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Posts posted by MrsLena

  1. Scene 1
    I had been outdoors readings, took a break, went in and came back out, saw 2 really large deers, I was a bit apprehensive, so decided to go back in. It appeared to be evening outside.
    While inside I felt I had accomplished a lot faster that day, the thought of making hot chocolate crossed my mind (one of my fav ways of winding down). I could sleep earlier too, I remember telling whoever was with me in the house, it was about 10mins past midnight.

    Scene 2
    I was now checking out a new town house, climbing upstairs. It appeared my brother was on the sofa upstairs.

    Scene 3
    Scene changes and it is now my childhood home. My brother is in my parents' room on the bed resting/sleeping, and I am in what used to be my own room.
    I am preparing for something the next day. I look and see hanging, clothes I didnt know I have, like sweaters, in different shades of pink.
    My mom comes in, she had bought blue/green timberland boots, and wanted to return them. She wasnt sure which mall she got them from, had been out shopping, but apparently my sister takes the receipt looks it up online, and says its at the store in Compton (California). I remember thinking "bad area", and the boots were really nice to look at, but we all felt they didnt suit her needs, so wasnt worth it.

    Please any thoughts? God bless you.

  2. This dream was from this morning but its a bit vague since I didnt write it down immediately.

    In the dream, I was going into labor to have a baby. I remember my mom and what appears to be a midwife and maybe another lady. We took a short break for whatever reason, and later my mom said we should continue. I was particular about having my husband witness it, so I said to hold off, till someone went to go get him, think he was taking a nap, so he could see it.

    IRL: I am pregnant, and my husband and I are enjoying the pregnancy experience.

    Emotions: I felt normal and happy, excited.

    My interpretation: I wonder if its not really about a physical baby, but maybe the birthing of something new. So it appeared to have been coming forth before, and then a short break occurred, and maybe my mother here was the Holy Spirit. My husband is around but may be unaware of the birthing taking place, as it has not yet manifested in the physical.

    Any thoughts will be greatly appreciated. God bless you all.

  3. John7 wrote:
    I agree with WhiteShadow, weight gain in the Bible is usually symbolic for wealth and plenty.. look at the Pharoah of Egypts dream that Joseph interpreted.. The 7 fat cows represented, 7 years of plenty..

    These are just my personal thoughts and I could be wrong..

    Thanks so much John! Funny how God speaks, and encourages. Though there's no physical manifestation yet, I know it has been settled in the spiritual realm.

  4. TheWhiteShadow wrote:
    MrsLena wrote:
    Initially I felt like it was a good thing, like a cow being fattened, Luke 15:23

    Your first thoughts on this are likely what it means. It'll be interesting to hear where this applies to your life. Have you asked for anything, lately? The fact that weight on the scale was double could mean a literal doubling of whatever blessing you would receive.

    Thanks so much, top of my list has been a new job for my hubby and I in the same city next year. I prayed it again last night, and as always thanked God for the manifestation before sleeping.
    Hmmm will keep you all updated as it all manifests! happy dance

  5. Hello there, this morning, I had what I would call a vision. I wasnt dreaming, and wasnt awake, but it was like I was starring at a scale. I'm currently preg, but havent gained much weight, but the scale that was flashing in my eyes, that I felt I was looking at (as I was laying down) had me at double my current weight.

    IRL: Never been over weight, always been active, played sports, and I guess anal about weight gain, so I woke up mad, then thought it was funny cause I'd never let myself get to that weight laugh

    Please any thoughts? Thanks

    Initially I felt like it was a good thing, like a cow being fattened, Luke 15:23

  6. I have experienced it, several times, and so has my sister. Last time I had it was a few mths ago, and I had serious holy anger, as in how dare them!!It had been a few yrs before. Just keep calling the name of Jesus, and it will ultimately let go.
    No matter how tired I am before I sleep, I always plead the blood over myself and my loved ones before sleeping (Love to say "I soak myself in the blood of Jesus", and ask for the fire of the Holy Spirit and angels of God to surround us.

  7. Had yet another dream about this same issue, this morning.

    Same overall theme where in the dream, I had tried to reach this influential guy but couldnt, so left a message. I later got in an elevator (setting was my former undergrad dorm), which when I entered had 3 doors, when I reached the top, the main door opened. I went off in search of something, and as I was looking around, saw a friend's husband, who directed me where to go. I now ran into a good friend whom I have great respect for, who told me that she had spoken to this influential guy about me. and that he had a few openings, and could take me.

    Hmmm cant wait for the manifestation of it all!!

  8. Mia Sherwood wrote:
    I think this is a literal dream except for obama and michelle. They represent people that you feel the same way about.

    Thanks Mia, ironically though I had this dream months ago, its somewhat playing out now, through my aunt I mentioned earlier. The role she is playing, is helping me get a job (driving the car), and Obama in the back seat appears to be the person of influence, that she is helping connect me with. It is now making even more sense and I believe the manifestation is coming forth any day now, and I cant wait to share it!!!! happy dance

  9. kathy.cavoores wrote:
    wow I thought you might say that! I guess I was thinking that I (myself) would feel a bit uncomfortable with the President and First Lady. I would think from the dream that God was showing me that I would NOT really feel uncomfortable with this couple in real life. Anyway, I hope I did not offend you. If I did, I am sorry. In my own dreams, my life in general is not represented by a car but by a house. Funny isn't it? If I had this same dream it would mean something completely different for me. That is the challenge of dream interpretation I guess. God bless! Have a wonderful day. Looks like your future is going to be pretty nice too. :hearts:

    Thanks so much kathy, I completely understand :coool: . I woke up and laughed about it, because in the dream it was them, but the way I acted, it was the way i would act with someone I knew well, regardless of their position of influence.

  10. Please I'd appreciate any thoughts. Here are mine

    Dream 1
    Emotions: I was determined to find the right way in, and then upon seeing banquet, I was happy

    This may mean that a situation that may appear bleak, and not forthcoming, will have a suddenly moment

    banquet: Great preparations and planning will bring success and happiness
    taking food to go: abundance/surplus.

    Dream 2

    Emotions: happy, felt like everyday life
    Symbols:food to go (abundance), not sure if my mom represents herself or is symbolic for the Holy Spirit. She pressed the up button while we were waiting to go down, we hadnt entered elevator yet. Maybe this is unexpected promotion?

    What could workout mean?
    Any significance of the frying chicken part?

    God bless you all

  11. Hello, this has been a recurrent theme in my dream, and this morning I had 2 different dreams and they all ended up that way.

    Dream 1
    Cant remember the details before this scene, but I was now in a cafeteria, trying to find the right line to enter, it looked empty but once I got in, seemed like a banquet. I kept looking for a clean tray, and finally either I found one, or I either was given one, and I went to collect food, and it was good food, a lot of food. In the dream, I thought whatever I cant eat, I'll take home.
    I also remember filling out a form, someone (a distant female cousin) was collecting it, so I turned in 1st page, which is what was needed and kept rest of the packet to myself.

    Dream 2 (after I woke up for about 2hrs and drifted back into sleep)
    Again cant remember the details but ended up in a cafeteria type place, I packed so much food, and was now going to take it to go, because I wanted to go workout, and felt I would be hungry later. People I was on table eating with, left, and I packed what I wanted, went out to elevator area, and I see my mom. We were both supposed to go down, and she "mistakenly" pressed the up button, and I remember saying but we are supposed to go down.
    Also looking outside window in the cafeteria, I saw my mom's best friend's husband frying chicken outside downstairs:lol!: I thought I'd go ask him later, cause I love me some chicken!!

  12. thanks, but I was actually very comfortable with them in the living room, and in the car, didnt feel uncomfortable at all. Almost the way I would around family or close friends of the family, laughing and talking.

    Normally in my dreams, car represents my life in general.

    Currently my older cousin, is assisting me with some stuff, and she reminds me of Michelle, in regards to her personality and the respect I have for her.

  13. Emotions: Excited, felt so much favor.
    I believe this dream is more symbolic, and not literal, though I wish it were laugh
    Living room, sitting down=favor
    watching tv=visions, insight into whats to come

    It appears this dream is telling me God is setting me up (again) for a great opportunity.
    Michelle driving==someone else is in control, and will be used to assist me
    Obama asking about my uncle==again the opportunity will come about through the assistance/connection of someone I know well.

    Any thoughts on this?? Its all making sense, and appears tied to recent dreams I have had.

    God bless you all.

  14. What comes to mind, is that God is going to set up an opportunity, when I least expect it, and maybe this is a heads up that it is coming soon. It may require the assistance of some one close to me, to help me maximize that opportunity.

    In the dream my emotion was that of excitement, and I couldnt wait to share it with others, and so it was a great feeling emotionally. It'll be an opportunity that will get me excited, and longing to share with others.

    Symbol: camera, can be memories or visions. So perhaps an insight into the future, visions of whats to come.

    Please feel free to add on your thoughts. God bless you

  15. My thoughts are this could be literal or symbolic, and this is what I am getting from it.
    God is showing you what He has in store for your son, in terms of favor and limelight, a bright destiny and path.
    It could also represent you, and God showing you, your own future, what he has in store for you, it could be down the road, or it could also be in even 4 mths time. He may be setting you up.

    Have you been praying about your son, or what lies ahead?
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