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Posts posted by Gissy2

  1. I had a dream last night and any insight would be greatly appreciated. I dreamt that I was lying in my bed asleep but on the side of my house there was a construction site. I was able to look through my walls to the site even though I was asleep. I saw hugh iron beams being erected like a skyscraper. The frame was being built. It was night and dark but I was not afraid in fact I was excited, I thought "finally they are doing something". I heard the construction workers moving about but I was not able to see them, I heard the project manager shouting commands like "pour the concrete" and I would see the concrete being moved to pour. I am really excited because I am wondering if God is sharing with me a secret....that I am able to get a glimpse of what He is building????

    I should also mention that before I went to bed, IRL, I was praying to God and getting frustrated, I told God, I don't know why I am talking about this because nothing seems to be happening!!!

  2. I am not a dream interpreter but it seems as though it would link since they were both on the same night. From your dream I feel as though God might be warning you that your delivery might have some mild set-backs. From your emotions in the dream it could be very mild eg. the baby decides to present breech or it could be moderate. As you go to term, keep praying and praising God for a healthy baby because that's what you have in the end of the dream. If you feel your baby moving count how many times in a day and if the movements decrease let your doctor know. please toss what your spirit don't agree with.

  3. hi happiness thank you for your thoughts, well sometimes I do think some people don't understand me IRL however in the dream it was a very playful mood. When I pose I chose a silly one, the unknown person were just giving us directions of basically standing still, our pose was up to us and I decided to be silly.

  4. I dreamt that this unknown person had this guy I know in real life and myself stand next to each other side by side. He told us we had to pose in a frozen position. He did not give us a time frame of how long we needed to be there. He just wanted us to stand there like statues. So, I did my pose. The funny thing is that I was also watching myself on the outside and I looked like Nathalie Portman...but I knew that I knew it was me. Anyway, the guy got tired of this frozen position so he broke out of it and started to mess around so I could break pose as well. And it worked, we were playful and I went overbroad to the point where he was hurt because I was teasing him and he ran away. I went after him apologizing telling him we were not suppose to break our pose anyway. Then it ended.

  5. christi85 wrote:
    See the sunburn part was unfamiliar to me as well. The other stuff wasn't but the sunburn was definitely not normal. Honestly, No I do not think he would make me feel like I was sunburned. I thought that was strange too. I thought maybe it was an allusion to the "fire of God?" but I'm not sure.

    Yes, I was praying about family. I was reflecting about how He understands exactly what I am going through and knows exactly how I feel. That family is incredibly important to Him and how he doesn't want any of his children to be in bondage. That He is bigger than my circumstances. That His love is powerful. That His love always wins.

    with my experience, I doubted it was God at my second thought because I too have NEVER felt that way. And I felt very uncomfortable, the sensation was so intense. At the same time I felt it was so intimate it was like I felt it in my being, the sensation went deep and it was like I was being rocked or soothed. So I was uncomfortable and comforted at the same time if that makes any sense. But if you questioning if it was God the next step would be to pray and ask Him. Another question did you feel any fear at the time?

  6. When I read your title, I immediately thought...could this been demonic forces?? Then I read your post and thought "this is crazy demons pulling Christians off their beds" :lordhelpus:

    I was so glad to read others responses and this brought me back to reality finally I got it idea

    but I had an experience similar to yours, at least the sensation. i was not fully wake and I had this sense of someone standing at the foot of my bed, slowly I felt this sensation travelling along my feet and body...it was so so so strong across my body almost to the point of where I couldn't bare it. It's just like how you described it an intensity, very strong, very powerful, something you can't ignore and can't bare!

    a few days later I was in the state of sleep and wake....I felt the same sensation and I was like "oh boy I don't know if I can deal with this again" so in my mind I said "i don't believe you" and almost instantly it went away. a few months later I was kinda disappointed I did that and prayed for forgiveness, I asked God if that was Him if He could come back almost instantly I felt a lighter version and I heard a voice speaking in another language and I started to speak back it was the BEST time ever happy dance :glory:
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