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clair a bell

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Posts posted by clair a bell

  1. Mangoberri wrote:
    Does that make me the only one that does not have any connection problems with the game?

    Your very lucky then, it really annoys me!!! I could shout at it sometimes

    kasijab wrote:
    mine is very laggy too ... taking forever to open gifts, and I have a fast broadband connection so it is not my internet .. Mad

    Opening gifts doesnt take me that long but visiting is a nightmare, i dont even do it that often as i get about 10 visits in an hour and thats just no good to me
    Ive always been on the same internet connection so i know its not that, its everytime theres so changes it all goes downhill from there for me, if they didnt change the game as much ide be ok lol x

  2. Where do i start lol. The last 'big' update for pet society resulted in my camera disappering and also my share button!!! Couldnt share flowers or ask for my missing petling!!! Basically couldnt post anything at all!!!!
    Now its even worse!!!! When i do visits my pet doesnt do what i request it too, if i click to kiss it dances or fights!! Sometimes ( rarely ) it does as i press but not very often That isnt really that bad but everytime i try and get on ps on my pc it says error 2025 or something and the faq wont load!! i dont even understand what its on about!!!! So i thought on, ive got my laptop back from my mums so ill go ps on there. Well it let me on and while on it i got the message about it being a new day and no need to refresh so i did what i usually do and just clicked another room in my house and nothing!!!! No new lotto so i refreshed and still no new lotto! I restarted, my laptop crashed!!!! So i logged into my other halfs profile and low and behold still no flipping LOTTO
    Why does this keep happening to me!!! I feel like giving up once and for all SadSad
    Poor old me ??

  3. Hello and welcome to psfc Smile
    Take a look around and get to know us all here, were quite a friendly bunch. Thers lots to do around here from chatting, playing games, entrering comps and much more. You'll need 20 posts to enter the comps but that wont take long Smile
    Once again welcome, its nice to meet you congratulations

  4. Gaiamaiden wrote:
    oh sorry hun! lol didnt expect this thread to be so busy lol

    but bless ya! lol there is nothing worse than making something only for something like that to happen xxx

    hey you its ok just made me laugh when i thought of it so thought it would everyone else lol
    plus you was talking about food, well cakes to be more exact so of course this thread was going to be a hit congratulations :good: x

  5. clair a bell wrote:
    i once baked a cake at school in the shape of something but i cant remember what now and when i got in from school i put it on the fireguard and it fell off and landed upside down :spiteful: and it got squashed!!! and i cried!!! i think i was about 13 lol dont know what just made me think of that but i thought ide share it with you all

    aaww did you not see my sad story lol x
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