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Posts posted by musicalstars2001

  1. This is very odd, I had a dream that was in 3 segments but all dealing with the same thing. I hope someone can bring an interpretation...

    1) I was in a house with my dog, a golden retriever, and my "future husband" came home. I had just announced to him that I was pregnant. After that, my dog wanted to go outside, I thought to go to the bathroom. Well, it was dark outside and as soon as I took him out, he started growling as if he sensed something was outside. I remember talking to my hubby about it and that was it.

    2) I was in the house, doing something in the living room and remember sensing and feeling kinda scared about something I thought I saw lurking about outside, and it was nighttime. I called my "future hubby" over and told him I was scared about something and he agreed to pray with me. We sat on the floor and just prayed in the spirit. I remember my dog was next to us, and she was being nervous. I specifically remember saying her name, "chloe, sit." After we got done, nothing that I could see was different. Then my dog, with her nose, kept pointing from me to my stomach. She did this twice. I remember telling her, "there's nothing wrong, my baby's going to be fine." (or something to that effect) that was it.

    3) I was in the kitchen and my friend from school was over and I was preparing food. We were just talking and you could I was finally showing from the pregnancy. My "future hubby" came home and we just had a casual conversation and then I remember putting my hands over my stomach and saying, "why is there a lot of kicking going on in here," when my hubby put his hands on my stomach. (I remember thinking as I was watching, what does that mean, and I heard a voice say the scripture about two nations being in your womb.)

    So that's pretty much it, I hope someone can help out with this. I feel it's definitely a warning dream, but then it kind of has me wondering about my kids, if i need to pray about them....

  2. 2 short dreams:

    1) a ring for the bride and a ring for the groom. the bride's ring was in gold and the groom's ring was in silver. (There were NO hands, just the rings)

    2) there was 1 bride's ring and from that ring came forth 3 other rings. They were all identical.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated. I don't have any idea as to what rings symbolize in dreams.

  3. 1) Ring diamond. The diamond part is hollow and being filled with clear liquid.

    2) Spaghetti jar (it's new). I open it and cockroaches come out one by one.

    3) A ring. The diamond is taken out. (This dream happens twice. One right after the other)

    4) Black and gray background. There is a man and I'm moving each of his body parts one at a time. (Kind of like the tin man) When I get to the face, I put one hand on each side and pray in tongues.


  4. Sandra, wow, thanks so much, that really did bear witness with my spirit. Actually kinda brought me to tears. God has not too long ago, been preparing me for marriage. I think I just experienced today what your interpretation of my dream was.

    Virtuous: I was kinda puzzled too about why the guy asked, "why are we getting married?" There was someone that I thought maybe God had placed in my heart, but it turned out that it was born of the flesh. (Note, this happened before I received this dream).
    I was kinda wondering if there was significance that the guy had said it instead of me? (the fact that I now know that he isn't the "one."

  5. Well, I was walking with a guy that "seemed" to be my future husband. I only know this because we were walking hand in hand to a store and he had asked, "why are we getting married?" After that this gray car pulls up crazy fast, and parks in front of us. (the car is parked sideways so that the driver's side was facing us). The window rolls down and an arm sticks out with a gun. (i just knew this was the enemy). He shoots a bullet, but I myself as I was watching, stopped the bullet from getting near us. Then I myself as I was watching, cut off the arm with the sword and then the car drove off. That was it.

    Any help would greatly be appreciated. I know it's a warning dream, that's all.

  6. I remember being in one of those bathroom stalls. You know, where your head can see over the door. It was weird though, because it was a half door. I remember trying to go to the bathroom and 2 of my guy friends from back home, I'm not there anymore, came in as I was trying to go. They acted as if it wasn't a big deal, going about what they were doing and pretty much being good at what they do, which is pestering me. (i don't have brothers in real life, so yeah they're like my brothers). I remember being really upset at them but they didn't seem to care. It was weird too, because I remember seeing their faces as clear as day.

    I know bathroom has something to do with cleaning out of stuff. Just a little unclear. I very much appreciate anyone's input. Thanks!

  7. I remember being in one of those bathroom stalls. You know, where your head can see over the door. It was weird though, because it was a half door. I remember trying to go to the bathroom and 2 of my guy friends from back home, I'm not there anymore, came in as I was trying to go. They acted as if it wasn't a big deal, going about what they were doing and pretty much being good at what they do, which is pestering me. (i don't have brothers in real life, so yeah they're like my brothers). I remember being really upset at them but they didn't seem to care. It was weird too, because I remember seeing their faces as clear as day.

    I know bathroom has something to do with cleaning out of stuff. Just a little unclear. I very much appreciate anyone's input. Thanks!

  8. Please help, I think this is a warning dream for me:

    I went to some building, not sure what it was for, and I went there to spend the night. I remember because I had brought stuff with me. But while I was roaming around I remember not feeling safe in the building and there were a few male figures here and there walking around. I also remember not feeling safe to leave my car in the parking lot.

    The next morning I remember going to my car. The side door was taken off and there were other parts of the car missing. I also remember seeing the car in front of mine that was parked had smashed into my car. I also realized there was a price number on my car as if someone was trying to sell it.

    I remember getting ready to call 911 to get this settled, but the car that had smashed into mine went and drove off. There was absolutely NO driver in it. I was not happy at all.

    After I remember being worried about what I was going to tell my dad about it. Somewhere towards the end I remember having my friends dog with me and a cat in the car. I also remember that I hadn't had a chance to give them water/food but specifically I was hoping they'd be ok becuase I realized they hadn't had water all night. They were just fine in the morning.

    Please help! Thanks!

  9. Please help, I think this is a warning dream for me:

    I went to some building, not sure what it was for, and I went there to spend the night. I remember because I had brought stuff with me. But while I was roaming around I remember not feeling safe in the building and there were a few male figures here and there walking around. I also remember not feeling safe to leave my car in the parking lot.

    The next morning I remember going to my car. The side door was taken off and there were other parts of the car missing. I also remember seeing the car in front of mine that was parked had smashed into my car. I also realized there was a price number on my car as if someone was trying to sell it.

    I remember getting ready to call 911 to get this settled, but the car that had smashed into mine went and drove off. There was absolutely NO driver in it. I was not happy at all.

    After I remember being worried about what I was going to tell my dad about it. Somewhere towards the end I remember having my friends dog with me and a cat in the car. I also remember that I hadn't had a chance to give them water/food but specifically I was hoping they'd be ok becuase I realized they hadn't had water all night. They were just fine in the morning.

    Please help! Thanks!

  10. It was evening outside and I was watching this happen.

    There's a guy outside an apt. bldg.There's a house cat that jumps out and he catches it. Then the girl comes out. (I can't tell either the girl or guys face). The cat jumps off him, and the cat sesems friendly.

    Then the guy gets on his knee and asks for her hand and proposes. She says (very startled) um, maybe we should have a few dates first? I just met you, etc. (While she's saying this, the cat turns into a young tiger, and seems friendly (I seem to have it on a leash.) Then without her knowing, it crouches and almost has it's mouth around her left leg, when I, on the outside watching, kill it.)

    The guy says something about trust (can't remember all of it), but he agrees to a few dates first.

    I feel, obviously it's about me. I feel it's a warning. Just not sure who it's directed to. If it's going to be a warning, or if it's a lie from the devil, or if it's a warning about the guy, etc...

  11. Last night I had this dream that's 2 parts:

    1st I'm on this airplane, and I remember that my dad was in a seat BEHIND me. I remember the waitress coming by and asking him if his leg (or knee can't remember which) was feeling better. I also remember the emergency exit door being open the entire time of the flight.

    Then after that, the dream shifts over and I'm in my old college band uniform. I remember carrying something, and it was big. I needed to get it to my car. But for some reason I never got close to it. I saw it in clear view, but everytime I tried walking towards it in my dream, I couldn't get to it. There was also a bus, with other band members going in and out of it, and I remember wanting to put what I had in my hand in an empty big case that was for the drums. (Everytime I'd try to get to my car to put it in, I'd end up going to this big empty drum case.) (I don't know what it was that was in my hand, I only know that it was big.) It was weird cause no one around me asked me anything about it, although in the dream I remember 2 people stopping to talk to me, and I remember thinking, I wish they hadn't, cause I really need to get this thing where it needs to be.

    Please anyone that can help with this, I'm more appreciated! Especially with the 1st part of the dream, it kinda worries me now that I'm thinking about it. I've never had a dream about my dad, but I've been praying a lot for him.
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