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Posts posted by SCGirlyGrl

  1. Dreamster, You are that eagle. You're going after snakes (evil in the spirt) and killing it.

    You're being elevated to a new place to the position of a spirit eagle.

  2. Father, In the name of Jesus, we pray for JBS's father. You know what is going on, and you are our healer. I pray that you will touch his body in the area that needs it, you alone know our bodies better than any doctor, or specialist. I ask that you give this family peace that passes all understanding during this time.

    In the Name of Jesus Amen!

  3. Desiree, I haven't taken the accuracy test.

    What I feel about your dream is this: something (represented by the wood) is trying to block the words that you speak, and the praises that you have to offer.

    It is trying to take your focus off of words of life because you become agitated, you can't get them out of your mouth, and they become thicker. The big circular pieces are trying to serve as a block from the flow of your mouth.

    Others were laughing at you when you discovered the mess, I think the people represent some of satan's nasty crew that will celebrate because they think they've succeeded in keeping you silent.

    These are just my thoughts on this.

  4. Hey Y'all.

    I had a vision of a massive storm that was moving very fast one evening as I was trying to go to sleep.

    I could see a huge massive cloud with an eye in it headed across the ocean to land.

    I was like huh? I prayed and I felt very strongly in my spirit that there are going to be hurricanes like we have never seen. Major beyond the scales that man has invented to judge their strength.

    I was also impressed in my spirit that for me, I am not to go to the beach, or close to the coast without praying first and getting clearance from the Lord.

  5. Ramell...these are just my thoughts I haven't taken the accuracy test.

    God could be giving you confirmation of things He's already showed you and spoken to you. As Christians, we are supposed to be out in the world ministering to people and sharing the light instead of saving it for ourselves.

    Praise God that He has shown you that you have to boldness to complete your calling...

  6. Just my thoughts I have not taken the accuracy test:

    Maybe the Lord is showing you a disease this person is facing now, or will be facing in the future, so you can pray and call this thing out of the person by name..

    Just my thoughts.

  7. Well...I'm not sure about in dreams....but I can tell you a little from the medical perspective.

    Seizures come on by a sort of energy burst in the brain....they vary in degree from minor (looks like the person is just staring at you) to a grand mal seizure which have an incredible energy burst in the brain, and result in the person shaking, rolling and seizing on the floor, or where ever they are.

    Many people believe that you are to hold down a person, and hold down their tounge so they don't bite it...please don't do that. You can injure the person by holding them down...keep an eye on them call whomever, but never hold them down...don't hold their tounge down either. The human jaws produce an incredible amount of force capable of cutting off fingers.

    If I had to guess about the meaning in a dream....I would say a total lack of control....

  8. Hi D!!!! What came to me was you're getting a more solid ride in the spirit...hence the solid orange bike instead of an orange and yellow one. You will have people that will help you get to this new place in the spirit for you...represented by your old mechanic friend....

    Just my thoughts...I haven't taken the accuracy test.

  9. UMmmmm SH, these are just my thoughts. I haven't taken the accuracy test, so disregard anything that doesn't resonate with you.

    It sounds like your husband and this friend are involved in something, or will be involved in something....PARTICULARYLY THE FRIEND (since you are in HIS house) that may invite demonic activity into your life, or already has bc of your son's vision. The people in the helicopter are not good people because they bring big dogs with them and other animals. You couldn't shut the door all the way because something was holding it open that you couldn't see.

    The wolves were drinking your blood...you are able to fight them off for a while, but they keep coming. Meaning whatever this thing is, has strong roots, and strength. The wolves are varying in size which means that there are diffenrent levels to this thing you are or will be dealing with.

    Your blood is your lifesource. It carries nutrients, oxygen, etc..to your organs and cells. This thing wants to kill you off and take you down...not your husband because he wasn't mentioned as being bit, but you and your children. It wants to take you and your children down because you can see it for what it is.

    You blackout before you can check on your child. This thing will almost succeed in it's mission.

    This is a MAJOR warning dream for you. You should pray and ask the Lord to show you what is going on with this situation. Pray for strength, wisdom, guidance and divine protection. I'd encourage your husband to stay away from this guy as well.

    PRAY GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I hope this helps you. May God bless you my sister!!!!!!!

  10. I dreamed I was riding in the car with my boyfriend and I lit a cigarette. We turned up a street and realized we were going the wrong way and since it was winter, we slid down this hill, then we turned on to a street and it was raining. We pulled up in front of a building and we got out. I went to put the cigarette out, and I stuck my hand in the ashtray and moved all the cigaretts around.

    I then decided i had to use the ladies room, and I went in. I went into a stall, and it was so little. The door closed right on the end of the toilet so I couldn't do anything. I stood there trying to think of a way to go, but no use. I then noticed this red bug on me with black stripes, he was a pretty big fella....I swatted at him a couple of times and finally killed him. I was like ewww....I need to wash my hands, I steped out of the stall and then I noticed these little tiny black worms all over my white dress shirt. I was disgusted by them and began to wipe them off, a few other ladies in the restroom (whom I do know IRL) came over and helped me get some of them off. When I was done, I washed my hands and left the restroom...

    Any Ideas Y'all????

  11. You are absolutely right. When your uncle does come over to the house, he invites them in right along with him. The oujia board does invite the occult into your home, and into your life. Think of it as water in a drain when you release the plunger it swirls into a drain, similar concept. demons are pent up in some cases, looking for places to go, and when someone releases the plunger (i.e., the oujia board) they go out the drain, and into their "mission field".

    There is something out there that wants your attention and obedience. Your uncle has opened up your family to these attacks because of his involvement in this. These demons now have a way into your family line.

    Your brother is not affected because he's living in sin, and you're right to an extent. The attacks are not as strong with him, but he is being attacked whether he realizes it or not. It was an attack of the enemy that he didn't win that has him living with his girlfriend.

    You can stop it. You can stop it from happening to you, and your children. Put an end to this generational curse. I had similar issues, because when I was in my late teens I used to read astrology books, birth charts, etc. I was saved, but I didn't understand the reprecussions of them. That stuff seriously messes with our mind. I experienced sleep paralysis, but back then, I didn't know what it was.

    I would suggest before you go to bed, annoint yourself with oil. I always pray that God will send his warrior angels, the biggest ones he has to protect me. I pray that he will put them to the North, East, South and West of my house. I pray that he will put them in my house as well. I pray that he will bind up the darkness, and release the light. I pray that he will guard my body and my mind as I sleep.

    When your uncle comes over to the house, I would keep praise and worship music in the background playing softly. He will become uncomfortable, and probably won't stay long. And after he leaves, I would anoint my house with oil, open a window, tell those spirits they have no authority in my house in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, and send them out through the open window. I personally always feel better after I have given them a way to get out.

    These are just my thoughts and experiences. Hope they help. God bless!

  12. Jay De La, or whoever you are, I bind your judgemental attitude, your negativity, your hatred, and your unjust rebuke. I release the forgiveness of God to you, peace, love, and kindness.

    satan, you have no place here on this site. your time is limited and you are going straight to hell. so i command you to return from where you came from, you and your nasty little crew.

    Jay de la, be very careful of who you judge. You are accusing people that have strong calls of God on their lives as being ungodly. I am one of those people with strong calls. I know what you are up to, and I'm pretty sure I know EXACTLY who you are.

  13. That's exactly what I was thinking Sister. I believe that the word that was spoken is extordianrily powerful in your life D.

    I feel like if you can remember the lesson, and study it in the Word, you will see God's power come upon you in a way you've never known it.

    Just my thoughts.
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