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Posts posted by hind'sfeet

  1. rbarnett!!! I was just asking Yahweh to speak to me (I don't have an expectation of how anymore) and I think He just did by confirming that I'm going in the right direction!!! I have been thinking basically about having gardens (I don't garden, I have a brown thumb!) and or buying a wild edible plant foraging book for the end times in case I needed food and it led me to thinking that if we all did this thing then we will not need to steal food and we would be basically buying and selling from eachother. I just now thought "wouldn't it be cool if we ALL boycotted the secular market and buy from eachother NOW?!"

  2. I don't know all her friends so I couldn't say who it could be. She has been through a lot emotionally and physically in the past and currently she is married, pregnant, and has a toddler and still going through a lot emotionally with old stuff. I don't have her permission to say what the stuff is even though she is anon. She used to be in the army and her husband is currently in the army.

  3. I've been reading a lot of dreams on here about spiders and I thought I would ask my son if he's had any. He said he has had one. I've only had one in my life that I remember.

    1st his was with a Monster Giant spider bigger than me and it was on top of a mountain, it was black, the mountain was grey. That's all he remembers. That was a few years ago when we were in Newport News VA. He forgot what grade he was in so I can't tell you how many years. He says he was prob. in 3rd and he's now in 4th.

    Mine was when I was 6 or 7 and it was in my friends yard next door. Her father's wood pile under a tree behind his garden. We used to call her father Mr. MacGregor. The wood pile was covered in black widow spiders. That's all I remember.

  4. This is just my observations and might not even be the truth of the issue or just a small part of it.

    I can't say anything for the 1st dream but the 2nd dream black snakes in real life are very poisonous (black adder). You were complacent about it and careless and you basically let it in your home because you were careless. You had a warning that it was dangerous but you ignored it. Apparently others in your home are unaware of the dangers and could easily become victims. That's what i saw in the dream as a whole, speaking only for the dream. Could be a parallel of what is going on in real life?

  5. I was watching one of the history or science channels (I love Simbcha (sp?) Jacobovich) I think it was he that was interviewing two leaders in some specific field (archaeology, I think) and one was an Israeli Jew and the other a Palestinian muslim. The muslim actually surprised me by his serious willingness to compromise with the Dome of the Rock and the Temple of Solomon!!! They have the true red bull already living and in Israel. The red bull that will be sacrificed in the Temple. They have all the things that need to be put into the temple already made and the blue prints ready too.
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