayer and fasting, if you're talking about the one in Matthew where it talks about the mountains being cast into the sea, that is all referring to unbelief. The mountain (unbelief) is what can be cast in the sea with faith the size of a mustard seed.
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