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Posts posted by MrsLena

  1. Interesting, these questions come to mind...
    How committed are you to ongoing projects in your life/how busy have you been lately?
    Have you done any planning relating to the future lately? To me, it appears as if God may be trying to alert you to slow down and make plans regarding His plan for your future.
    Maybe more so of letting go of trying to control your path, and maybe more so turning towards Him for direction, regarding what lies ahead.
    Just my thoughts. God bless you and may the Holy Spirit provide further insight.

  2. I believe the dream may be literal, God's gift is coming, in form of an interview. It may require things being revealed to people closely related to me, that I dont really care for them to know, but just like they were in the dream (they were there during the questioning, but werent paying attention), God is telling me it wont matter.

    Of course I'll be excited by the whole outcome, and God is telling me to get ready.

    Hmm a couple of ideas come to mind, not in Chicago, but other cities, but I'll post an update once it manifests. happy dance

  3. Had this a few days ago

    Scene 1
    My husband and I were out of town, he called me at 6am, and I spoke to him briefly. My mom was next door sleeping (in real life she's visiting me).

    Scene 2

    Scene changes, I'm at home,not familiar, but kind of reminded me of my childhood a bit, was wearing a tshirt and pants(but in my head I hadn't taken my morning bath) came downstairs to talk to someone and then I hear someone singing, as they walk in, its the singer Rihanna lol! , I say hi, and she greets me.
    I had my phone and I now was preparing it to take a pic with her. She was apparently meeting a friend who was waiting in another house at the back. 2 neighbors of mine also came out, 1 had a regular camera and said she would take a better pic, that we could take a group shot. So we were all in the process of waiting for her to start walking bak, so we could have her take a pic with us, when I woke up. I also wanted to take with my cell phone camera so I can have one to quickly share with folks online immediately.

    Please any thoughts on this? God bless you all

  4. This was a few mths ago

    Scene 1
    I was invited to have lunch with Pres Barack and Michelle. I was in their living room, very comfortable, legs on the couch, and my sister was there too. We were all sitting down, and watching tv lol!

    Scene 2
    I was now in the car with them, Michelle was driving, and Pres Obama was at the back of the car, I was in front passenger seat. Obama asked me about my uncle, and how he was doing, said he was an old friend of his. I was surprised that they knew each other, said they went to school way back.

    Please any thoughts on this? God bless you all

  5. Monday morning I had a dream

    In it, got an interview in chicago, it appeared sooooo real!!!! Woke up surprised it wasnt lol!

    Scene 1
    I was at the office, and the director, whose ethnic name translates to God's gift, called me in. Seated next to him were 2 close family friends of mine, sometimes call each other cousins.
    He did a mock interview with them there, like a prelim interview, to decide whether to grant me a real interview. Initially I didn't like that my friends were there, because my application has some red flags, which he asked me about (I didnt care for them knowing about), and I explained, but I got over it and answered questions eloquently and did a good job explaining the potential issues, he was satisfied and granted me an official interview, to be held in Chicago.

    Scene 2
    Later scene changes and I'm in car with my husband and I am excited and tell him about the interview.

    Scene 3
    Then scene changes and we are at what appears to be our house in the dream, and this guy my husband is trying to avoid calls to play tennis. The guy says he's a few mins from our place and he'll knock on every door in the house till my husband opens. We go to hide, later the guy comes with his pet lion and knocks on door of the room I am in, I leave so they can use room.

    My husband has had interviews in Chicago, so it'd be great if I can also get one there.
    We are both applying for jobs

    Scene 3 appears to have manifested
    A few hrs after the dream, my husband sends me an email, his boss, had sent an invite to a Christmas party, he had been trying to avoid going, but had now received 3 emails asking about it. He wanted to know if we could go, and I said sure, rsvp, we can always swing by for a short time.

  6. Update
    I am currently pregnant, and it is a girl happy dance Seems like the little boy is coming eventually.

    I believe the dream was to prepare me for a miscarriage I ended up having a few mths after that post. To let me know God was still looking out for me.

    Funny enough a few yrs ago, I had a vision about my children, oldest was a girl, and then there were 2 others, 1 was a boy, not sure of the 3rd one's gender.

  7. Hello everyone

    This is a recurring dream theme regarding my family for the last few months, my sister has had several, and I have as well, involving my father in royal robes, us in a huge mansion but me being careful of all those running around us, my family traveling to a foreign destination and my father in a celebrity scene with cameras and a red carpet.
    My sister had this dream last night.

    In the dream, my sister and parents were in a big mansion house and my parents were glamorously dressed up, either they were the owners of the house or the event was being held for them. My uncle and wife, who have been envious of my dad in the past was also in attendance. My parents wanted to go to the event at the back of the house but my sister didnt want them to be disturbed by paparazzi, so she took them to the secret back door(well more like a secret entrance in a fridge-LOL, she asked some close friends to accompany them and make sure they are not disturbed & she would join later). My sister didn't want anyone to see the secret door, but a cousin (envious uncle's daughter, who is the closest to us out of her siblings) saw it from upstairs, so my sister was not happy, she went upstairs to tell her that it is imperative she keep it a secret, she asked "why should she?". My sister warned her and said "Dont try my patience, if word leaks, I will not be a happy person & will use force to ensure my parents' security".

    Not much other details can be remembered but the mansion was like how the interior of a royal family house looks like(gold, expensive antiques, etc). The party at the back yard was booming and a big celebration.

    I've my interpretation, as it falls in line with all the other dreams, but would really like someone else's take on it.

    God bless you all

  8. Hello God bless you all.
    I had a dream last night and would love any input on it

    I don't remember all the details but my younger sis (who is also born again and a dreamer herself) was at a friend's house visiting, and I stopped by.

    When I went there, turned out the friend's dad was a pastor, later I was sitting in their living room, I had brought over a Christian movie on DVD and we were watching, it was supposed to be a Christian movie, but first scene had naked people walking (i think, fuzzy), so I told them to fast forward it.

    Later the Pastor's twin brother comes and in the dream it seemed like the Pastor and his brother were in a relationship. Which was kind of wierd because the pastor's wife was also in the living room.

    I went to the dining area, a refrigerator was next to the table. There was a very huge black cat underneath the table, about the size of a huge dog. I kept walking away from it, so if I saw it go to one end, I'd immediately move to another. It didnt attack me, but seemed tricky like it was trying to get sympathy, but I just knew it wasnt genuine. My sister opened up the refrigerator and was feeding it.

    Thats all I remember.

    I always pray an cancel such dreams, lately my sister and I have had a series of breakthrough dreams or warfare dreams (with angelic assistance helping fight battles), so this one was really out of the blue. I am an intercessor/prayer warrior

    For me it appears the huge black cat might be some form of deception (spirit) that might be luring a sister of mine (not necessarily my biological sister), but I have several spiritual/praying sisters too. Could it be they are feeding and encouraging the deception and oblivious to it.
    What about the pastor, could it be in line with the recent law passed in NY. That got me sad because of my view on marriage biblically and the enemy's deception.
    I also had a dream last wk on a lady who word on the street was gay but she was marrying a man, to "cover it up".

    Any thoughts will be greatly appreciated. God bless you all.

  9. These are just my thoughts
    Driving your friend's car can mean you are in control of the friend's life. Can it mean you may have possibly given him advice that others didnt like?

    2nd part of the dream may mean that your couple friends happy life may appear under threat. An old dirty car may signify to me as problems in his life, esp since its the ex in control. The dream seems to me as though he may be putting himself in a compromising position. The last statement to me appears to be advice, weather being hot may mean if "there are problems in their marriage, wouldnt it make sense to seek out wisdom/revelation" To me by rolling down the windows can mean clearing up vision.

  10. oh wow, these are just my thoughts.
    IRL car is it a racing car??
    But in my dreams, intersections, usually mean point where decisions have to be made. Restaurant would mean food and provision, and abundance of it. Italian could mean something global of sorts. In the process of trying to make a decision, you will encounter deception, or temptation/wit, but God has given you spirit of discernment, so you are able to see this and over come it.
    God bless you

  11. My husband and I just started trying to get preg and I've had a dream of this little boy multiple times. My pastor even had a vision about my husband and a little boy.

    Here are 2 recent ones

    DREAM 1
    I got on a bus and he was on the bus, we werent sitting together but I "knew" him, we got off at the same spot. Next scene he was with a teacher, and I walked up to the teacher and the teacher starts talking about how smart he is and all, and I actually said yes he is.
    Then the teacher starts playing praise music, and I said wow this is good, and he said X gave it to him. I said "oh wow X gave me a ride in her car, and I didnt hear it"

    I prayed about it and I felt God tell me this was my son, the bus was like a spiritual ministry that took us to heaven. The teacher was Christ and he was being prepared and being filled up with wisdom. The praise songs were the praises my friend X had been sending up to heaven, and they are very pleasing to Him. God shared that with me, to encourage her and she was deeply moved.

    DREAM 2
    I was carrying the little boy, it was dark and he was scared, had to take him out of somewhere. I was comforting him, telling him not to be afraid, and carried him out. Then I realized I forgot my purse and went back and quickly got it. There was an old evil looking man, but I wasnt bothered because there were 2 other people in background like watching.

    I believe this is my son again, not sure what bag means and going back to get it. The evil man was the enemy and the other 2 people watching were angels ready to handle the situation if he tried anything.

    Any thoughts?
    God bless you all.
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