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Everything posted by Moufisto

  1. Blame it on your VPS Pffftt. *puppy eyes* XDDD Cheers onion!
  2. Pretty much!! =D Except, lucy's the one falling off the cliff. No, really. XDDD
  3. Yes, there IS body parts and intestines and the like. but, NO it's not some psychopath, it's Lucy with a frown asking herself "Why can't anyone accept me for who i am, and decide that I'm the monster because of my horns" LOL HORNY erm *cough* every nudity, or violent scene serves a purpose. there is little/no fan service in this anime too, you'll be too fucked up by what the moment means instead of the details on what's actually happening. Episode 1, though, sets the standard of how bloody it can get. If you survive episode 1, you'll get past it all no worries, blood wise.
  5. Ah also.. i Must stress. Do Not WATCH THE ENGLISH DUBBED VERSION. It ruins ALL anime it touches, english dub. Ok not all. Just don't. Do Eng - SUBTITLE!
  6. Smurfs Blacks, Jews and australians
  7. Ello people. This is.. in reply to those who ask "Who's Lucy" and "What's your skin" and general questions to why i'm lucy =.=.. because i'm being asked quite a bit. Thought i may as well give some info on site. This is the background, to my skin. The skin's Lucy, from Elfen Lied. Most of you won't know what Elfen Lied is.. it's one of my favorite series/shows/anything. Reviews: http://www.freewebs.com/animelesson/elfenliedreview.htm http://www.themanime.org/viewreview.php?id=770 Note: Mr.Anime was wrong on one thing, diclonius wasn't made in a laboratory, they were pursued to be put into labs after Lucy started killing, but Lucy was the first one to come to the surface in the world, she was the Original. Hence why they hunted her so much. I think this sums it up pretty well: "This show isn't about blood, senseless gore, nudity, or violence.It centers around the idea that is humans divide each other due to differences. Elfen Lied involves themes of alienation, revenge, abuse,jealousy,regret and humanity. Yes,the show contains nudity and violence,but to truly understand this anime don't judge it on those factors. This animes theme is actually something we should learn from. It is a heartwarming story that will stick with someone for many years. One of my fave animes. <3" Most music vids you'll find on youtube on it, will be a mix of blood and gore, and won't portray the anime as it is. A means to a point, the comment i posted above, is what i refer to most in reply to these videos.
  8. I CAME. those were actually quite impressive.
  9. s'cool man XP we just care that you don't abuse the rank, we all have problems / other things going on irl so at least I, won't give you a hard time if you're away from minecraft for a while, and i don't think these guys will either. *shrug* have fun with it! 8D
  10. okay well thats because its the only way that you could see the poster AND me...xDYeah Kevin, why would you want a pic of a poster without her? I mean... well... y'know. yeah jeez kev. GOD. Feel guilty, plox.
  11. i hate you. guys so much. right now.
  12. Sorry *bow* we kinda hijacked it ;_;
  13. I call autism :< Someone edited it. What's this tomfoolery?!
  14. Courtesy of Mr. McBurger, some good songs he showed me lately. Thought i might share them since they're good.
  15. yeah i wondered about that too x.x
  16. Tongue-twisting kev on the scene for the girl. XDDDD But, you have a point, and i'll recognize it.. Still, it was fault to promote in the first place, so it's my issue to have promoted in the first place, as opposed to the demotion z had to give.
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