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Everything posted by Moufisto

  1. I guess we'll have to address it with him. He was begging me too, via Private message. If we demote, he'll rage. Normally just asking's fine, but a constant work of begging is a bummer.. I wouldn't say it's worth a ban, but then there's the risk we follow by taking action at all. Just mute him and warn him not to abuse his power or he'll be demoted. . . and remind him that we see everything he does, he has shown us why he shouldn't be adept, by his actions just now.
  2. cool song doom O.O here's some more from me. Good song. Just listen to the start of this one. it's so cool XD the rest is meh! Heavy. Cool blues song from Cowboy Bepop. Lovin' it.
  3. Kill and continue to the next opponent. I'm with po there, it'd be too hard to track. I was just about to suggest a "lives per level" sorta theme, but it probably wouldn't work even then. Also, Po, great work :3 now we need people to play
  4. you mean like how you promoted noodle in the first place?
  5. \ So you're thinking of more like, a world where the commands are set, like WoM's chat room sorta deal? I've seen that in a lot of servers, but i'm up for that idea too
  6. MattiZWE? He's awesome >.> He's been around as long as us, I don't have a problem with his adeptcy unless i just mistook matti for some other matti?
  7. by Sloth5950 on Sun Dec 04, 2011 5:06 pm Cause we are Boss!
  8. "So, I want to pass through with a World Filter. I may have mentioned this idea some time ago. Or even on this forum, i guess I'm bringing sexy back here; Why don't we put a world where mods have no power, for guests to join. Those who build, or want to be part of the community can still build in a modders world, but they just have to join Main, which is just an easy /j away. This sounds silly because others can just follow, but this should filter a lot of griefers who just roam around randomly, and little kids who just fuck around and then leave. It's not to be a hidden world, it's to be advertised in the main/filter world too. And it's to be made clear, that it's a filter world. Even call it "Filter" or some shit like that. Because we don't want random's asking us why we're not modding it, which of course, we'll be getting this regardless - but we can answer them when they ask, if we make it clear and give them all the right signs to refer to." This is all, to make it easier to moderate your upcoming builders, you may move builds into the Mains world from filter, upon request of the builder. You may also still promote in either worlds. It.. also reminds me a while back... I loved having griefers around, it made a challenge out of minecraft unlike the monsters in beta. this was all before mods... Anyway, back on track, me n eric are thinkin of putting it in, What are your thoughts, guys?
  9. Moufisto

    apc attack

  10. Moufisto

    apc attack

    i'd rather knife bomb.
  11. I'd say yes, but there's probably a better way to go about it. I've discussed with others about how we set up how we hide/unhide worlds. Not the command itself, just about, how we set our worlds up in concern to it. Since you brought this issue up, i may as well tell you, it's been noted that we could try hiding most worlds except 1 or 2 worlds from each RANK as a general world in game for them. Except, we put ALL the worlds and names up onto the site, and whom they belong to, organize details on that world and what not, In an effort to keep it more organized. I guess, if you guys can't settle for the options above in the end, we can try this, as i was thinking of it trying it anyway. =.=
  12. thanks man at least you tried, your efforts are appreciated
  13. Moufisto

    apc attack

    Should i be downloading that?
  14. Appreciated, but it wasn't your responsibility since you didn't promote them in the first place
  15. Thanks Doom, that helps a lot. So, it was a misunderstanding after all. like many things recently. . .
  16. Sounds like more miscommunication. One problem i have with this, is that you seemingly didn't put him back down yourself. If you promote someone for some time, to help, you shouldn't just quit and leave it be, they might do something stupid. Were you supervising? I mean, if you there, you could've easily clarified that he was not on trial, so i'm left to assume that you weren't there.
  17. ... You're still thinking of WoM. Just ask if you want to die, don't be so subtle. <3
  18. ...Yeah. ...Maybe? ...idk. Whatever.
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