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Posts posted by MrsLena

  1. I have had several dreams regarding certain celebrities. I also had an Oprah dream a few mths ago but that was more so centered around my husband, and since then there has been a physical manifestation of honor and exceptional promotion.

    In the dream, I was standing somewhere and Oprah sought me out, like she was seeking advice, then I immediately took her out of the building, turning her into a wheelbarrow and pushing her quickly. While we were outside on the streets, she now took off, and was joving over breaks and the pavements. I was imitating her and wondering how she had the energy to do all that. We finally got to a bus stop, and everyone driving by was like "wow there goes Oprah:. I took 2 pics with her, and a college friend of mine came with her son and posed for a pic with her.

    Thats all I remember.

    Please I would appreciate if anyone can offer input.
    When I look at it it can be 2 things, either my role in helping someone achieve their destiny, or it could be that in the dream, I represent both myself and Oprah. Myself in the dream is my spiritual self, pushing my physical self towards the path God has forged.

    God bless you all

  2. There was a conspiracy against my husband who later turned out to be the president of the country. This was by workers under him, or who work with him. For some reason, they thought I was safe and on their side, and I played along, and was able to follow them around and see what they were doing. At the end of the day, I told him everything, and I did it in their presence. lol!

    One scene there was a banquet and though I couldn't climb in where they were climbing, because I was preg in the dream (IRL: I am preg), I stuck around and overhead the plans.

    I wasnt apprehensive in the dream, seemed like I was on a mission to figure out what they were up to. Initially they appeared to be cool, but in the process of hanging around them, realized the whole conspiracy. We also were never under any physical attack.

  3. It is all a bit hazy but hoping someone can provide some insight.

    Scene 1
    My hubby and I are in this big apt, the hairdresser was doing my hair, it was her apt, she had her salon and lived there as well , layout was really huge, with many rms and doors. I kept thinking wow, she is prob saving money this way.
    Told her I want to stay natural (keep my hair natural), she asked if I needed relaxer, I said well, only on my roots but I really want to stay natural.

    Scene 2
    My younger sister and I appeared to be older children of this nice man, who also had 2 little boys, who were biracial. The boys were maybe ages 1 and 2 or so. I remember my sister and I had to check stuff on computer. She checked first, maybe it was an address, I remember eldorado or an e something or directions there and then I told her that I'd check too, so she got up, so I could get on and do my own search as well.

    No clue right now, I would appreciate any thoughts on this. God bless you all.

  4. This is 2nd one I've had in the last few mths, where we were all sitting together, also had others with other people in authority in last few mths.

    Last night, I prayed Ps 20 before going to sleep.

    Obama and I were sitting next to each other on a sofa, as in he came and sat down next to me. I wasnt like "OMG!!", but more so "Oh its Pres Obama", and then I moved my bag and scarf to make room for him to sit next to me. A call came in, and he answered it, and then ended it, and continued talking to me. Then it occurred to take a pic, so I could quickly send out to folks, I didn't know how to ask him to take pic. He then spotted my camera and said "so what are we going to do with this?"
    I said "ok, you'll take a pic?". A lady, seemed like an official photographer, then takes out her big camera, and takes a pic of both of us. I was going to then ask her to take one with mine, was trying to decide between my reg camera which I carry around or phone camera.
    He then had an important meeting to attend, so had to leave. I got the photographer lady's email and said I'd get it from her.

    Setting: I was dressed up. No one else was on the sofa, and I dont recall seeing any security hovering around either.

    My previous Pres Obama dream

  5. Daisy wrote:
    Any updates??? Hope all is well! happy dance

    Not yet but seems like God has other plans, cause its in a diff city from where my husband has an offer and I was also praying for both get in the same city laugh So trust God, He is behind the scene working stuff out in a manner in which only He can, so I'm praying and waiting. I will definitely update!!! God bless you daisy!!!

  6. Had a dream where my hubby and I moved to a new town for him to start a new job, he mentioned there are 3 potential places where I can work. Later in the dream, I had my iPad hanging around my neck, and some random guy came and snatched it. It was too late to run after him.
    I wasnt happy initially, but I wasnt raging mad. I remember telling my husband and someone else, just said well I guess I have to find it.

    Please any thoughts?
    God bless you.

  7. Based on what you said, I'd say 2 things

    1) Reach out to him asap, or someone that he will listen to, and encourage him to get his a thorough medical check up, esp regarding his cardiovascular system, coronary arteries.

    2) In addition to above, he may also be going through a spiritual transformation.

    May the Lord keep him, and keep you covered in the name of Jesus Christ, Yeshua, Amen!

  8. Scene 1

    Was in bed in my parents' rm in my childhood house.
    My ex (from 7 yrs ago), his now wife and his bro were next to me on the bed. All sleeping on same bed.
    The bro tells me to look at the ex's back and I look up and see a tv screen and he had huge rashes/ boils on it. I said "ewwww, wow, looks nasty, sorry about that."
    Then ex now wife starts screaming and kicking me. I get up from bed and I am livid, telling them to warn her or I'll call the cops, and she'd get arrested for trespassing.
    I picked up one of the phones, went to the bathroom and started washing my face. Ex's bro comes in and is trying to calm me down. I saw bathroom window was open and it seemed dangerous, cause one could walk into the clouds lol, so I closed it.

    Scene 2
    I was now in basement of what was I guess my house, though never lived there. It was a white basement. Several friends there like a party setting, I picked up phone, said I was going to make a call to another friend, as I walk back to another basement rm, I see him on the phone. I go to another rm, make a call

    Scene 3
    My husband was talking about applying for another state Id/license, I tell him to apply to my home state's
    own using my parents address. Initially he had applied for my home state license using an out of state address.

    Scene 3, it appears we will be moving out of state in a few mths, so maybe that has something to do with that. I cant figure out what other scenes are about.
    Scene 1 may have to do with the past and present.

    Any ideas will be helpful. God bless you all

  9. My emotion in the dream was happy.
    I love fruity drinks and oranges.

    I think the dream may be that of transition.
    I was driving my car and parked it, symbolizing taking a break, and then going through a hotel, another place of transition and rest. A social event?

    Unsure about the whole dream now, I'll pray about it. Any thoughts will be greatly appreciated.

  10. Scene 1
    In the dream, I was driving and saw an old friend of mine, who I went to elementary and college with, and hadnt seen him in years, and so I parked, and was excited to see him, on the side of the street. The car was parked on a road.

    Scene 2
    The setting changes to a hotel, and I am walking with him past a pharmacy. I leave him and go somewhere (unsure where).
    I went in and somehow came out, it was a huge hotel, so I came out a diff entrance.
    Later I asked for direction (from the attendants) to pharmacy area, so I can go back to my car, but all I said was "where is the pharmacy", so they directed me to the closest one, which was closer to where I was now at, but was in a diff tower
    I walked into the lobby, bought a fruity drink from a starbucks like place , and then my feet felt sore, so I decided I would take off my shoes.

    Scene 3
    I walk further into the hotel, its now a gathering with some folks, including my bro and a male cousin. My brother had asked me for a family historical fact, and mentions it to my cousin, who says he knows that already.

    Scene 4
    Later on way out, I had oranges slices in my hand, which I was eating, saw an auntie and a female cousin, I greeted them, and even offered them oranges. A friend was by lobby door, and my white sneakers, reebok, had been arranged next to others, I asked for it, and then put it on.

    Please any interpretation would be greatly appreciated. God bless you all.

  11. Daisy wrote:
    Wow Mrs Lena!!! This would be absolutely amazing if God came through in this way!!! He is def the one who opens the doors that no man can open, and closes those doors that no man can close. I pray for His perfect will in your life! And by the way, congratulations on your pregnancy (BOTH the spiritual and physical one)!!! :hooray:

    Amen and Amen!!!
    Thanks!! Its times like this that God likes to show He is God! I just thought, I could get a call on a Monday to fly across country for a Friday interview, and God already made it possible, cause I have enough freq flier miles to get a flight last min lol!

  12. There is a job interview I am waiting to get. My husband, though he doesnt say, given the time left, which is basically that I have about 2-3 weeks left to get the interview invite and fly across the country to attend. My husband doesnt seem to think it may come. It would mean a major change, which would be great and from previous dreams, shows its God's plan, though it may not be our plan. Previous dreams have shown me that not only will I get the interview, but I will get the job. So this is really all an act of faith and holding onto God's promise.

    Job is also extremely competitive and the odds of getting an interview are 10% and odds of getting the spot after an interview is 0.03% Yup, so its time like this that I love when my God starts to show off happy dance
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