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Posts posted by MrsLena

  1. I agree with dreamster, as soon as I read it, I felt it was telling me there is a soul tie that isnt broken. Sometimes this also happens when we are intimately involved with someone sexually, so even though its over physically, deliverance prayers may be needed to spiritually let go.
    In some cases I've seen it also mean spirit spouse, and once its broken, it ends.

  2. A close friend shared a dream they had about me last night. In the dream, I was buying a very luxurious car, like a Ferrari and they were really excited for me.
    I've had dreams of very expensive cars in past couple of years.

    In my previous dreams, cars usually symbolize my life and a very luxurious one appears to me that increase is coming, like an upgrade to my life, that transforms status, the way a luxurious car would.

    Any thought?
    I cant wait to post its manifestation laugh happy dance

  3. These are just my thoughts. For me, a bus usually signifies a ministry of sorts and a test means training/being tested. In dreams I've come across, or mine, using the bathroom is a cleansing process of one's life. Coming across a dirty bathroom in my opinion may mean that before you had to go through that process(clean your inside), you had to change/clean up something in your external environment.
    The Man and Woman appear to me as angels or people you are working with in ministry.
    The teacher seems to me like Christ. Could it be that the Lord has been ministering to you to do something, and you are unsettled or undecided? Something that will be a testing grounds of sorts?

  4. Due to the season that we are in of breakthrough harvest. I gained further revelation of God’s redemptive grace and I asked Him to reveal more to me and He did. Please see my dream below I had in May and I’d appreciate any further insight that you may add on to it.

    In the dream my sister and I were living in a big mansion. We had servants and people waiting on us, running around us. I told her not to trust this people, that I dont trust them and she appeared surprised because they looked like they were good people.
    The next scene, my sister, bro and mother were discussing a dream exotic island that we had heard so much about. Immediately we decided that we were going to go there on vacation and bought tickets that very moment at the airport. Our flight was for about 8 something pm, and so we had a few hrs to wait and so we were walking down the terminal. There were also some others with us and we were excited and had a lot of luggage. Then I laughed and quickly reminded them that I am married now, and silly me didnt bother calling my husband to discuss before, but anyway I’ll let him know now. We all laughed as to what to tell him about how I immediately decided to travel to some exotic island on vacation (It sounded like the airline agent told me "ChanChan" or sometime that sounds like it). I then proceeded to call him.
    I shared the dream with my sister (who is also a believer) and she shared the same interpretation with me. This was my 2nd dream in the past mth about getting ready to board a plane.

    I believe God is saying that breakthrough is coming for my parents family. 8 to me stands for new beginnings (Aug is the number 8), and the house to me means its a spacious place, that which we have dreamed about.
    Suitcases to me appears to mean "moving on". The new level will draw people around who we will need to be careful about. The breakthrough is such that everyone will be affected and it’ll enable all to go to the next level because the breakthrough will be too much, a collective breakthrough.

    A few mths ago, there was a prophetic word for my dad that something big is coming his way, that its big big big, bigger than he has ever known. Something bigger than what he even had previously thought about. I shared it to him and along with him, I’ve been calling that forth for him. We also individually have our own individual breakthroughs that we are believing God for.

    I googled "ChanChan" to see if such a place exists and what is said about it. I found one spelt the same way and it is considered a fertile ancient place and a UNESCO World Heritage site.

    Any input will be greatly appreciated. God bless you all.
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