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Posts posted by shany

  1. I can't even explained what i'm going to say properly because i don't know how to, but i will try so bear with me pls.

    I was in my room one day and i felt like this power turned on in the atmosphere. It felt more like a magnetic/electric shock. I know, how stupid right. But that's the best way i can describe it. It lasted like 5 seconds. I was like ok. It kinda shut my body down but not really. It stopped me in my tracks. The second time it happend i was a bit uneasy because i was ok this is the second time this has happend. I remember thinking "I am still alive". I can't explain this to every one because obviously people will think I'm crazy, but this is what happened. Out of all the things i have experience this one is the strangest. Can anyone kind of tell me what i experienced.

    My sister was like "maybe it was God annointing you". Well i hope so.

    Note: This was not in my mind i was not dreaming I was wide awake when this happened.

  2. A while back i was told by my pastor to leave my husband well not really told but was warned. He says he sees death. My marriage was not good at all. Only God kept me. I have had natural and unnatural attacks. The only happy moments in my marriage was my two children. Other than that my husband tormented me through the entire marriage. I was never good enough. It was rough. i have left him, so why this dream.

  3. I had a dream about tornadoes. First off I am from the Bahamas and we don’t have tornadoes here. 2 weeks ago we had a very small one so I don’t know if that’s why I dreamt about it. In my dream I looked outside and to my left two small tornadoes were trying to form, but they didn’t touch down. I was also deciding if I should anoint the house doors or not, but I did. In the distance after the two tornadoes went away a big tornado formed in the distant. It looked like a category 4 tornado. It was bad. I saw house buildings being destroyed. I closed my front door and when I opened it back up everything was on fire and there was this huge tornado of fire. I started repent and praying and pleading the blood of Jesus. There were a lot of males around me in the dream mostly teenagers and there was a child. I remember checking on a child I’m not sure if it was my little boy. The tornado took long to get to my house. I kept checking and opening the door and asking if the tornado reached yet. When it got close to the house it went back up passed over my house and formed again behind the house and kept on going. I was relieved. I also went to check on my friend when I got to her house I they were ok. I notice the house door was anointed.

    What does this means?


  4. Hi everyone! Just want to introduce myself. I'm new here(well that's obvious). MY name is Shany and I'm from the Bahamas. Needed a dream interpreted and I came across your site. I like what I see I think I will stay a while. I need to be around people who truly love God.

    God Bless.
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