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  1. http://www.petsociety.forumotion.com/memberlist.forum?mode=today_posters jok, napravila u photoshopu
  2. pink lips kad bih to dobila, ja bih bila naj srecniji pet na svetu.....
  3. danasnjih top 3 naj aktivnijih e za vas dvoje sam znala, ali za mene... nisam bas nesto ocekivala
  4. ne zbog toga, nego je bio haker, i nudio se svigde da hakuje, i banovali ga... kad sam ovo nasla mislila sam da ima photoshop tutoriale, i onda tek vidim da ima samo ono za hakovanje.....
  5. pa budala, kad se javno nudi da hakuje prijateljima.... :37:
  6. kako dobiti 99 old jukeova za 10 minuta
  7. yes... i think they'll change it for valentine's... i want them to dress him up as cupid, so he could go around pet's houses, spreading love....
  8. i need 26 more for a banana split after christmas i forgot about cooking...
  9. i have 77 red ones and 9 brown ones how much can you offer? (in PS)
  10. there is something that isn't in the spoilers, but will be added it's the valentine's tree seed it grows a pink, heart shaped cherry tree. that grows heart shaped cherrys it's really cute, but i can't post a pic
  11. i just earned 3000 coins, and 2000 paw points by visiting and scrubbing 27 inactive pets!
  12. wil there be a new shop for all of these? it would be logical.... imagine buying pets in furniture store?
  13. umm.. can i add the haunted floor to that? so, haunted mansion wallpaper and floow, and white silver wig, for 1x4999?
  14. video u prvom postu ja sam ga napravila lol
  15. no! but there will be a valentine tree seed and a heart shaped, pink, cherry tree, and heart shaped cherries it wasn't on spoilers, but i'm not allowed to post a picture that i've found...
  16. yeah, i forgot the snow... bunny went out to the shop, in the swimsuit, and she freezed! poor bunny.
  17. yeah, and the lottery design... it's still xmasy....
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