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Posts posted by SCGirlyGrl

  1. Hey Y'all! I had a short dream earlier this morning, and it went like this:

    It was one of those dreams that I was on the outside looking in, but I was also participating in my body in this dream.

    It was winter time, and I had my coat on because I was cold.

    I dreamed that I had left my work station and went to the employee break room. I wanted a cup of coffee really bad. I poured the coffee in my cup and put the sugar in there (it was like raw sugar kinda) and I was dissapointed because I didn't see any sweet n low, and then after I had added the sugar to the coffee, I noticed the sweetner, and was like well, I've already put this sugar in there.

    As I was doing this, the big boss of where I work, came into the room. He was making small talk with me, and I went around to the other side of the table, in real life he makes me VERY uncomfortable. He came around to the other side of the table, and before I knew it, he had his arms around me and was hugging me. Then he put his nose in my hair and on my skin and began to smell my skin. It made my skin crawl, and I didn't appreciate it. He then pressed his lips to the top of my head and kissed me. A resident with dementia said he shouldn't be doing that, he has husbands. He corrected her and told her I have a wife. I began to make small talk to distract him. I was like wow it must be great to be so tall, etc. I finally got free. I was looking for a friend of mine (co-worker) to talk to because he had made me so uncomfortable and I wanted to see if he did what I really thought he did.

    Is God showing me this man's intentions towards me, or is it something else? This dream made me so uncomfortable.

  2. Hi Promised Child!

    I have not taken the accuracy test, but this is my thought:

    Something is going on with your friend! The lobster is very unclean, and a mouse isn't clean either. She is having uncleanliness, within uncleanliness.

    It seems like she maybe involved in something that represents the lobster, and it is unclean, and is causing a lot of other unclean stuff to come out in her life.

    Please pray on what I've said.

  3. Hi Rasberry Renae! Welcome to the site! We are glad to have you here. You can post your dream under the Vision and Dream Interpretation section. Just click on New Post, type what you have and then click send (or save I can't remember which).

    I look forward to hearing about your dream. God has been moving a lot here lately in lives on this site!

    God Bless You!

  4. I know exactly how you feel. I went through that when my dad passed away.

    The Lord loves you so much!!!! Death comes not from God, but from the enemy. The devil comes to kill, steal and destroy, but Jesus came that we may have life to the full. Death never entered the picture until Adam and Eve sinned. The Lord first created man to live and walk with him forever.

    Cry out to God and tell Him exactly how you feel, verbally, because He already knows. It's no suprise to Him.

    Do not give the devil the victory in this situation. It's harder to get back on track once you have slipped. I've been there, and when your emotions are involved, it makes it so much harder.

    It's your emotions that are ruling now, not your Sprit Man. Your spirit still wants to be intimate with God. Your emotions are going through turmoil. People go through 5 stages of grief (I borrowed the states from online, but here they are):
    1-Denial-"this can't be happening to me", looking for the former spouse in familia places, or if it is death, setting the table for the person or acting as if they are still in living there. No crying. Not accepting or even acknowledging the loss.
    2-Anger-"why me?", feelings of wanting to fight back or get even with spouse of [color:e5e3=blue! important][color:e5e3=blue! important]divorce

    , for death, anger at the deceased, blaming them for leaving.
    3-Bargaining-bargaining often takes place before the loss. Attempting to make deals with the [color:e5e3=blue! important][color:e5e3=blue! important]spouse who is leaving, or attempting to make deals with God to stop or change the loss. Begging, wishing, praying for them to come back.
    4-[color:e5e3=blue! important][color:e5e3=blue! important]Depression-overwhelming feelings of hopelessness, frustration, bitterness, self pity, mourning loss of person as well as the hopes, dreams and plans for the future. Feeling lack of control, feeling numb.
    5-Acceptance-there is a difference between resignation and acceptance. You have to accept the loss, not just try to bear it quietly. Realization that it takes two to make or break a [color:e5e3=blue! important][color:e5e3=blue! important]marriage. Realization that the person is gone (in death) that it is not their fault, they didn't leave you on purpose. (even in cases of suicide, often the deceased person, was not in their right frame of mind) Finding the good that can come out of the [color:e5e3=blue! important][color:e5e3=blue! important]pain of loss, finding comfort and healing. Our goals turn toward personal growth. Stay with fond memories of person.

    I would encourage you to find a Christian counselor like your Pastor to help you through the grief. God loves you so very much! Don't give up on Him!

    Father, in the name of Jesus, I pray peace and comfort over your child. May she come out of this valley of time feeling your love and comfort with her. You have promised to never leave nor forsake us, and we are so thanful for that. Send those her way to help her, and allow her to be honest with them. You knew what it was like to experience grief when you lost John. So, Father comfort her as only you can. In the name of Jesus we pray. Amen!

  5. Yes, Nancy, the end is comming sooner than most would immagine. I was talking on another post last night, about how the days seem to have sped up. You get up on Monday morning, and before you know it, it's Friday. Little things that most people miss, often make up the big picture.

  6. Father,

    In the name of Jesus, I ask for divine wisdom for Bama. I ask that you will tie all the loose ends together for her in her spirit. I ask that you will annoint her tounge with your words. Jesus, I ask that you grant her a double portion of knowlege and she will begin to see the "big picture" that you are placing in front of her. God, give her the strenth to minister to those that she cares for. Lord, you are faithful and good to your children, and you withhold nothing that is good from your children.

    I ask these things in the name of your one and only son Jesus Christ.


  7. I had a vision a few years ago that puzzeled me, and the Lord brought it back to my mind today.

    I dreamed that I was dressed in a pure gleaming white robe. It was almost like a choir robe. I was in a long line with other people dressed in the same white robes, but it was moving quickly. I was somewhere, and I knew it to be Jeruselem. I was smiling. There was an open place with stairs, and the line was moving down the stairs. I knew we were going underneath something, but what I couldn't see. A man (who I knew to be Jesus) was stand there directing us down these stairs. I was still smiling, and it was peaceful.

    I have an idea what this may mean, and I will share that soon.

    I guess I'm looking for confirmation.

  8. I had a vision a few years ago that puzzeled me, and the Lord brought it back to my mind today.

    I dreamed that I was dressed in a pure gleaming white robe. It was almost like a choir robe. I was in a long line with other people dressed in the same white robes, but it was moving quickly. I was somewhere, and I knew it to be Jeruselem. I was smiling. There was an open place with stairs, and the line was moving down the stairs. I knew we were going underneath something, but what I couldn't see. A man (who I knew to be Jesus) was stand there directing us down these stairs. I was still smiling, and it was peaceful.

    I have an idea what this may mean, and I will share that soon.

    I guess I'm looking for confirmation.

  9. J-Jay, welcome to the site! Glad the Lord lead you here.

    I have not taken the accuracy test, but I would like to respond to your dream.

    No, your dream was not demonic. The failed attack before you went to sleep was.

    What a wonderful dream! I believe the Lord is showing you what is going to happen in your country symbolicly. Beautiful landscaping (God is rearranging things, cleaning things up), water filling up a pond (water represents the Spirit, so the spirit is filling up dry places), beautiful trees that never lost flower petals (God renewing and restoring), trees with deep roots, (deep relationships with God being formed, and sustained).

    satan tried to stop this dream because he didn't want you to see this. I feel that may be because you have been praying for your country and God is showing you what He is going to do.

    Bless You!

  10. Hi Kiri!

    I have not taken the accuracy test, but I would like to respond to this dream.

    Snakes represent evil...they are not friends. He was coiled on your chest, in the vacinity of where your heart is located. He was checking you out to see how spiritually awake you were. Of course he's curious. The devil doesn't waste time with Christians who are living like the world, because they are no threat to him.

    It was snatching food from above your head, mentally where we renew our minds with the Word of God. Our daily bread. He's trying to steal the Word of God from your mind.

    You realize this is happening and reach for the light, meaning Jesus, and the snake is gone.

    I'm begining to think this dream may be symbolic/ literal. I believe that when you sleep at night, the demons do come and try to snatch the Word of God from you, and they test you in your sleep. Do you have thoughts in the morning after you wake up and ask yourself where did that come from? Do you read the Word before bedtime, and the next day find it difficult to remember what you read when you open your Bible the next day?

    Yes, spirits can attach themselves to things, and to you when you are out and about, you're not possessed, but these things can cling to you. The Lord showed me one time how I was covered in them coming home from where I worked (I work in a nursing home where people die, and spirits are there, many not too good). They were resting on me, following me. I prayed for the Lord to remove them and I could see them fly off, and hear them screech.

    Also, you live in a country with many demonic spirits based on the above mentioned religions. You are begining to work in missions in that land. The Lord showed you this dream so you can better protect yourself.

    If I were you, I'd pray before I went to bed and ask the Lord to put His warrior angels (I'd ask for the biggest ones if I were you) to the north, east, south, and west of your house, and I'd ask Him to put some in your house to keep you away and safe from these forces. I'd then pray that He will protect your mind when you sleep. I'd bind up the enemy and his schemes and release God and His perfect plan.

    Please pray on this, but this is what I felt about this dream.

  11. Hi Hind'sfeet!

    I have not taken the accuracy test, but I would like to respond to this dream.

    I believe that your son has a spiritual gift and the ability to see what is beyond the physical in the spirit, and the ability to seek those things out and help others find them.

    You were seeing the castle and talking about it in the natural, but he found the wooden mysterious doors.

    I think this gradmama represents Jesus. Hence the crown and white robe. When Jesus walked on the earth, He didn't come as a king, He came as a man. I think in your dream grandmama was comforting to you in the natural, so this is how He chose to reveal himself to you in your dream.

    You were following her around....like following Jesus.

    I think your son is also going to help you follow Jesus more, to show you things and point you in some new directions.

    Please pray on this...this is what I felt.

  12. These are my opinions.

    If your dad was a christian and he professed Jesus to be Lord, then I believe he is in heaven. I know people disagree that people who comitt suicide aren't in heaven.

    Yet, God's grace is plentiful. Suicide is a sin, so is lying, stealing, etc. So, in theory, if anyone had sin in their life that they didn't confess of before they died (because a lot of people claim there isn't time to confess before you die in suicide), then they would be in hell too. That includes sins that we don't count as sins, but God sees them as sins. How is someone physically killing themselves different from those that slowly kill themselves by overeating, smoking, not exercising, and participating in drug use, etc.? It's not, it's man that puts labels on things, and assigns weight to sins, Not God.

    I had a dream about my deceased dad, and I think dreams like that are meant to be more comfort than anything. Take comfort, he was dressed in light colored clothes, compared to the darker clothes that he wore in real life. That is a good thing. Also, I believe that by you asking him those questions, instead of asking him if he was in heaven, he could have been giving you a literal answer. No, he wasn't with them at the moment, but he did get to see them. Light can't cohabitate with darkness.

    These are just my opinions and I hope they help.
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