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Everything posted by pingchuin

  1. 2 mystery cake 4 Ais Kacang 2 blueberry velvet cake 4 baby milk 1 purple heart balloon 6 tamale 4 chocolate poo all for 11*999?
  2. Hello again~ I would like to buy: chocolate poo*2 shamrock lolly*2 cherry syrup*4 peach syrup*4 heart lolly*4 chocolate bunny *4 tamale*2 blueberry red velvet cake*6 all for 14*999? I am already your friend
  3. I add something on my list~ paw tulip seed*3 Blueberry Velvet cake *6 Cherry Syrup*6 Peach Syrup*6 so my list as following: Ais Kacang*10 Spaghetti Al Pomodoro*2 New Potatoes*4 Noir Handbag*1 Blueberry Velvet cake *6 Cherry Syrup*6 Peach Syrup*6 Pink electric Iron*1 Pink Iron Board*1 Pink Lunchbox*1 paw tulip seed*3 How much would cost for each item??
  4. I would like to buy: Ais Kacang*10 Spaghetti Al Pomodoro*2 New Potatoes*4 Noir Handbag*1 Blueberry Velvet cake *5 Cherry Syrup*5 Peach Syrup*5 Pink electric Iron*1 Pink Iron Board*1 Pink Lunchbox*1 How much would cost for each item??
  5. all of your royal sparkling juice(7) and pear juice (3) and mystery cake (2) may I make it 2*4999+4*999+deer plushie? or?
  6. I have deer plushie, may I trade with you? because I don't have much more 999 >"<
  7. I would like to buy: all of your royal sparkling juice(7) and pear juice (3) and mystery cake (3) can I make it 2*4999+1*999?
  8. Hello again~ I would like to buy: Kolak*10 Nyonya Kuih*10 Orange Soft Serve *5 all for 5*999~ I've already your friend
  9. ok! I'll sent you 4*999 now
  10. I've just bought treasure map on your another thread~ can I buy all of them for 3*999?
  11. Do you mean royal sparkling fruit juice*1 sparkling pear juice*1 mince pie*1? I would like to buy them but how much??
  12. I would like to buy royal sparkling fruit juice*5 sparkling pear juice*5 mince pie*6 how much ??
  13. I would like to buy: Cherry syrup *4 Peach syrup *4 8*999 in total~~ I've sent you f/r , thanks
  14. I would like to buy 5 cendol as well~ so my list: 10 baby milk and 5 cendol~ 3*999 in total~~
  15. I've given you a rep thank U so much!^^
  16. I've sent my payment~thank you~~^^
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