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Posts posted by shany

  1. I have heard about this cult thing that is going on in the music industry and i believed that he has joined. His music has changed and i noticed a change in him. I was like pls tell me he didn't give in. I pray that he is delivered from this. It is obvious that beyonce, jayz, especially rihanna, i do believe brittany spears is apart of it. Only Jesus can save these people. They have no idea what they have gotten themselves into.

  2. I love God I love to talk about God. I love going to church. But I feel like I'm lacking something. It's like there is no fire in me. I feel empty. I can hear God and I know his voice when he talks. And he request crazy things of me and I obey, but I still feel like there is something missing. I long for something. And it is killing me that I don't have it. I feel like i lack a feeling in my stomach for the Lord. I feel like I am useless and not worthy to do his work. He sees something in me I don't see and I wish i could see. What is it that I am longing for? And how do i get? I know that it is a feeling? I want when i read the bible that i enjoy and it becomes a need. I want the words to come to life. He has brought me from so far but yet my soul longs for something.

    As for the spiritual war fare part I have no idea what im doing. Because of my lack of confidence in myself i feel like i can't do it. I have recently been forced into it. I must learn how to do it. I have had supernatural attacks before but i just ignored them. I ignored the voices and the demonic physical attack.But now i realize this is quite important as a christian. Can some on give me a good book to read or any advice on spiritual warfare?

  3. I have good friends that aren't saved and that are not in church a lot, so i said to myself im going t make some friends that are firm believers. I met this guy in the wash house and we started talking about church. He was way older than i was too, but i didn't see anything wrong because he was a christian and felt like i could or should be able to trust a fellow christian. We started talking more just as friends. He started inviting me for dinner and over to his place. I didn't see anything wrong. Then one day he asked me a question on the phone that a christian man should not be asking. Before he ask me the question he asked if anyone was around me.I was kind of hurt because he was a christian and he wasn't suppose to ask me that question(a sexual question). I was really disappointed because i was happy about having a christian friend. I remember him asking me to come by his house i was like ok, but I didn't go because i was really tired. This guy called me 1 am in the morning mad at me and told me not to come around him anymore. I was like ok. He did call back a couple weeks later and apologize for his actions. I haven't spoken to him since.

    I am glad for the people that God has blessed me with now! True men and women of God.

  4. This is an excellent topic. I have a question. What if you were married and dreaming about someone else? The first time i dreamed about this guy i remember saying this isn't right i am married. I was upset and i ran him out my dream and my husband took his rightful place. I had a second dream about the same guy. I remember asking the Lord "why am i dreaming about him". The third time i dreamed about this same guy we were like in a classroom at my old high school. I didn't know he was in the class at the time. A prophet was there and he was about to speak to me and out of nowhere he stood up and interupted him by saying "excuse me". I remember being upset. I was like you again. Me and this guy went to school together I haven't seen or heard from him in years, we weren't close in school like that and we had no contact. The guy I'm married to treated me like crap through the entire marriage. I repayed every evil deed with good. God told me to leave. I had to go through 2 years of hell to make me stronger. I was told that this marriage was God's permissive will for my life. Could the guy that i was dreaming about be God's perfect will for my life?

  5. I remember swinging on this vine from this huge tree. I mean i was a professional vine swinger. That's how good i was. It was like i was an acrobat or something. I remember having fun doing it and laughing. I remember working my hands around and through the vines and doing a lot of tricks. Some of the vines were tangled don't know if it meant anything. Then the scene shifts to a class room. And this huge vine like creature came in it looked like half robot and the rest of him was made out of vines. I remember being afraid of him I don't know if it was because of its appearance. The creature was the teacher and we were the students. And he left certain instructions for us but i can't remember what the instructions were exactly. All i remember was people started to leave the classroom and i was begging them not to leave before 5. It was like they had to write down on a piece of paper what time they left. I remember one guy writing down 4:52 and i beg him pls don't leave before 5. We had to leave exactly at 5. No one was listening to me. As they wrote their time on this paper i remember seeing like a digital picture come out of a slot of the desk. I remember some trying to right down 5:02 and i was like that wont work u are still leaving ahead of time and he will know, pls don't leave before 5. I was really pleading with these people. When he came back i remember him pushing all who left before time. It was like he turned them into dust(i can't really explain it). Then he came to me and said let me see what u did. It was me and someone else that completed what he wanted. The person on the side of me work pile was higher than mine, but he was still pleased with mine and i remember feeling happy or almost proud getting praise from this creature.

    *note* there were also demonic activity going on in my room. Can that affect my dreams? My friend who can see these things told me there was something flying around in my room and shadows walking around. I usually hear things not see. I'm new to this dreaming stuff, so pls bare with me cause I am really dreaming alot these days.

  6. I dreamed like i was with someone looking over someone gate and i turned around and saw in the distance like a dog coming. I told the person we need to run, but i was hesistant because i had to run through a neighbour's yard(but this person was a neighbor years ago). Me and this person who only appeared as a shadow ran through the yards and then run down the road. In the road there were rocks lined off. I said we need to face this and stop running. We waited awhile and not till the animal go closer i realized that it was a black goat. We picked up the rocks and began to throw it at the goat. I remember breaking the goat ankle. I threw and missed one. My one year old son appeared in the dream and picked up a stone and hit him in his forehead. This stunned the goad. Then me and person began to stone the goat. He retreated and at a certain distance he turned around and said i will be back. I waited with the rocks for him. he never came back.

    My other dream: i was in a boat. I decided to come out of the boat and swim to shore. The water was beautiful and calm. While i was swimming i noticed sharks every where but they did not bother me. Then i was in the boat again.There were no sharks in the water. I said to myself "i wonder if i should swim this time". I decided not to. I rode the boat all the way to the shore. As soon as i got on the shore and stepped onto the sand I turned around I noticed the biggest shark ever. It turned around and swam away swiftly. It would have been very hard to notice it in the water because of the color. I remember someone saying to me in the dream, "do u see that shark its called a can shark they blend in with the sand. It would have definitely killed u if u gotten out of the boat". Apparently the shark was following me the entire time and i didn't notice.

  7. Thank you both for your response. Lately the Lord has speaking to me in dreams. The first time I had two dreams in one and they both happen the next day. I only realize until after it happen it is what i have dreamed.

    @srainess11 a crier huh, seems like God is ready to use me. Pls pray for me. I need to get rid of my shyness and replace the spirit of fear with a spirit of boldness. Keep me in your prayers.

    My sister told me I have to take my dreams more seriously now.

  8. I had numerous dreams in one. The scenes just kept on changing. The one i remember and stood out the most was me and my sister were walking down the street and the corner we was going to turn through had a white horse with blue eyes and small black wings. I remember thinking "Oh my God what is this"(in reality the corner the horse was standing through is by a grave yard, don't know if this is of any importance). I went through the corner and I remember standing next to it thinking to myself am I suppose to get on this horse. I turned back around and I went back on the road and i watched the horse walked down to another corner. I remember in the dream trying to tell my cousin and the household about the horse but no one was listening. It wasn't that i was intentionally being ignored but too much was going on in the house. Only one building is between their house and the grave yard.

  9. My brother daughter and him aren't talking anymore and she stopped talking to his fiance also. His son told him that my ex-husband and her use to talk. I wanted to know what he told her because i found out that he is a liar and a manipulator and I wanted to find out if he told her any lies about them. When i asked her about him she acted like she didn't know him at first. Any way to make a long story short she told me not to ask her nothing and she don't have a father.
    I ask them what happened and she said some serious words towards her father. This is what she said, "If she see him stooling and his hip needs to clean she wouldn't not come to help him" . I was shocked! I know that a child should never dis-respect their parents. I felt I had to say something. I told her that she should not have said that to her father. She has a good father. She said she hadn't heard from him in 8 months(which was a lie by the way cause i was right there when she came and they took her to the doctor). Anyway i got scared for the girl. I told her the last time I was scared like this for someone they were dead within months for the same thing she did. Disrespecting their parent. I quoted ephesians 6:1 and everything. I wasn't rude or nothing i just wanted her to apologize and take back what she said.

    Well minutes later her mother came on and curse me out stink. I mean i got cursed out so badly. I laughed about it. But i realized her mother poisoned her mind against her father. I was only trying to help her.

  10. My boss would not allow me to do it. And the part I need to go to is locked. I can't just go on his property without his permission. I shared the dream with him because he is a Bishop of a church. Yet he did not receive me. His attitude toward me was "who do u think you are telling me. I know God not you. Many people don't believe God talks to me. Now I know how Moses felt.

  11. I dreamt that someone cut off 2 dog heads and threw it at my old work place back yard. The person who killed the dogs ate their bodies. Animal control came to pick up the dog heads and a lady who worked next door came to see what was going on. And one of the officers was like Why are the men in this town like this. And someone said they are voilent because they listen to Little Wayne. And the guy was like thats right, shook his hand and left. When i told this to my sister all she said was "witch craft".

    What do u guys think.

  12. Please pray for me. I really want to over come my shyness. Its holding me back. I don't like talking in front of people. I'm afraid to approach strangers. How am I suppose to witness if I am too scared to approach anyone. Every time I go to pick up my bible to study and read a heavy spirit of sleep comes over me, for every time. The longest I have stayed up to read and study is 30 minutes. I am tired of being held back. Please pray for me to overcome these spirits.

  13. When God does a shaking in your life don't be dismayed or worry. It's a good thing. It exposes some stuff. You will find out who is for you and who is your enemy. It opens your eyes to plenty stuff. You will be surprised who will be left by your side.

    So don't be discourage or afraid when you are going through a rough time. God has your best interest at heart.

  14. I left work to get some breakfast one day and i felt like i was being watched, so I turned around and I notice this dog. I was like this dog can't be following me. So i continued walking. I got the feeling again. This time i caught the dog off guard. When I turned around and looked at him he looked away quick and acted like he was look for something in the bushes (no joke). I was like omg he is following. When he realised I on was on to him he just sat across the road waiting for me while I got my breakfast. I guess was taking to long for him because he began to pace back and foward. I was like ok i think he is waiting on me. As i crossed the road and began to walk back to work he got closer. he was like 2 steps behind me. He never barked growled nothing he just followed me. I stopped and looked it in the eye, nothing he just looked back. I literally shrugged my shoulder and continued walking. The dog walked me straight in the back of my work building to the door and waited until i got inside. Before i shut the door i looked him in the eye one final time. I guess i was expecting him to do something, he only looked.

    It was my first time seeing the dog. Another weird moment in my life -.-! But it is a good story to tell people!

  15. I know right. I don't know why people believe that the earth and everything was created by a big bang or whatever they believe. Creation is too detailed. So many sounds, different colors, so many people and not one is the same. Even as simple as the light reflection on the tile floors im looking at now was created by him. A big bang my foot.
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