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Posts posted by SCGirlyGrl

  1. I totally agree with C.

    Also, as Christians when we get save (at least in the area where I live) people get scared that God is going to send them to Africa to swat flies (from what I hear we should be so lucky I hear great things are going on over there), but I digress. We think that God is going to make us do something that we detest.

    God doesn't work like that. He wants us to do what He created us to do, and it will be something that we love to do. We should strive to get to the point where God's heart and our heart are the same.

    What is your passion? What are you good at? What do you desire to do that you can use to gloriy God?

    These are just my thoughts. I hoped they helped.

  2. This dream is graphic.

    I had a dream last night which is disturbing me. I NEVER have sex dreams, so I'm wondering what this is all about. Especially since it was one of those dreams that I was involved in, but also watching at the same time...weird.

    THIS DREAM IS GRAPHIC, Just want to give everyone fair warning.

    I dreamed that I was with a guy. I don't know him in real life. He was tall, muscular, well built, with dark black hair, and bright blue eyes. He was dressed in a navy blue suit, white shirt, and a tie.

    I was talking to him, and he begins to kiss me. Next thing I know...I'm naked, and he's still dressed. He's got me pulled up against him, and my foot was proped up on something. Not to be to graphic...but he begins to stimulate me. I remember thinking...wow...he didn't even touch my breast, but he was still doing the thing above and kissing me. I remember thinking that if he doesn't stop i'm gonna "O"... And then I woke up.

    What in the world is this about????

  3. Father, In the name of Jesus, I pray for my sister. God, you are the creator and maker of our bodies. You know every single cell, every membrane, every bone, every muscle better than any doctor or nurse every could because you created them. Jesus, you know how things are supposed to work in our bodies.

    I ask that you remove these cells that are there illegally in her because you did not put them there. I speak to that cervix that there will be no cancer or disease there. satan, you have to flee from this sister's body. She has been washed by the blood of the lamb, the son of God, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, and you are not allowed to be there. I pray for every joint in her body, her feet, her back. I command that there will be no pain, no discomfort, no disc slipping, no feet that refuse to fusion.

    There will be a trip for this sister, she will go back to africa. The enemy can't stop her mission. he can try, but God has the final victory in this situation. There is much work to be done, and satan is fearful...Yes, he's attacking your body to get the focus off of Christ, and on to your pain. He doesn't want you to continue...he's scared like a chicken because he knows you are going to win souls into God's kingdom, you're going to break down strongholds, you're going to deliver people out of oppression and bondage. Even your name he's scared of...Steady Gaze....he knows that is so accurate for you...and what a name it is because your focus is straight and true.

    God, give this sister the wisdom and guidance she needs. Divine healing for her body that is what we ask in the name of the one and only Jesus Christ.


  4. Yes, she is a lover of drama and tearing other down.

    She has tried to set me up before, but it has blown up in her face.

    She plays nice to my face, and then talks about me like a dog behind my back.. She's a piece of work.

    I do pray for her, and on some days, it's really hard, but I do it anyway.

  5. I work in a nursing home...Yes, I would say that mind games are accurate.

    My supervisor is very insecure about her job. She is jealous of me and a co-worker of mine who have more experience and knowledge of her job than she does.

    My supervisor plays like she likes me and my co-worker, but she was told by our administrator that she has to be nice to us because it's her with the problem. She doesn't really like us. She pretends she does, but we know that if she had the opprotunity, she'd send us out the door. She knows the only way she can get to us is through insubordination.

    She has a lot of demonic forces behind her, and I was thinking that's why she was able to handle the snake with such ease.

  6. Hi Jennifer!

    I have not taken the accuracy test, but I would like to respond to this dream.

    I believe those birds were demons. They were black with red eyes.

    People were running from them, and they were catching people and crushing them. This I believe, is indictive of what is to come in the end, people will run, and there will be no where to hide, satan will have dominion on the earth during this time.

    You and your husband were running, but God showed you a way out, to jump in the water which represents the spirit of God. People were still being picked off because they were jumping in the spirit, but they were not of the spirit.

    The Lord filled you with passion and authority to chase away these demons by speaking like the apostle Peter did with power and authority on the day of pentecost.

    They turned to dust because at the name of Jesus they have to flee. Dust represents something here that is dead.

    I believe the biggest bird of all was satan himself, disguised to see how his "mission" was going in the harvesting of souls for himself.

    You felt absolute peace for you children because you knew they were covered by God.

    These are just my thoughts, please toss out anything that doesn't agree with you.

  7. OK y'all here it goes.

    Last night I dreamed that I was at work, and I was in the hallway, and put my hand on the handrail, and there was a snake on it. I started to panic and ran into my supervisors office. She had the snake in her hand wrapped around her arm. It was a cream color with light yellow splotches on it...looked like a python I guess.

    So she's moving this snake towards me, and I am flipping out, I'm screaming and crying and having a breakdown (IRL I am horrified of snakes) She keeps moving the snakes head towards me, and I can feel it's teeth against my hand, and I can see it's tounge flicker in and out, but in my dream I feel it. I am panicking and just crying horribly. Then I pass out or faint something of that nature.

    I then wake up, and other nurses are around me asking me if I'm o.k. and my supervisor is laughing thinking the whole thing is funny. I remember that the snake had put it's teeth on me, and I look down at my hand. There are no bites. I can see there are two faint white lines where it's teeth brushed up against my hand, like I had dry skin and it just left the marks. It didn't puncture my skin.

    Y'all this dream was so real I woke up about ready to flip out. The emotions, and the sheer terror of it were unbelievably real.

  8. U should google eagles and read about them...they're fascinating birds, the things they go through like sheading feathers, to their beak pressure, etc....fascinating.

  9. I'm gonna start this off with a quote from my momma that I think is so appropriate to this situation: WHEN SOMEONE SHOWS YOU WHO THEY ARE, BELIEVE THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    CB...this guy is mentally and emotionally unstable. Until he deals with the issues of his abuse, I mean REALLY deal with them, he is not going to be good for anyone.

    People who do not deal with abuse issues on any level CAN have varying emotions. They can play cute and nice and all that one minute, and that minute can last a long time. Then, they flip. They have so much anger pent up inside of them, and they don't know what to do with it. They get mad easily one minute and flip out. It doesn't matter who it is, who they're hurting...they hurt others because they're hurting themselves, and they're trying to make the pain go away.

    It could be that he's projecting on you, what he feels about himself because of the abuse, and what it's done to you. It could also be a generational cycle. He could be repeating what he saw his father or father figure do. You never know.

    Yes, it hurts, a lot.

    BUT, do not let that man dictate to you who you are anymore. He's said his piece. Wheather he did it one way or another is really irrelevant. What he's done is what he's done.

    You should NEVER be willing to put up with the addictions, promiscuity and things like that. That is not right. The man is not your husband, it is not your place to stand beside him while he tries to sort out his messed up life.

    It seems to me like this man was on a mission from the enemy, and not from God. If you are seeking God, and praying for a Godly mate, the Lord will not give you someone who is the complete opposite of what HE wants for you.

    Consider it a blessing that this happened now instead of after you were married. Immagine what a mess that would've been. Imagine how it would have affected your child.

    PRAISE THE LORD you are free from this girl. Cry, grieve, get it all out. Meet with your pastor for counseling, do what YOU need to do to get yourself on the path to recovery.

  10. Dem, I have not taken the accuracy test, but I would like to offer my thoughts on this dream.

    Let me first ask, how is your marriage in real life? From the way this dream sounds, it's as if he cares more about himself, his safety, his needs, etc, than about you or the kids.

    He made plans on his own while leaving you to yourself. He's moved on with the protective covering and has left you naked and exposed, so to speak, with a storm coming in.

    I would pray and ask the Lord if there are any weaknesses in your marriage that need to be addressed that if left alone would cause problems.

    These are just my personal thoughts on this. I have not taken the accuracy test. I hope this helps, but if it doesn't, please throw it out.

  11. CB, often times that is the beginning of the healing process, just to let it all out. Once you can verbalize all that is pent up inside you, you can begin to deal with it.

    I can understand in many ways where you are comming from. I dated a guy for 3 years. He professed he loved me, he was active in church. Yet, I wasn't good enough for him. I wasn't enough for him.

    He would tell me that I was ugly, and then turn around and say he wanted to marry me. He didn't mind having me do sexual things to him, and he would tell me I was pretty during that, but after it was over, he would tell me that it was my fault, that he had sinned. He couldn't be with a woman who was weak spiritually as I was, he wasn't going to carry me around, etc. Yet, I kept doing it because I craved those times when he told me I was beautiful.

    CB, I tell you all of that to say that I understand in many ways where you are coming from.

    I agree with the ladies on here. You need to RUN, and RUN FAST away from this man. It's not about what he did or didn't do. It's about YOU. It's about you comming to the father and letting him heal your heart and your spirit. It's about you seeing who you are, and how he created you, and accepting that and loving what makes you u. I still have times that I struggle with that. I have a hard time seeing what others see in me, and I know that part of it is the mind trip that guy sent me on.

    Yet, the Lord is good, and one day I was in the grocery store, and I picked up an orchid to take home with me. A guy told me that the plant was glad to be going home with me. I looked at him like he was a freak. I turned my head back to the plant, and for a split second, the Lord allowed me to see how radiant it was when I touched it. It glowed. The Lord used that to show me how I radiated to others, and others are glad to be around me and near me.

    You have so much beauty inside of you. Focus on the Lord and allow Him to be the lover of your soul and bring that out in you. When the right man comes along for you, he will pick up in the flesh, and continue to bring out the best in you as a woman.

    There are hard times in love, but it's not supposed to be abusive like that. It's not supposed to tear down your self esteem and make you feel bad. God will honor your faithfulness to him.

    I hope I wasn't to long winded, and that what I've said has been a help to you.

  12. Ok Y'all. I know I have some weird dreams, but this one is even weirder.

    I dreamed that I was out eating lunch with some of my co-workers. One of my close friends and I got up to go to another table bc she wanted to smoke a cigarette. She and I were sitting side by side, and she was smoking. The wind blew, and some of the ashes from the cigarette landed on my favourite peach lab jacket that I wear to work (irl I don't have any peach lab jackets, all white), and the ashes burned a couple of holes in my jacket. I was like ohh man that was my favourite one. I went to brush off the ashes off my jacket knowing it was ruined. As I did so, I noticed that I had a large blood stain from my hip to my knee on the side of my white work pants. I said I'm bleeding my pants are ruined.

    My friend looked at it and said I think it's your belly button ring that's bleeding. I was like no way I don't feel anything. I pull up my shirt and look and it didn't look bad or like it had bled, but I had a HUGE ring in it, that was bubble gum pink with a diamond top, and a pink diamond in the bottom of it. I couldn't figure out why I had it in there it was too big to even be considered appropriate. I said I need to change this out. I pulled out a stainless steel one that was missing the cubic zirconium in it, and It was too big as well. On the inside where the stone should've been it was dirty. I was like I couldn't put that one in bc it'll cause an infection.

    I kept searching and I found one like the big pink one that was an appropriate size and put it in, and everything was fine.
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