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Posts posted by ZIM402

  1. AHHAHA Thank you so much! I LOVE your picture idea! And I will give it a try.
    Thank you for understanding, I know I'm weird like that.
    *HUG* and Merry Christmas! : )

  2. Yes, both!
    For someone with ADD everything has to be perfect and organized...how do I explain it to you.
    With the 2 big rooms balancing on that 1 room it's structurally not safe.
    *I know it's a game and the homes can't collapse, but it's what my mind says.
    Also with the rooms being so big it wrecks the pattern. everything has to look even.
    so for a person with ADD, I see
    and THAT drives me NUTS!
    Yes, I can still paly, and I do.
    It's just hard to be in my own house is all. >.<
    Make me uncomfortable.
    Sorry, I tried to explain as best as I know how : (

  3. thank you for your quick response! O.O
    yes i had already contacted playfish with no response yet. : /
    i guess ill keep contacting them. *shrug*

    *its so hard to be in my pets house with the rooms like that! >.<
    come visit me and see what i mean!
    even ppl without ADD would be bothered!

  4. Hello. My name is Angela and I'm addicted to Pet Society.
    *Everyone* Hiiii Aaaaangelaaaa
    So my problem is that I bought 2 rooms using playfish cash. I wanted 2 normal sized rooms and got another level to my pets house with 2 huge rooms!
    I have ADD and can not STAND my house this way!
    please please please let me know how to get those rooms GONE!
    You all can KEEP the playfish cash just make my house NORMAL again PLEASE!

  5. I love that tree at the front of these posts. : )
    However December 1st is stressful for those who;
    don't have a job
    have a sick hubby to take care of
    and who need to beat the Dec 1st deadline for Pharmacy school.

    on a lighter note
    I have 1 Christmas gift bought : )

  6. OH THAT CAFE! Thank you to those who let me know.
    Yeah I'm sorry I'm THAT new! >.<

    It is getting easier to roam around PS forums thank you.

    Also I've joined the Addicted to the Boxes Club. : )
    *Oh MAN those things are addicting! XD!

    Thank you again to everyone for your help.
    I'll do my best to stay active here to help others
    and make new friends. : )
    *That's what PS is all about right?*

    Angela and Wusha

  7. Hello everyone,

    My name is Angela and my pet is Wusha.
    To be honest I'm new to "forums" and couldn't tell you how long I've been in PS.
    The game is so addicting I love getting my friends hooked, as well as make new friends.
    The ins and outs of PS are still a mystery to me like;
    How come some trees don't produce fruit ever?
    Why do we only get 20 or 30 coins visiting friends?
    And where did the pink staircase go?

    If you'd like to chat with me I'll be on facebook every evening around midnight to 8am Playfish time.

    Thank you for listening : )
    Angela and Wusha

  8. HAhaha that's so cool your husband started to hum the PS tune!
    Yes the Muppet Christmas Carol is awesome.
    *Like Muppet Treasure Island*
    And i'd LOVE to hear your music when it's finished!

    Would you add another music option to PS if you could?
    And what would the music sound like?

  9. It may have been brought up before, but lets talk about the music of Pet Society.

    Personally I like the town tune, but when I'm on PS for a longer time I find myself turning off PS music and opening you tube in a seperate window.

    How do you feel about PS music?
    Do you have it on or off?
    If off what DO you listen to while playing?
    If you got to choose more PS music, what style would you choose? (Country, Rock, ect.)

  10. Hedonism wrote:
    Black and blue bean bags? I've never heard of these... Would you please show me a picture? :blush3:

    i am fairly new to pet society but my friends who have been here longer say that I can get a blue or a black and even purple bean bag chairs in the 200 boxes, but all ive been getting are green.
    I do not have a picture. i am looking for 1 blue bean bag chair and 1 black bean bag chair. if you have been in pet society for a long time and say you havent seen either of these colors ill believe you.
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