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Posts posted by musicalstars2001

  1. I'm on a short van/bus (not sure since I never see the outside.) None of us are cramped in the bus, and the seats are like those in a school bus. I can't see anyone's face, but I specifically remember having spoken to/gotten to know this guy two rows behind me. I don't know where our bus is, but I know we're somewhere in the US.
    Then the scene switches:
    We're all still in the bus and we're all still in the same seats and I still can't see outside of the bus. I know that we were in Russia and I remember looking at a white hotel key and thinking I should take it back to the hotel, but instead I kept it. Then we had 2 random people (can't see their faces), come in and they stayed with us.
    The scene switches again:
    We're in an airport, the only part I see is as if it were a huge lobby. We're all dispersed going to catch our own flights. I remember thinking, maybe I should call him (the guy that sat behind me in the bus) to check that he gets home safely.

    That's it.

    I'm pretty sure it has to do with some sort of missionary trip to Russia.....any other suggestions for the other parts of the dream would be greatly appreciated!

  2. Hey
    I agree with both Deborah and Lola.

    in addition to what Deborah was saying, Deborah, do you think: since the cell phones symbolize the people; the lamp relates to the cell phones in that, as nancy is used to help restore people's relationships with God that they will be able to be the light that God has called them to be? a light that shines on a hill?
    just a thought...

  3. Hey. Yeah, I was thinking the date and time thing too. Although, it'd be interesting to see what the other half of the set of numbers were...the ones you can't remember.

    Other than a possibility of an actual world event....I had a thought that it could be a huge out-pouring of the Holy Spirit.? water also symbolizes the Holy Spirit.

    Definitely ask God for other dreams to clarify this one you had...(just a thought) :)

  4. Segment 1: This one is in vivid colors. I'm watching on the outside. I see myself in an army uniform with a backpack. I'm coming into some building from the outside (a short walk), and I bump into a dark figure. I on the outside slay it. After that an SUV type vehicle appears behind me. I don't take any chances and I cut it into pieces, thinking that it was connected to the figure.

    Segment 2: I'm outside a building and I have stuff with me. (I can't see what it is and in the back of my mind I'm focused on where my car is, cause I know I parked it somewhere.) I cover myself with a towel because I'm in a bikini. I do sense I'm a little scared about staying outside, so I go inside the building, which is a restaurant. As soon as I get in, I directly go to the right side and am placed at a table with people I don't know. There is a young boy, and 2 older people. (I can't see any of their faces.) I sit on the side where the young boy is, since there is already a free seat. I also remember, one of the adults didn't like me. I look around the restaurant, and it's a 2 story one. I see a guy leaning over the railing, inside the restaurant, as if he's looking for someone. I notice his eyes change from normal to evil red, (it goes back and forth). I tell the people at the table with me, but as they turn to look, I start to freak out a little because I think that the guy is going to notice. In the dream, I have a feeling that he was looking for me. Also, none of us are eating at this restaurant, and it is a fully packed restaurant.

    Segment 3: I'm in a room with a couple other people and I remember feeling a little scared because there was a person or 2 that told us to stay in the room and that we couldn't leave. As I'm walking around, the door opens and a bunch of people walk in. I notice a friend, (I just met him 2 months ago. His name is Justin.) in the crowd right away. The only other person I can partly see is a girl that he's talking to, as he's walking in. But, I don't know what the relationship there is. I try to hide from him and I get a little nervous and I'm hoping that he doesn't see me. I can't see who anyone else is. Then everyone is standing, and starts to stretch their right arm out, back and forth, some slow and some fast. I asked someone why they were doing that, and one said, for stretching. So I join, still not really understanding. As I do, there is someone behind me, who I can't see the face, and his left arm is around my waist. I do notice that a couple rows behind me is Justin.

    In between the segments: Somewhere in between I remember looking for my car and not finding it. Someone took me to my house, but I still didn't have my car.

    Any ideas, interpretations, are greatly appreciated. Thanks ahead of time for reading this.

  5. Segment 1: This one is in vivid colors. I'm watching on the outside. I see myself in an army uniform with a backpack. I'm coming into some building from the outside (a short walk), and I bump into a dark figure. I on the outside slay it. After that an SUV type vehicle appears behind me. I don't take any chances and I cut it into pieces, thinking that it was connected to the figure.

    Segment 2: I'm outside a building and I have stuff with me. (I can't see what it is and in the back of my mind I'm focused on where my car is, cause I know I parked it somewhere.) I cover myself with a towel because I'm in a bikini. I do sense I'm a little scared about staying outside, so I go inside the building, which is a restaurant. As soon as I get in, I directly go to the right side and am placed at a table with people I don't know. There is a young boy, and 2 older people. (I can't see any of their faces.) I sit on the side where the young boy is, since there is already a free seat. I also remember, one of the adults didn't like me. I look around the restaurant, and it's a 2 story one. I see a guy leaning over the railing, inside the restaurant, as if he's looking for someone. I notice his eyes change from normal to evil red, (it goes back and forth). I tell the people at the table with me, but as they turn to look, I start to freak out a little because I think that the guy is going to notice. In the dream, I have a feeling that he was looking for me. Also, none of us are eating at this restaurant, and it is a fully packed restaurant.

    Segment 3: I'm in a room with a couple other people and I remember feeling a little scared because there was a person or 2 that told us to stay in the room and that we couldn't leave. As I'm walking around, the door opens and a bunch of people walk in. I notice a friend, (I just met him 2 months ago. His name is Justin.) in the crowd right away. The only other person I can partly see is a girl that he's talking to, as he's walking in. But, I don't know what the relationship there is. I try to hide from him and I get a little nervous and I'm hoping that he doesn't see me. I can't see who anyone else is. Then everyone is standing, and starts to stretch their right arm out, back and forth, some slow and some fast. I asked someone why they were doing that, and one said, for stretching. So I join, still not really understanding. As I do, there is someone behind me, who I can't see the face, and his left arm is around my waist. I do notice that a couple rows behind me is Justin.

    In between the segments: Somewhere in between I remember looking for my car and not finding it. Someone took me to my house, but I still didn't have my car.

    I have some ideas already, but still need lots of clarity. Any ideas, interpretations, are greatly appreciated. Thanks ahead of time for reading this.


  6. I remember walking up the aisle to the altar with my dad, whom I
    can see very clearly. I give him a great big hug and remember visibly
    seeing my maid of honor, whose my best friend. I, however, don't see
    the groom or the groom's side at all. I also remember thinking, the
    real me not the dream me, that my dad might be in the process of
    getting saved. I thought that because I had played, or was thinking of
    playing a song that sang about Jesus. (By the way, in real life I'm not
    married but am in preparation, and have been in a waiting period)

  7. I remember walking up the aisle to the altar with my dad, whom I
    can see very clearly. I give him a great big hug and remember visibly
    seeing my maid of honor, whose my best friend. I, however, don't see
    the groom or the groom's side at all. I also remember thinking, the
    real me not the dream me, that my dad might be in the process of
    getting saved. I thought that because I had played, or was thinking of
    playing a song that sang about Jesus. (By the way, in real life I'm not
    married but am in preparation, and have been in a waiting period)

  8. I remember walking up the aisle to the altar with my dad, whom I can see very clearly. I give him a great big hug and remember visibly seeing my maid of honor, whose my best friend. I, however, don't see the groom or the groom's side at all. I also remember thinking, the real me not the dream me, that my dad might be in the process of getting saved. I thought that because I had played, or was thinking of playing a song that sang about Jesus. (By the way, in real life I'm not married but am in preparation, and have been in a waiting period)

  9. So, I've had consistent ladder dreams but also in various ways. This is one that stayed with me.

    I'm sitting on the 1st bar of the ladder, I can also see the rest of the bars as well. I lift myself with my arms to where I can put my feet on the 1st bar and get my hands to reach the next bar. As I start to move my arms upward, the 1st bar comes out with my feet still on it, and floats me upward and all I have to do is move my arms.

    Thanks ahead of time for the interpretation.

  10. I remember walking up the aisle to the altar with my dad, whom I can see very clearly. I give him a great big hug and remember visibly seeing my maid of honor, whose my best friend. I, however, don't see the groom or the groom's side at all. I also remember thinking, the real me not the dream me, that my dad might be in the process of getting saved. I thought that because I had played, or was thinking of playing a song that sang about Jesus. (By the way, in real life I'm not married but am in preparation, and have been in a waiting period)

  11. I remember walking up the aisle to the altar with my dad, whom I can see very clearly. I give him a great big hug and remember visibly seeing my maid of honor, whose my best friend. I, however, don't see the groom or the groom's side at all. I also remember thinking, the real me not the dream me, that my dad might be in the process of getting saved. I thought that because I had played, or was thinking of playing a song that sang about Jesus. (By the way, in real life I'm not married but am in preparation, and have been in a waiting period)

  12. So, I've had consistent ladder dreams but also in various ways. This is one that stayed with me.

    I'm sitting on the 1st bar of the ladder, I can also see the rest of the bars as well. I lift myself with my arms to where I can put my feet on the 1st bar and get my hands to reach the next bar. As I start to move my arms upward, the 1st bar comes out with my feet still on it, and floats me upward and all I have to do is move my arms.

    Thanks ahead of time for the interpretation.

  13. So, I've had consistent ladder dreams but also in various ways. This is one that stayed with me.

    I'm sitting on the 1st bar of the ladder, I can also see the rest of the bars as well. I lift myself with my arms to where I can put my feet on the 1st bar and get my hands to reach the next bar. As I start to move my arms upward, the 1st bar comes out with my feet still on it, and floats me upward and all I have to do is move my arms.

    Thanks ahead of time for the interpretation.

  14. I remember walking up the aisle to the altar with my dad, whom I can see very clearly. I give him a great big hug and remember visibly seeing my maid of honor, whose my best friend. I, however, don't see the groom or the groom's side at all. I also remember thinking, the real me not the dream me, that my dad might be in the process of getting saved. I thought that because I had played, or was thinking of playing a song that sang about Jesus. (By the way, in real life I'm not married but am in preparation, and have been in a waiting period)

  15. I remember walking up the aisle to the altar with my dad, whom I can see very clearly. I give him a great big hug and remember visibly seeing my maid of honor, whose my best friend. I, however, don't see the groom or the groom's side at all. I also remember thinking, the real me not the dream me, that my dad might be in the process of getting saved. I thought that because I had played, or was thinking of playing a song that sang about Jesus. (By the way, in real life I'm not married but am in preparation, and have been in a waiting period)

  16. So, I've had consistent ladder dreams but also in various ways. This is one that stayed with me.

    I'm sitting on the 1st bar of the ladder, I can also see the rest of the bars as well. I lift myself with my arms to where I can put my feet on the 1st bar and get my hands to reach the next bar. As I start to move my arms upward, the 1st bar comes out with my feet still on it, and floats me upward and all I have to do is move my arms.

    Thanks ahead of time for the interpretation.

  17. thanks so much! that helps bring more to light and something for me to
    ponder. I don't know if this helps any, since both of you mentioned the
    covenant and promises coming to pass. It seems that with both of your
    interpretations that it may be directed towards my calling. I have been
    seeking God on what my calling is specifically and this past weekend I
    do believe I received my calling.

    MBStudent: when you mentioned that in my heart there's a possibility
    that I might've formed more than one option: that may bear witness to the fact that
    part of me isn't quite settled in my mind about this calling only
    because my calling has nothing to do with what I spent more than half
    my life pursuing, which is music. (These are just my thoughts after
    just having read both comments.) So if this does have to do with my
    calling then that kinda makes sense with that.

    unaday and mbstudent:

    I really believe that this dream has to do with my calling overall.

    when you said that one would be the chosen, referring to the scripture that was told to me, about the 2 nations? I'm thinking maybe that the calling that God has for me, is obviously the chosen one, and then the music would be the minor? And I guess that's where the double ministry would come in? Not sure...still thinking...

    For some reason it does bear a lot of witness with having to do with my calling.
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