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Josue Tortola

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  1. Hi Lola21st!!! I understand your concern because you are a moderator in this group and you need to maintain everything within certain limitis so this is what I have to tell you. We are spirits living into a body made of flesh...our bodies need material things and our spirits need spiritual things... besides that, we are here on planet Earth to learn...about the material world and also about the spiritual world. Feeding the body When Moses was with the Jews in the desert they were fed, otherway they would have died. Many parts of the Exodus Book. When Jesus fed the 4,000 and then the 5,000 people he did it because their bodies needed food even though he had been doing spiritual things to them. Mathew Chapter 14 vers.13 to 21 The prophet Elijah was fed by an angel because his body needed the material things to live. 1st of Kings Chapter 19 Feeding the spirit. Mathew Chapter 4 vers. 4 In this passage Jesus is telling to Satan that the man is not going to live only because of food...the man also needs the spiritual things that come from God. Marcus Chapter 9 vers. 28 and 29 Here Jesus is telling to the 12 that they need to pray and fast to be able to cast down some kind of demons. So you can see that there's a conecction body-spirit...spirit-body. Cocerning to the second part of your question....I can tell you this...sometimes the only way to learn something is by living it whether a mistake or not...this is also a part of our learning process. I can sense that your main corcern is if I am aproving that she has sex without been married and if that's the case my answer is that I cannot judge anybody...that's something between she and God. With love!!! Josue Tortola.
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